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The Crucible Essay Rubric Checklist

English 10
Rubric Checklist – The Crucible Essay
INTRO – ______/ 10 points
_____ Hook/attention grabber
_____ Background Information
_____ Title, Author (listed correctly)
_____ Thesis Statement offers specific argument in
response to topic.
BODY #1– ______/ 10 points
_____ Transition
_____ Topic sentence connects to thesis
_____ Topic sentence includes main idea of paragraph
_____ Paragraph includes quote; quote is cited properly
_____ Context provided for quote/well-blended into writing
_____ Discusses/analyzes quote to help support argument
_____ Paragraph includes quote; quote is cited properly
_____ Context provided for quote/well-blended into writing
_____ Discusses/analyzes quote to help support argument
_____ Paragraph ends with a connection to the thesis
BODY #2– ______/ 10 points
_____ Transition
_____ Topic sentence connects to thesis
_____ Topic sentence includes main idea of paragraph
_____ Paragraph includes quote; quote is cited properly
_____ Context provided for quote/well-blended into writing
_____ Discusses/analyzes quote to help support argument
_____ Paragraph includes quote; quote is cited properly
_____ Context provided for quote/well-blended into writing
_____ Discusses/analyzes quote to help support argument
_____ Paragraph ends with a connection to the thesis
BODY #3– ______/ 10 points
_____ Transition
_____ Topic sentence connects to thesis
_____ Topic sentence includes main idea of paragraph
_____ Paragraph includes quote; quote is cited properly
_____ Context provided for quote/well-blended into writing
_____ Discusses/analyzes quote to help support argument
_____ Paragraph includes quote; quote is cited properly
_____ Context provided for quote/well-blended into writing
_____ Discusses/analyzes quote to help support argument
_____ Paragraph ends with a connection to the thesis
CONCLUSION – ______/ 10 points
_____ Restates thesis
_____ Wraps up main points
_____ Leaves reader thinking about the larger implications
Name ____________________________________
STYLE & MECHANICS – ______/ 10 points
_____ Double spaced; 12 pt. Times New Roman font; 1” margins
_____ Essay is written in present tense
_____ No use of I, me, we, or YOU (personal pronouns)
_____ Uses in text citations (Miller #).
_____ No contractions
_____ Proofread: No grammatical or spelling errors
_____ Sentence structure: Essay is free of fragments and run-ons
_____ Style, sentence variety, and diction (word choice)