BarCharts, Inc.® WORLD’S #1 ACADEMIC OUTLINE A B A S I C G U I D E T O W R I T I N G T H E A R G U M E N TAT I V E O R P E R S U A S I V E E S S AY SIX EVIDENCES OF ARGUABLE UNDERSTANDING ARGUMENT A GOOD ARGUMENT ISSUES AND THE WRITING PROCESS A. Has a strong foundation in correspondence; has factual A. Are issues compelling? support 1. Is arguer enthusiastic? WHAT IS AN ARGUMENTATIVE B. Has a high degree of coherence, or internal consistency; 2. Is audience enthusiastic? OR PERSUASIVE ESSAY? A. Attempts to present different sides of a chosen topic B. Attempts to convince audience: 1. To agree with facts 2. To share values 3. Accept arguments and conclusions 4. Adopt a way of thinking C. Built around a specific statement (also known as a claim, thesis, or main premise) 1. Is claim debatable within field of study? 2. Does essay support claim convincingly? D. Debatable statements (also known as arguments, assertions, propositions, premises) – other people may or may not agree with these statements Example: The ozone layer is depleting rapidly and we can’t stop it E. Non-debatable statements (also known as facts) – no one would normally disagree or agree with these statements Example: Inflation is not good for the economy LOGIC IN ARGUMENT A. B. C. D. Logic is prescriptive, that is, it tells us how to think Logic offers basic rules for coming to correct conclusions in argument Logic offers correctives to faulty thinking Basic laws of reason 1. Law of Identity (LI): A = A – a particular object is precisely that object 2. Law of Non-Contradiction (LNC): “A = not-A” – “A” cannot be “not-A” in the same respect or same time 3. Law of Excluded Middle (LEM): “Either A or not-A” – If something is true, this must exclude something (namely falsity) E. Syllogistic logic 1. Deductive logic a. General to particular b. Cause to effect c. Necessary conclusions 2. Inductive logic a. Particular to general b. Effect to cause c. “Scientific” reasoning d. Probable conclusions 3. Two types of syllogisms that form arguments and their fallacies Fallacy of Affirming the Consequent a. Modus Ponens (MP) 1) If P, then Q 1) If P, then Q 2) Q 2) P 3) Therefore, Q 3) Therefore, P NOTE: In light of MP, in the Fallacy of Affirming the Consequent, Q is affirmed whereas it is the antecedent P that should be affirmed. Example: If I am in New Delhi (P), then I am in India (Q). I am in India (Q). Therefore, I am in New Delhi (P). b. Modus Tollens (MT) Fallacy of Denying the Antecedent 1) If P, then Q 1) If P, then Q 2) Not Q 2) Not P 3) Therefore, not P 3) Therefore, not Q NOTE: In light of MT, in the Fallacy of Denying the Antecedent, the antecedent P is denied, when it is the consequent Q that is denied Example: Jesus was either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord. Jesus is neither a liar or a lunatic. Therefore, Jesus is Lord. F. Sufficient and necessary conditions for argument Sufficient Condition Necessary Condition •P ensures or is adequate for Q • P essential to Q (without P, Q can’t •Terms used: “If, in case, happen) given that” • “Only if, entails that, implies that” •Example: “If something is directly •“Only if space and time exist can observable, then science is being movement take place” practiced” • To refute the claim that something •To refute the claim that something is a thing is a necessary condition, is a sufficient condition, give an give an example in which Q can be example in which P is true and Q is true without P false a logically contradictory system cannot be true C. Has explanatory power D. Avoids two extremes; neither too simple nor too complex E. Established not only by one line of evidence, or by one knock-out argument, but by the cumulative evidence of converging lines from several sources of data F. Not complete in and of itself until it is implicitly, or explicitly, able to refute contrary arguments TYPES OF ARGUMENT A. Debate 1. Two sides argue an issue 2. Best presented argument is judged winner B. Trial 1. Defense and prosecution present argument to judge/jury 2. Judge/jury decides who wins argument with a verdict C. Dialectic 1. Opposing views are considered in an issue 2. Two or more people argue issue 3. Questions are raised to test strength of opposing views 4. Attempt to establish common ground in argument 5. Attempt to discover new ground by both sides D. Single arguer 1. Single arguer attempts to convince an audience 2. Claim presented, opposing views confronted 3. Outcome uncertain E. One-on-one 1. Single arguer attempts to convince another person 2. Arguer looks for common ground with person 3. One winner, one loser F. Academic investigation 1. Complex issue examined 2. Search for undiscovered knowledge and truth G. Negotiation – two or more people argue to reach consensus WHAT ARGUMENT REQUIRES A. Arguable Issue 1. Central focus on issue not yet settled 2. Potential for at least two or more views B. Arguer 1. Takes a position on an issue 2. States claim, defends claim 3. States counter-claim(s), offers rebuttal 4. Summary conclusion, restates claim C. Audience 1. Open to arguer’s claim and defense 2. Willing to listen 3. Willing to withhold judgment until arguer finishes 4. Willing to participate respectfully if required D. Common ground 1. What do audience and arguer have in common? 2. What do opposing views have in common? 3. Serves as foundation for opposing viewpoints E. Forum 1. Safe environment in which to argue 2. Arguer and audience feel comfortable to contribute 3. Often judge, moderator, or mediator controls or contributes F. Audience outcomes 1. Feedback from audience a. Complete agreement, no argument b. Total disagreement, no common ground, no argument c. Common ground, argument possible 2. Delayed feedback from audience (i.e. survey, poll, etc.) 3. No audience participation 1 B. Issues ripped from the headlines Examples: Was there prison abuse in Iraq? What caused the shuttle accident? Should the press secretary resign? C. Issues related to historical or ongoing topics Examples: Were Lewis and Clark really all that successful? What to do with deforestation? D. Hidden issues uncovered and exposed Examples: Rescuing Argentina’s children of the street? Are casinos rigged for profit? E. Issues argued to conclusion, present claims untested Examples: Who are pro-choice advocates today? Will marijuana legalized prevent its abuse? READING ARGUMENTATIVE MATERIAL A. Before reading 1. Scan the title, first paragraph, conclusion 2. One paragraph summary of material 3. What is your immediate opinion regarding the material? 4. Write the paper’s claim and counter-claim B. Begin reading 1. Read through material once 2. Read through material again, make marginal notes 3. Identify key words and phrases 4. What is the common ground? C. For complex reading 1. Read through without complete comprehension once 2. Read through again, recording complex terms/phrases 3. Use dictionary to define and understand terms/phrases 4. Read through again and attempt to summarize material D. When reading is complete 1. Do you understand? If not, perhaps more background is necessary 2. How is argument constructed? 3. Write your position on material 4. Compare your position to others 5. Gather additional material WRITING YOUR OWN ARGUMENT A. Before you write 1. Get organized 2. Create a timeline and a schedule for writing 3. What is your argument going to be? Explore material 4. Analyze the rhetorical situation 5. Focus and freewrite 6. Brainstorm, make lists, map ideas 7. Talk it through 8. Keep a journal, notebook, or folder of ideas 9. Mentally visualize major concepts 10. Do some directed reading and thinking 11. Use argument strategies 12. Use reading strategies 13. Use critical thinking prompts 14. Plan and conduct library research 15. Make an expanded list or outline 16. Talk it through again B. Writing strategies 1. Write the first draft 2. Get ideas on paper 3. Use outline and notes to guide 4. Write and rewrite as you go 5. Or, write the draft quickly and rewrite later C. Strategies when stuck 1. Read more and take more notes 2. Read your outline, rearrange parts, add more information to it 3. Freewrite on the issue, read some more, freewrite some more 4. Talk about your ideas with someone else 5. Lower your expectations for your first draft D. Postwriting strategies 1. Read your draft critically 2. Have someone else read your draft 3. Put draft aside for 24 hours for fresh perspective 4. Rewrite and revise 5. Check your paper 6. Write the final title 7. Type or print paper CRITICAL THINKING PROMPTS A. Associate it 1. Consider other related issues 2. Associate your issue with familiar subjects B. Describe it 1. Use detail 2. Make the description visual C. Compare it 1. Compare it with things you know well 2. Compare what you once thought about the issue to what you think now 3. Give reasons for a change of mind D. Apply it 1. Show practical uses or applications 2. Show how it can be used in a specific setting E. Divide it 1. Divide your issue into related issue 2. Divide your issue into parts of issue F. Agree and disagree with it 1. Identify extreme pro and con positions 2. List other approaches and perspectives 3. Why is each position plausible? G. Consider it as it is 1. Think about your issue in contemporary time 2. What is its nature? 3. What are its special characteristics? H. Consider it over time 1. What about your issue yesterday? 2. What about your issue tomorrow? 3. Does it change? How? Why? I. Decide what it is a part of 1. Put it in a larger category 2. Consider the insights you gain as a result J. Analyze it 1. Break it into parts 2. Get insight into each of its parts K. Evaluate it 1. Is it good or bad? 2. Is it valuable or not valuable? 3. Is it moral or immoral? 4. Give evidence to support your evaluation L. Elaborate on it 1. Add explanation for better understanding 2. Give examples to provide further elaboration M. Project and predict 1. Answer the question, “What would happen if…?” 2. Think about further possibilities N. Ask why 1. Examine every aspect of your issue 2. Answer the “why” with “because…” PURPOSE AND PARTS OF AN ARGUMENT Do the following steps to develop an understanding of the argument as a whole 2. “Chunking” – the physical division of an argument A. Survey 1. Read the title and focus on the information in it into its parts 2. Read the introduction and look for a claim C. Ask why parts are in particular order 3. Read the last paragraph and look for the claim 1. Attempt to determine the logical order of the 4. Read the headings and subheadings to understand ideas argument 5. Read the first sentence of each paragraph to 2. How did the author think about and organize the understand ideas parts? 6. Study the visuals: pictures, charts, graphs; read 3. How will I think and organize the parts of my captions argument? 7. Identify the key words that represent the main concepts D. Analyze relationship among parts B. Divide argument into parts 1. What is the relationship among the parts of this 1. Draw a line across the page each time the subject argument? changes 2. Do all parts contribute to a central idea? TYPES OF CLAIMS Identify each argument type by identifying the questions the argument answers A. Claims of fact: Did it happen? Is it true? foreign countries to further its own economic self-interests. Example: The ozone layer is becoming depleted. D. Claims of value: Is it good or bad? What criteria do B. Claims of definition: What is it? How should we we use to decide? interpret it? Example: Computers are a valuable addition to Example: We need to define what constitutes a family modern society. before we talk about family values. E. Claims of policy: What should we do about it? What C. Claims of cause: What caused it? Or, what are the should be our future course of action? effects? Example: The criminal should be sent to prison rather Example: The United States champions human rights in than to a mental institution. TYPES OF PROOFS A. Two types 1. Circumstantial proof: Physical proof, i.e. murder weapon 2. Intellectual proof: Insights in the form of verbal or written language B. Argument from deduction: Draws a conclusion from a general principle Example: All men are prone to prideful boasting. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is prone to prideful boasting. C. Argument from definition: Arguer proposes meaning of term to audience for approval, then says claim should be accepted “by definition” Example: Willful taking of human life is murder. Suicide is willful taking of human life. Suicide is murder. D. Argument from cause: Places the subject in a causeeffect relationship to show it is either the cause of an effect or the effect of a cause Example: Children of single-parent families are prone to drug abuse. (Arguer offers example of children who abuse drugs who are from single-parent families). Lack of a mother or father caused this drug abuse problem. E. Argument from sign: A specific visible sign is sometimes used to prove a claim Example: That person has mud on her boots. Gardeners have mud on their boots. That person is a gardener. F. Argument from induction: Provides a number of examples and draws a claim, in the form of a conclusion, from them Example: When there is no rain the grass withers. When there is rain the grass grows. Therefore, rain causes the grass to grow. G. Argument from statistics: Describe relationships among data, people, occurrences, and events Example: Illegal drugs entering into this country cause a rise in crime. Last year illegal drug flow into the U.S. rose 25 percent. Last year the crime rate nationwide rose 28 percent. H. Argument from analogy 1. Historical and literal analogies explore similarities and differences between items in the same general category 2. Figurative analogies do the same, only with different categories Example: Many people will die of AIDS. Many people died of the black death. AIDS and the black death are similar. I. Argument from authority: Arguer refers to own credentials or those of an expert Example: The ozone layer is depleting. A recent survey of the scientific community confirms this. J. Motivational proofs: Appeal to audience needs, wants, desires, better judgment Example: Dieting can make you better looking. It is proven that in job interviews the attractive person fares best. Therefore, go on a diet before your big interview arrives. TYPES OF CLAIMS A logical or reasoning error that is not related to the form of the argument; fallacies relate to whether propositions have any bearing on the case at hand Fallacies can be divided in the FALLACIES following way (see graphic): Formal Informal A. Fallacies of ambiguity 1. Equivocation: A word or Ambiguity Relevance phrase used two different Noncausal Causal ways Example: “If all men are created equal, why are some strong and others weak?” 2. Relationship (amphiboly): Words are clear but the sentence construction is unclear Example: “Last night I shot a burglar in my pajamas.” 3. Accent/Emphasis: Accent is placed on a certain word or phrase in a premise to distort meaning Example: “You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.” If you love your neighbor, can you hate everyone else? B. Fallacies of relevance 1. Noncausal fallacies of relevance: Deals with arguments unrelated to causes 2 a. False/faulty dilemma: Limited number of options given when more are available Example: “You’re either a capitalist or a communist.” b. Appeal to/Argument from Ingorance: Assumes one of the following: 1)Since something has not been disproved, it is true 2)Since something has not been proven true, it is false c. Slippery slope: To show that a proposition is unacceptable, a sequence of increasingly unacceptable events follow from that proposition Example: “If I make an exception for you, then I have to make an exception for everyone.” d. Complex question: Two otherwise unrelated points are conjoined and treated as one; they must be accepted or rejected together Example: “Do you support freedom and the right to bear arms?” e. Appeal to force: Certain negative consequences will follow if the portrayed action is not followed Example: “Anyone who does not agree with the new company policy will be terminated.” f. Appeal to pity: Agree to proposition because of the pitiful state of unrelated things Example: “How can they sentence this man to death? Who will take care of his wife and children?” g. Appeal to Consequences: Disagreeable consequences of holding a particular belief are highlighted to show this belief is false Example: “If we ban abortion-on-demand, the result will be back-alley abortions.” h. Character Assassination: A person or group is attacked rather than the proposition itself Example: “She’s just a radical feminist.” i. Prejudicial Appeal: A proposition is accepted based on loaded or emotive terms Example: “Right-thinking people will vote for candidate Jacobs.” j. Appeal to Popularity: A proposition is held to be true because it is widely held to be true by some sector of the population Example: “This is the 21st century. No one believes that anymore.” k. Appeal to authority: Appropriate only when the authority is qualified Example: “If I played baseball, I’d wear Spotbilt shoes.” (As spoken by a football player) l. False/Faulty Analogy Example: “Believing in miracles is like believing in Santa Claus.” m. Hasty generalization: Size of particular sample is too small to form a conclusion Example: “All Italians are bald; at least the one I saw was.” n. Begging the question: The truth of the conclusion is assumed by the premises Example: Miracles are violations of the law of nature. The laws of nature cannot be violated. Therefore, miracles cannot occur. o. Straw man: Argument picks the worst-case scenario and proceeds to discredit a position rather than picking the best argument of a position Example: “All tribal races are superstitious and ignorant.” p. Genetic fallacy: Claims that the source of a belief warrants rejecting that belief Example: “Your views against abortion are based on your religion.” q. Category fallacy/mistake: Confuses “apples and oranges.” Example: “What happened before time began? QUESTIONS FOR READING/ WRITING ARGUMENT A. What is the issue? (State as a question) B. What is the author’s particular perspective or “take” on the issue? C. How would you describe the rhetorical situation? D. Is this part of an ongoing conversation on this issue? What has gone before? E. Divide the material into its parts, and label the subject of each part: What are the subjects? Why are they in this order? How do they relate to each other? F. What is the claim? (Should be a statement) What type of claim is it? G. What are the subclaims? What types of claims are they? H. Is the argumentative intention clear, admitted, and straightforward, or is it concealed and presented under the guise of objective reporting? I. Does the author use logical proofs? (Describe them) What is the effect on the audience? J. Does the author use emotional proofs? (Describe them) What is the effect on the audience? K. Does the author use proofs that establish credibility? (Describe them) What is the effect on the audience? L. What type of language predominates: language that appeals to reason, language that appeals to emotion, or language that establishes credibility? M. What are the warrants? Do you share them? Do they need backing to make them more convincing to you? N. Are rebuttal arguments used in the argument to point out how the opposition is wrong or in error on certain points? What are they? Are they effective? O. Does the author exhibit a personal style of argument? (Describe it) What in the author’s background has possibly contributed to this style? P. Are there any fallacies in the argument? Or does the author complain of any fallacious thinking on the part of the opposition? (Describe) Q. In the final evaluation, should the claim be qualified to make it more convincing to you? To the target audience? Or, is it acceptable as it is? R. Are you convinced? Do you think others will be convinced? What do you perceive as the possible outcomes of this argument for yourself? For the target audience? S. Is the argument moral and ethical or immoral and manipulative according to your standards and values? Why do you think so? Where are you coming from? WRITING THE ARGUMENTATIVE/PERSUASIVE ESSAY UNDERSTANDING THE AUDIENCE A. Describe the audience in general: Who are they? What do you have in common with them? B. What are some of the demographics of the group? Consider size, age, gender, nationality, education, professional status, etc… C. What are some of their organizational affiliations? (Political, religious, social, economic). D. What are their interests? Outside interests, reading materials? E. What is their present position on your issue? What audience outcomes can you anticipate? F. Will they interpret the issue the same way you have? G. How significant is your issue to the audience? Will it touch their lives or remain theoretical for them? H. Are there any obstacles that will prevent your audience from accepting your claim as soon as you state it? I. At what point are they in the ongoing conversation about the issue? Will they require background and definitions? Are they knowledgeable enough to contemplate policy change? J. What is the attitude of your audience toward you? K. What beliefs and values do you and your audience share? L. What motivates your audience? What are their goals and aims? M. What argument style will work best with your audience? RESEARCH See QuickStudy® guide Essays and Term Papers for more detailed research tips A. Internet; verify that you are using a legitimate site B. Magazines, newspapers C. Books, encyclopedias D. Interviews, first hand sources F. Be sure to properly cite all sources in your paper – see QuickStudy® guide MLA/APA Documentation G. Get organized for research H. Use your preliminary outline and tentative research plan I. Start with bibliography J. Survey and skim K. Read creatively to generate ideas L. Take some notes and fill in your outline INVENTION WORKSHEET Write your claim; begin to develop your claim by using some of the following invention strategies; if you cannot generate information and ideas, do some background reading and try again A. Freewrite for five minutes B. Brainstorm C. Make a list D. Explain to someone E. Write your insights F. Mentally visualize G. Make a preliminary outline H. Think through the rhetorical situation I. Decide on some proofs that are relevant to your argument J. Apply critical thinking prompts (Critical Thinking Prompts on page 2, items A-N) K. Establish cause L. Develop your claim through five repetitions of claim, why, because: Describe where you need to add evidence DIVIDE ARGUMENT INTO “FOR” AND “AGAINST” Develops argument to be used in body of text Topic – Examinations should be abolished FOR: Test limited range of skills AGAINST: Passing shows effective communication/ problem solving FOR: Favor people who have good memory and techniques AGAINST: Exams have improved in past 20 years; test greater range of skills FOR: Depress students and deaden initiative AGAINST: Mental effort to prepare is valuable FOR: Set as if all have reached same level at same time AGAINST: Exams are rare at points of inequality in development FOR: Encourage competition and favor gifted students AGAINST: Solution is to find better ways to organize classes FOR: Different examiners grade student papers differently AGAINST: Modern examination boards ensure marking done fairly ARGUMENT THEORY Employ use of rhetorical situation, and proof system A. Analyze rhetorical situation 1. What is the real-life situation that makes me and others perceive this issue as controversial? 2. Who is the audience who thinks this is a problem? How do they view it? 3. What are the constraints that influence the audience’s perceptions of this issue? 4. What is motivating me, the author, to write about the issue; what makes me qualified? 5. What will be the purpose and strategies of the text I produce? B. Plan your proofs 1. Use of logical proofs 2. Use of proofs that effect credibility 3. Use of emotional proofs 3 SUMMARY OF THE ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY A. Introduction 1. Identify and state key ideas or concepts 2. Provide background to argument and thesis 3. State thesis clearly and unequivocally 4. Define key terms, describe approach for paper 5. Offer readers a guide for what is to come B. Body 1. Construct arguments 2. Support arguments with evidence 3. Confront counter-arguments 4. Write with a clear sense of audience C. Conclusion 1. Retrace steps 2. Restate thesis 3. Make a powerful closing MODEL ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY OUTLINE design in the universe. The appearance of design is an illusion. Reality is the Topic: Will the “Really” Real Please Stand Up? Part I (Introduction): Today, many people are questioning whether or not there is some evolutionary process, survival of the fittest, in action. kind of reality that applies to all of us that we should believe and align ourselves with. C. (Counter-Claim #2): According to Creative Anti-Realism, no objective reality In other words, it is objective, not subjective. In the popular movie, The Truman exists; we shape our own reality (or society and language shape reality for us). Show, a man named Truman (Jim Carey) has a life that is literally a TV show. Part III (The Case): To support the claim, I intend to show the importance of truth and objective reality. I will demonstrate the inescapability of objective truth by showing: Everyone in his life is an actor or actress. In the end, Truman discovers that nothing (Point 1) If people challenge basic principles of reason or laws of logic, they will was really real - or does he? Some people say that reality is socially constructed, and have to furnish us with objective reasons for why our use of reason fails. that we live within the limitations of culture and history, and no one can break them. The nature of reality is an important matter; many today are questioning what has (Point 2) Human beings are limited in their knowledge, but this does mean they seemed so obvious to others in the past. Is reality dependent upon the mind, or not? cannot be objective. (Point 3) Postmodernism allows for many voices to be heard. So why should the Is reality accessible to us, or is it different from the way we conceive or perceive it? Part II (Claim and Counter-Claims): Creationists be excluded? A.(Claim): According to Christian Theism, human beingsMODEL have been made in the PartESSAY IV (Summary): The Truman Show reminds us of the many “false gods” this world ARGUMENTATIVE OUTLINE image of a good and loving creator God. This means that we have dignity and has to offer, but it also reminds us that an objective reality does exist after all and that worth and that we are responsible and accountable for our actions. Reality is pursuing the truth really matters. Realism implies that there is something to know. To defined within this system. deny objectivity will land us in the mire of self-contradiction since to do so would be B. (Counter-Claim #1): According to Perennial Naturalism, the “cosmos” is all that an attempt to speak objectively. exists. There is nothing beyond the natural realm. There is no ultimate purpose or SAMPLE ARGUMENT PAPER Why Educate the Children of Illegal Immigrants? Opening sentences establish credibility by showing the writer is informed Writer addresses concerns of those who hold opposing views Quotation is cited using MLA Statistic is cited using MLA Quotation is cited using MLA Writer builds common ground with readers Immigration laws have been a subject of debate throughout American history, especially in states such as California and Texas, where immigrant populations are high. Recently, some citizens have been questioning whether we should continue to educate the children of illegal immigrants. While this issue is steeped in emotional controversy, we must not allow divisive “us against them” rhetoric to cloud our thinking. Yes, educating undocumented immigrants costs us. But not educating them would cost us much more. Those who propose barring the children of illegal immigrants from our schools have crowded their school systems. They worry about the crowding itself, given the loss of quality education that comes with large class sizes. They worry that school resources will be deflected from their children because of the linguistic and social problems that many of the newcomers face. And finally, they worry that even more illegal immigrants will cross our borders because of the lure of free education. This last worry is probably unfounded. It is unlikely parents are crossing the borders solely to educate their children. More likely, they are in desperate need of work, economic opportunity, and possibly political asylum. Charles Wheeler of the National Immigration Law Center asserts, “There is no evidence that access acts as a magnet to foreigners or that further restrictions would discourage illegal immigrants” (qtd. in “Exploiting”). The other concerns are more legitimate, but they can be addressed by less drastic measures than barring children from schools. Currently the responsibility of educating about 75% of undocumented children is borne by just a few states - California, New York, Texas, and Florida (Edmondson 1). One way to help these and other states is to have the federal government pick up the cost of educating undocumented children, with enough funds to alleviate the overcrowded classrooms that cause parents such concern. Such cost shifting could have a significant benefit, for if the federal government had to pay, it might work harder to stem the tide of illegal immigrants. So far, attempts to bar undocumented children from public schools have failed. In the 1982 case of Plyler v. Doe, the Supreme Court ruled on the issue. In a 5-4 decision, it overturned a Texas law that allowed schools to deny education to illegal immigrants. Martha McCarthy reports that Texas had justified its law as a means of “preserving financial resources, protecting the state from an influx of illegal immigrants, and maintaining high quality education for resident children” (128). The Court considered these issues but concluded that in the long run the costs of educating immigrant children would pale in comparison to the costs - both to the children and to society - of not educating them. It isn’t hard to figure out what the costs of not educating these children would be. The costs to innocent children are obvious: loss of the opportunity to learn English, to understand American culture and history, to socialize with other children in a structured environment, and to grow up to be successful, responsible adults. The costs to society as a whole are fairly obvious as well. That is why we work so hard to promote literacy and prevent students from dropping out of school. An uneducated populace is dangerous to the fabric of society, contributing to social problems such as vandalism and crime, an underground economy, gang warfare, teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, and infectious and transmissible diseases. The health issue alone makes it worth our while to educate the children of undocumented immigrants, for when children are in school, we can make sure they are inoculated properly, and we can teach them the facts about health and disease. Do we really want thousands of uneducated children growing up on the streets, where we have little control over them? Surely not. The lure of the streets is powerful enough already. Only by inviting all children into safe and nurturing and intellectually engaging schools can we combat the power. Our efforts will be well worth the cost. Works Cited Thesis, at end of introductory paragraph, states the main point Writer counters opposing arguments Reasonable tone keeps argument from sounding biased Writer uses evidence to support his thesis Transitional topic sentence leads readers to next part of paper Conclusion restates benefits of educating children of illegal immigrants Works cited page is Edmondson, Brad. “Life without Illegal Immigrants” American Demographics May 1996: 1. formatted “Exploiting Fears.” Admissions Decisions: Should Immigration Be Restricted? 7 Oct. 1996. Public Agenda. 10 Feb. 2000 according to MLA McCarthy, Martha M. “Immigrants in Public Schools: Legal Issues.” Educational Horizons 71(1993): 128-30. style The essay above is written by Andrew Knutson and excerpted from Diana Hacker’s, A Writer’s Reference, 5th edition, 2003. Used by permission of Bedford/St. Martin’s, New York. CREDITS: Author: C. Wayne Mayhall PRICE: U.S. $ 4.95 CAN. $ 7.50 ISBN-13: 978-142320331-5 ISBN-10: 142320331-3 NOTE TO STUDENT This QuickStudy® guide is an outline of the basics of writing Argumentative Essays. Due to its condensed format, use it as a guide but not as a replacement for class work hundreds of titles at Customer Hotline # 1.800.230.9522 We welcome your feedback so we can maintain and exceed your expectations. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. © 2004 BarCharts, Inc. 0107 4