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ajeet kumar ROLL NO;04

QNO: 01
TO: Employees
From; HR vice president of software network
Date : 15-feb ,2021
Subject: Less productivity in past years
The purpose of this memo is pay to attention in your works and improve the productions.
As you know that this time many companies compitate to each other and beat one another . If you less
production in this tough time . This is the big reason our company goes into bottom .
We are very disappointed with your performance and improve yourself and give the time to your
company and its production and do much and more production and this is very good way to beat our
compitators and make make the company more efficiently .
Feel free for your suggestion .
Your’s truly ,
HR vice president of
Software network
TO: Serving staff
From: Manager
Date: 15-feb,2021
Subject: Undesirable behavior
The purpose of this memo is to draw your attention towards the dining room etiquette in restaurant
As you know that the philosophy of this restaurant is to “ happy employees make happy customer” . So ,
on the basis of this philosophy all employees have responsibility to fulfill their duty by the rules of
restaurant .
We are very disappointed by the employees behavior at dining room , customer distracted by your
behavior . Employee behavior matter for the entire restaurant always .
Your’s truly ,
Manager of
To: Manager
From: Supervisor
Date: 15-feb,2021
Subject : Open child care centre
The purpose of this memo is pay attention about to child care centre for the all married female staff .
As you know that the our organization is very sensitive about the work . we all employees wants to child
care centre in our organization . our organization based on equality and gives to equal rights to male/
female staff employees .
We are facing very difficulty when we are doing the office work and care of her children at the same
time . And if you will open child care centre in our organization , this is the benefitial for the all females
/ WIDO staff
So kindly act upon this we are much and more thankfull to you . If you will open child care centre in
organization we can do work hard and more efficiently and it is the more benefitial for our organization .
you are always try to solve the our problems .
Your’s truly ,
Supervisor of
Your company