The Prologue Canterbury Tales

“The Wife of Bath”
Respond to the following prompt- 10 min
theme (message) can be
applied to the “Pardoner’s Tale”?
Be sure to provide evidence from
the text (include line and page
Be sure to explain how this text
evidence supports your answer.
 Written communication, not verbal.
 Write the entire 10 minutes.
“The Pardoner’s Tale”
Frame story (Pardoner is speaking to the pilgrims on
the pilgrimage)
Three riotous boys
Make a vow to be “brothers”
Disrespected the “old man”
Go looking for death
Find a pot of gold (furloin=coins)
Two of the young men devise a plan to kill the
youngest man
Stab in twice
The youngest man planned to kill the two men by
using poison
Class Announcements
assessment on Wed./Thur.
Canterbury Tales
Prologue (characters
and who they are)
“The Pardoner’s Tale”
“Wife of Bath”
Essay (two different options)
Class Announcements Con’t
quiz #6 (Friday,
October 18, 2013)
Objectives: SWBAT
roles during the
Middle Ages
evaluate archetypes
Introduction “The Wife of Bath”
 Go
to the last page of the
questions for “The Wife of Bath”
 On your own paper, draw the
Venn Diagram.
 Write five things men want, five
things woman want, and three
things both genders want