Course Syllabus – Executive MBA Program --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Title: Marketing Management Course Code: MKT 601 Instructor: Rizwan E-mail ID: Office: Telephone: Office Hours: Module B /Year: Credits: 3 Prerequisites: None I. Course Description: Marketing Management course offers an introduction to the strategic as well as tactical orientation of marketing decisions. The course introduces the consumer behavior and organizational behavior theories, strategic planning models. The course also emphasizes the need for research in marketing and explains different types of the research designs used for marketing research. The course focuses on the concepts like segmentation, choice of target markets, differentiation from competitors, value to the customers and positioning, form of product or service decisions, pricing, marketing communications and use of delivery channels etc. II. Course Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. III. Explain the marketing concepts, tools and techniques. To apply marketing concepts/principles to marketing situations. To apply Marketing research tools and conduct market survey and analyze findings. Ability of the students to communicate, in an oral and written format, business analyses and topics. Course Learning Outcomes: After completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Apprise theories and models of marketing management (Knowledge) Implement different tools of marketing mix in different business situations (Skill) Conduct preliminary market studies for assessing market conditions (Role in context) Prepare and critically analyze professional marketing reports and communicate them efficiently (Self-development) IV. CLO-PLO Mapping Course Code Course Title PLO1 (KNOWLEDGE) PLO2 (SKILL) PLO3 (SKILL) PLO4 (AUTONOMY & RESPONSIBILITY) PLO5 (SELF DEVELOPMENT) PLO6 (ROLE IN CONTEXT) CLO 4 CLO 3 CLO-PLO MAPPING MKT 601 V. Marketing Management CLO 1 CLO 2 Text Books & Other Learning Resources: a) Text Book: Kotler, Philip & Keller, Kevin Marketing Management, 15th Edition, 2015, Pearson b) Recommended Readings: 1. Solomon, Michael R., Marshall, Greg W. and Stuart, Elnora W., Marketing: Real People, Real Choices, 8th Ed., Prentice Hall, 2015. 2. Grewal, Dhruv and Levy, Michael, Marketing, 5th Ed., McGraw Hill, 2015. 3. Perreault, Jr. William, Cannon Joseph and McCarthy, E. Jerome, Essentials of Marketing, 14th Ed., McGraw Hill, 2015. 4. Winer, Russell S and Dhar, Ravi, Marketing Management, 4th ed. Prentice Hall, 2011. 5. Best, Roger. Market-Based Management, 6th ed. Prentice Hall, 2013. 6. Kerin, Roger and Robert Peterson. Strategic Marketing Problems, 13th ed. Prentice Hall, 2013. c) Other Learning Resources: 1. McKechnie, Grant and Katsioloudes (2008): Positions and positioning: strategy simply Stated”, published in Business Strategy Series, 9(5). 2. Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan (2008), “Dubai – a star in the east: A case study in strategic destination branding”, published in Journal of Place Management and Development 1(1). 3. Derby, Jones and Al Madani (2003), “e- Commerce Marketing: Fad or Fiction - A case study in UAE”, published in Logistics Information Management, 16(2). 4. Nizar Souiden, (2002),"Segmenting the Arab markets on the basis of marketing stimuli", International Marketing Review, Vol. 19 Iss 6 pp. 611 – 636. 5. Muhammad Arham, (2010),"Islamic perspectives on marketing", Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. 1 Iss 2, pp. 149 – 164. VI. Pedagogy: The course employs a balanced mix of lectures/class discussions and case studies/projects. Class lectures and discussions provide an exposition to key concepts, and are supported by current marketing practices. The case studies/projects provide an opportunity to apply the theories, concepts, and analytical devices developed in the lectures. VII. Course Evaluation: All students are expected to observe the academic rules and regulations of the IMT. Please refer to your Student Handbook for specific details. Feel free to ask your instructor or Dean of Graduate Programs if you have any questions as to how those rules and regulations apply to this course. Assignments are important part of this course. All assignments must be handed-in on the due dates. Evaluation would be based on presentations, assignments, tests, projects etc. and a final Examination. Evaluation scheme is as follows: Assessment Component Project Case Analysis Quizzes Mid Semester Test Final exam. Total Weightage 15% 15% 10% 20% 40% 100% VIII. Course Content & Delivery Plan: Session Topic/Content Introduction and orientation to the 1 course, background for the study of marketing, What is marketing? Marketing system, definitions and scope of marketing. Core concepts of Marketing, Elements of Marketing Mix, Company’s orientation towards the market place. 2 3 4 5 Hours 3 Activity Group formation Case Study: Private Labels Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans Marketing and customer value Corporate and Division Strategic Planning Business Unit Strategic Planning Gathering information and Scanning the environment Demographic Environment Economic Environment Socio-cultural environment Natural environment Conducting Marketing Research and forecasting Demand The Marketing Research Process 3 Understanding marketing environment & 3 Case Study: Diwan – A Tale of Heart Over Matters 3 Quiz No 1 Case Study: Bahrain Bay: Building Customer Relations for the Future 3 Case study: Ariel in Egypt – The Value of Consumer Insight 6 Customer Analysis Consumer buying behavior - Consumer decision making model - Motivation theory - Brand personality dimensions - Types of buying behaviour Organizational buying behaviour - Buying centre theory - Differences between consumer markets and business markets - Types of business products and services - Trends in organizational purchasing Competitor Analysis and designing 2 strategies & Segmentation and Targeting - Bases for segmentation - Segmentation process - Principles of effective segmentation - Types of targeting Case study: Arabic BlackBerry – Adapting to the Language of the Market. Case study: Boeing – Selling a Dream (liner). Reading: Nizar Souiden, (2002),"Segmenting the Arab markets on the basis of marketing stimuli", International Marketing Review, Vol. 19 Iss 6 pp. 611 – 636. Case Study: The Arab Online World – Microsoft Maren 200 7 8 Developing and Communicating Positioning Strategy & Positioning - Perceptual mapping theory - Positioning possibilities - Points of parity and points of differences 2 Product Life Cycle theory and associated 3 Marketing Strategies Stages in Market Evolution & New Product Development Process; Consumer Adoption of innovation theory Status report of group project An Article by McKechnie, Grant and Katsioloudes (2008): Positions and positioning: strategy simply Stated”, published in Business Strategy Series, 9(5). Case Study: Activia in Egypt Case Study: Al Jazirah – The Genius Inventor 9 Product and Brand Strategy - Decisions related brand management 3 10 Services: Nature, Marketing Strategies Differences between goods and services Characteristics of services 3 11 Developing Price Strategies - Steps in pricing - Penetration and skimming pricing - Price adaptation strategies 3 12 Channel Strategy, Decisions and Policies 3 13 Managing Integrated Marketing Communications 3 14 Advertising, sales promotions, Public Relations and Direct Marketing 3 Case study: Alshaya – The House of Brands An article by Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan (2008), “Dubai – a star in the east: A case study in strategic destination branding”, published in Journal of Place Management and Development 1(1). Case study: Bose – Competing by Being Truly Different Case study: Fly Dubai Pricing Strategy Case study: Zara – The Technology Gaint of the Fashion World An Article by Derby, Jones and Al Madani (2003),“eCommerce Marketing: Fad or Fiction - A case study in UAE”, published in Logistics Information Management, 16(2) Group project presentation Groups Group project presentation Groups Reading: Muhammad Arham, (2010),"Islamic perspectives on marketing", Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. 1 Iss 2, pp. 149 – 164. 15 Organizing and Implementing the Marketing Plan International Marketing 3 Case Study: B-Tech: A successful regional brand Guidelines Case Analysis Form a group with the members of your choice. The group size should not exceed 4-5. Each group will be provided with a case and is expected to present and submit a write-up. Case Write-up The group is expected to analyze the case and prepare a write-up. The write-up should not exceed 5 pages (12 font; Times new roman, 1 ½ line space) excluding exhibits and appendices. Your write-up will be graded on both style and content. Present your ideas in a clear, concise, logical and organized manner. Don’t repeat the case facts in your write-up. Group Project Title: Comparative Market Analysis of a Organization The group is required to study an organization. The project work should not be a pure description of the company, but should also involve critical evaluation and/or identification of key issues. The following are some guidelines for the project: 1. Select an industry in which you are interested (i.e. consumer goods, industrial goods, travel, postal, health care, entertainment, finance, retail, etc.). 2. Select a leading business in your field of interest. For example, in the travel industry, you might select an airline, a cruise line, a tourism bureau, a hotel chain, a travel agency, a car rental firm or a resort/destination. 3. Prepare a critical evaluation of the organization that you have chosen. Some of the criteria for evaluation are: At whom is this product / service targeted? What is the product / service concept, stated in terms of results produced for the customer? How is it being positioned in relation to customer needs and competitive offerings? What is the level of customer satisfaction? How is it managing the marketing mix? What are your recommendations on its strategies on segmentation, targeting and positioning and marketing mix? 4. Conduct a comparative analysis between the leader you have chosen and a company (or companies) within the industry that does not enjoy the same success. What strengths and weaknesses do you find in their marketing efforts? How have their efforts enhanced or hindered the company’s image and success? 5. Your analysis should use the concepts developed during the course where appropriate. 6. The write-up should not exceed 10 pages excluding appendices (as per the same format suggested for case write-up).