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Titanic Ppt

By Paulina
Basic Information
C o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e Ti t a n i c
White Star Line
D i ff e r e n c e s b e t w e e n t h e c l a s s e s
I n s i d e o f t h e Ti t a n i c
S i n k i n g o f t h e Ti t a n i c
T h e T i t a n i c w a s b u i l t o n t h e 3 1 st o f M a y 1 9 1 1 i n B e l f a s t , I r e l a n d
The RMS Titanic was apart of the W hite Star Line
The ”RMS” stands for Royal Mail Ship, created in the 1840 ´s and was
used to for shipping mail over the sea
Titanic was the biggest ship made at the time service
It was called Unsinkable
Edward Smith was the Captain of the Titanic who later died due the
ship´s sinking
T h e T i t a n i c w a s d i v i d e d i n t o t h r e e c l a s s e s : 1 st c l a s s , 2 nd c l a s s a n d 3 rd
The Titanic sailed from Southampton, England to New York, USA
The Titanic sank in the night of the 14.-15. April 1912 because it collided
with an iceberg
Titanic was built from the 31st April 1909 and was done
31st May 1911
Took 14.000 men to build
Titanic is 269m long
Weighs around 52.310 tones
One year to fully frame the ship
Over 3 million rivets to hold the steel in place
They built the Titanic with 4 funnels when 3 where actually
8 constructers died during the build of the titanic
The build of the Titanic cost 7.5 million$ which is
today around 400 million $
W hat is the W hite Star Line?
W hite Star Line is a British shipping company founded 1845 in Liverpool, England
It had the most contact with the United States, which means that their Ships most of the time
Shipped to the USA
List of most famous ships:
RMS Titanic
HMHS Britannic
RMS O lym p ic
RMS Homeric
RMS Oceanic
( HMHS  His Maj es t y's Hos pital Ship)
The Titanic used about 825 tones of
coal a day
Each engines weighted 1000 tones
The Titanic had 29 boilers, capable of
storing 48.5 tones of water
Titanic had two 4-cylinder engines
People say that the work was
dangerous and dirty
There was a high suicide rate among
the workers
The Titanic's total number of passengers was 2,214
1st class had 324 passengers
2nd class 284 passengers
3rd class had 706
The crew had an amount of 900 passengers
1st class tickets ranged from 150$ (now about 1700$) up
to 4350$ (now about 50,000$) based on the sweet you
2nd class tickets where 60 $ (now about 700$)
3rd class tickets where 15$ -40$ (now about 170$-460$)
3rd class
2nd class
People would describe the Titanic's interior as fancy and wealthy. They would also call it the
floating palace
The Titanic sank because it collided with an iceberg, that made a 91 m long hole one
the starboard side
When?  14th – 15th April 1912
Where?  Atlantic ocean
How long did it sink?  2h 40m
Who died?
1496 people died in total
412 women died, and 108 survived
112 children (under 12) died, and 56 survived
776 men died, and 648 survived
9 dogs died, and 3 survived
Why did they die?
not enough lifeboats for everyone
The water was too cold
3rd class passengers were locked up, so most of them died
Captain Edward Smith sailed the ship at a speed of 22 knots through the water with
The water the 1,500 people stayed in was 0 °c cold
No one was eaten by a shark, because sharks don’t like cold water
Titanic broke into 2 pieces
There is no survivor from the Titanic left
Last survivor was Millvina Dean, who was a two -month-old baby on the Titanic died 2009
The Titanic is now over 100 years underwater, laying 12 km down the North Atlantic
The Titanic had many famous and rich passengers :
John Jacob Astor  a businessman from New York with a net worth of 86 Million$ (now 2.6 Billion$)
Died on the Titanic
Molly Brown  a W omen rights activist who survived the sinking of the Titanic, plays also a famous
role in the Titanic Movie
The Titanic had 20 lifeboats which isn’t enough for all the passengers
All the 20 lifeboats had space for 1,178 people, which didn’t get used at all because people only
filled up the boats with 20 people, but they had space for 65 people