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Hearing & Language Processing: Auditory System & Brain

Chapter 8: Hearing and Language Processing
Module 8.1: The Auditory System
- Language production was one of the first cognitive abilities to be localized in the brain
The Properties of Sound
Frequency – rate of vibration / the number of wave cycles completed per unit of time
- Measured in Hertz (Hz) – cycles / second
- Human ear can perceive vibrations between 20-20,000 Hz
○ Maximally sensitive to sounds between 1000 and 4000 Hz (human voice)
- Codes for pitch
○ High frequency = high pitch
○ Low frequency = low pitch
- Range of frequency that an animal perceives varies widely across species
Loudness – corresponds to the amplitude (intensity) of the sound wave
- Waves of different amplitudes differ in the degree to which the high point (condensation of
air) and the low point (rarefaction of air) of the wave differ from each other
- Measured in decibels (dB) – sound pressure of a source when compared to a standard
intensity of 10-12 watts
- Conversation: 40-60dB
Timbre – complexity of sound
- Fourier analysis – a mathematical process in which complicated sounds are broken down into
simple component waves
○ Used to compress complex sounds on computers (MPEG-1, MP3) so that the series of
simple wave forms can be efficiently represented
The Ear
- Transduction – the ear detects and amplifies very subtle vibrations and transforms these
vibrations into neural signals
Transduction Mechanism:
- Sound enters funnellike outer ear, passing through the pinna (outermost visible portion of the
ear) through the hole (auditory meatus) which leads to the external ear canal
- External ear canal amplifies vibrations and channels them to tympanic membrane (ear
- Tympanic membrane vibrates and passes the vibration along the three bones of the middle
ear: malleus, incus, stapes
○ Collectively, the bones are referred to as ossicles
○ Each successive bone further amplifies the vibration, and transmits the vibration through
the oval window
- Vibration of oval window (which is attached to the stapes) causes liquid vibrations within the
cochlea (filled with cochlear fluid)
- Vibration of cochlear fluid causes the bending of basilar membrane and tectorial membrane –
elicits neural activity in hair cells
○ Hair cells are receptor cells of auditory system; connects with vestibulocochlear nerve
Anatomical Divisions of the Ear:
- Outer Ear – pinna, external ear canal
○ Catches and amplify sound waves
- Middle Ear – chamber between tympanic membrane and oval window
○ Sound waves are transduced from variations in air pressure into mechanical energy that
is propagated and amplified along the ossicles to the oval window
- Inner Ear – mechanical energy is turned into neural activity
○ Cochlea – contains inner hair cells and outer hair cells
 Outer hair cells outnumber inner hair cells by 3:1
 Inner hair cells serve as receptors for auditory system; only 5% of auditory nerve
cells receive inputs from outer cells
 Outer hair cells – modulatory role; helps to “tune” the cochlea through
contraction and relaxation
Inner Hair Cells (auditory receptors) have tiny filaments at their tips – cilia that are arranged
in order of height
○ Tallest cilia – kinocilium
○ When cilia move toward direction of kinocilium: Fibers are stretched, increased firing in
axons of cochlea nerve
○ When cilia move away from kinocilium (in very quiet situations): firing in cochlear
nerve falls below the normal (resting) rate
○ Organ of Corti: Hair cells + their cilia + support cells
Different parts of the cochlea respond maximally to different frequencies
○ Basilar membrane closest to oval window is quite stiff, receptors are exposed to higher
○ Near the helicotrema (apex), the basilar membrane is more flexible, receptors are
exposed to lower frequencies
Different projections from the cochlea demonstrate different activation under different
attentional conditions
○ Inner ear functions can be affected by higher perceptual and attentional pathways
Auditory Pathways
Pathway #1
1. Axons of cochlear nerve form a branch of vestibulocochlear nerve which synapses on the
ipsilateral cochlear nuclei
2. Pathway A: Most projects lead to ipsilateral or contralateral superior olives
○ Projections travel ipsilaterally to the inferior colliculus
Pathway B: some lead directly to inferior colliculus of the midbrain
3. At the inferior colliculus,
○ Some projects cross the to the contralateral side – eventually projects to medial
geniculate nucleus of thalamus, then to primary auditory cortex
○ Some project to the medial geniculate nucleus of the thalamus, then to primary auditory
Unlike visual system, auditory projections do not necessarily terminate in the cortex
contralateral to their origins
○ Projections may cross contralaterally at the level of cochlear nuclei and at level of
inferior colliculus
○ Majority of all auditory projections are exclusively ipsilateral
○ Most fibres cross sides before the projections reach the cortex
Pathway #2
1. Axons of cochlear nerve form a branch of vestibulocochlear nerve which synapses on the
ipsilateral cochlear nuclei
2. Pathway A: Most projects lead to ipsilateral or contralateral superior olives
○ Projections travel ipsilaterally to the inferior colliculus
Pathway B: some lead directly to inferior colliculus of the midbrain
3. At the inferior colliculus, projections synapse on the dorsal medial geniculate nucleus of the
thalamus, then project directly to the secondary and tertiary auditory cortices (BA42, BA22)
Auditory Cortex
Primary Auditory Cortex
- Neurons within the primary auditory cortex are highly specialized to respond to certain
frequencies of sound
- Is organized in a tonotopic fashion – has a frequency-specific sensory organization
○ Neurons are arranged in columns
 Columns in more anterior regions of cortex respond maximally to higher
 Neurons in posterior regions respond more to lower frequencies
○ Cortical neurons respond to a narrower range of frequencies than do the neurons located
earlier in the processing stream (e.g. Cochlea)
- Most right-handers have a right primary auditory cortex that is larger than the left
Secondary Auditory Cortex
- Areas immediately adjacent to the primary auditory cortex; is located lateral and anterior to
the primary auditory cortex
- Neurons in this region appear to be highly selective in the stimuli to which they respond
○ Highly sensitive to specific frequencies of sound, and sensitive to frequencies occurring
in particular temporal patterns
Module 8.2: Language Systems in the Brain
- Studies of language can be done in the normal, intact brain
Models of Spoken Language
- Language processing was thought to be a unitary function, all of which were subserved by a
single module in the brain
○ Supported by Gall and Spurzheim
○ Broca – language was subserved by the frontal lobe (third gyrus of left frontal lobe –
Broca’s Area)
- Wernicke – suggested that one area was responsible for the output of spoken language
(Broca’s area) and another area was responsible for mapping sounds to words (Wernicke’s
○ Wernicke’s area – located in the left temporal lobe, just posterior to the primary
auditory cortex
○ Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area need to be connected to provide meaningful verbal
 Connection = arcuate fasciculus
Lichtheim (1885) – Wernicke-Lichtheim model
○ Wernicke’s area maps sounds to words but its role in ascribing meaning to those
sounds is minimal
○ Concept centre ascribes meanings to sounds; connected to both Broca’s and
Wernicke’s area
○ Explained more of the language disorders than Wernicke’s original model, but is still a
gross oversimplification of language processing
○ Accounted for oral and aural language (that which is spoken and heard), but did not
account for visual language (reading and writing)
Norman Geschwind – produced the Wernicke-Lichtheim-Geschwind (WLG) model
○ Angular gyrus - receives projections from primary and visual areas, provides a basis for
visual language
 Located at the junction between the temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes
○ Accounts for many aspects of normal speech
 Spontaneous speech is produced by accessing the mappings of sounds to the
meanings in Wernicke’s area, projecting this information via the arcuate
fasciculus to Broca’s area, wherein the motor program is formulated and executed
through the primary motor cortex that innervates the mouth, tongue, and so on
○ Accounts for some processing of visual language information
 Suggests that the Wernicke’s area processes information in a similar way for
visual language information as it is presented with “real” auditory stimulation
○ Support for WLG model
 Provides a parsimonious account of many of the clinical speech disorders
 Confirmed by electrical stimulation and functional neuroimaging studies
○ Disadvantages: oversimplification and omission
 Oversimplifies processing of visual language
Models of Visual Language
- Differences between auditory and visual language:
○ Different modalities are employed
○ Auditory language abilities usually develop long before visual language does
 Auditory language is developed with relative ease; progresses well without formal
 Visual language – explicitly taught; acquisition is not effortless
- Current visual language models are classified into two general classes:
○ Single-route models – both types of reading can be subserved by a single distributed
○ Dual-route models – there are 2 functionally distinct routes for receptive visual
language: Phonological Route, Whole-Word Route
○ Both classes of models describes two ways in which words can be read: sounding out
the words or reading the word as a whole
Phoneme-grapheme conversion rules
○ Phoneme – a small, pronounceable, and meaningful unit of sound in language
○ Grapheme – smallest units of written language; letters
○ When words are unfamiliar, they must be pronounced by using phoneme-grapheme
rules; once they become familiar, their graphemic representation is “remembered” as a
Pseudo-homophones – letter strings that form sounds like real words
○ Eg. “Hukt awne foniks wurkt phore mee”
Prosody and the Role of the Right Hemisphere in Language Processing
- Prosody – the conveyance of meaning by varying the intonation in speech, including
changes in pitch, tempo, intensity, and rhythm
○ Can augment the meaning of the words in a phrase
○ Can reverse the meaning of words (eg. In sarcasm)
○ Can cue the presence of a question – by a slightly elevation in pitch toward the end of a
○ Can convey the meaning of single words
○ Can infer the speaker’s emotional state
○ Right hemisphere is specialized for detection of prosody
Differences in prosody presentation:
○ Large individual and cultural differences in the amount and type of prosody employed
during conversation
○ Sex differences – males employ higher rates of speech, more narrow pitch ranges, but
a greater pitch slope (rate of pitch change) than those of female speakers
Module 8.3: Disorders of Language and Auditory Perception
- Aphasia – “lack of language”, “no language”
○ Deficit this severe is extremely rare
○ Most who are diagnosed retain some (or even much) of their linguistic capacity
- Dysphasia – partial loss of language
- The different types of aphasia vary considerably in their severity and the deficits are almost
never complete – some functionality of the impaired system or structure is virtually always
Broca’s Aphasia
- Symptoms:
○ Inability to produce fluent speech, despite relatively intact speech comprehension
and intact vocal mechanisms
- Verbal problems evident are not the result of a generalized inability to produce oral-facial
movements – can blow out a candle or clear his or her throat
- Do not exhibit generalized cognitive impairments
○ Performance on nonverbal tasks remains in the normal range
○ Ability to understand and carry out verbal commands is preserved
Anomia – the inability to find the correct word (usually nouns and verbs)
○ People w/ Broca’s aphasia often exhibit some degree of anomia, but most exclusions
are function words
 Results in speech that is composed mostly of nouns, verbs, and some adjectives
 Telegraphic speech
Usually displays agrammatism but types of errors are usually errors of omission
○ Agrammatism – inability to produce grammatically correct sentences
○ Not limited to production of speech – understanding of function words can be
○ Compromises language comprehension only under certain circumstances – semantics
(meaning of words) may allow aphasics to understand the meaning of the sentences
Phonemic paraphasia – often substitute similar sounds with a word
○ Have difficulty producing the correct phoneme
○ Errors that are made appear to vary systematically with the physical requirements of
producing a particular sound – makes errors based on the place of articulation
Lesions located at BA44 and BA45
Exhibits problems in solving nonverbal planning tasks – problem of mental sequencing
which is necessary both for language production and for planning in a more general sense
Wernicke’s Aphasia
- Fluent speech, but the meaning of the speech is severely compromised
○ Word salad – random collection of words that form speech from an individual with
Wernicke’s aphasia
○ Speech includes many sensible orderings of the different parts of speech
- Can appear without any motor deficit
- Produces speech effortlessly but exhibit severe deficits in speech comprehension
○ Juxtaposition of effortless fluency with a lack of meaningful content
- Paraphasia is more severe than Broca’s aphasia
○ Makes more semantic paraphasic errors (substituting an incorrect word for the intended
○ Makes some phonemic paraphasic errors (substation of similar sounds with words)
- Are unable to correctly match linguistic sounds with their meanings
- When they attempt to converse, the words they produce might contain some of the wrong
phonemes (phonemic paraphasic error), or a different word entirely might be substituted in
its place (semantic paraphasic error)
- Appearances of neologisms in speech – sounds that a word comprises are combined in a way
that sounds like words (eg. Biznit, scrut, almod)
- Seem completely unaware of their deficit – fails to detect the errors in their own speech, do
not notice that they no longer understand the speech of others
○ Makes them appear much less impaired than they actually are
Allowed Wernicke to claim that the temporal lobe contained the memories for how
sounds correspond to words and other subjects, whereas the frontal lobe served to help
produce the necessary movements to create language sounds
Damage restricted to left frontal language area
○ Difficulties producing speech
○ Memories for sound images should be intact; comprehension of speech should be
Damage to temporal lobe
○ Impairments in comprehension and the meaningful production of speech despite
preserved articulation
Conduction Aphasia
- Leitungsaphasia
- Damage to arcuate fasciculus (damage to inferior parietal lobe that is deep enough to
penetrate the arcuate fasciculus) that connects Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area – disrupts
the flow of information from one’s knowledge of how sounds map onto words and one’s
knowledge about how to create such sounds
○ Both Wernicke’s and Broca’s areas are intact – comprehension and production are
- Results in an impairment in repetition despite fluent and meaningful spontaneous speech
○ Speech contains phonemic paraphasias
- Other areas of damage that may give rise to conduction aphasia:
○ Damage to blood supply around the arcuate
○ Highly local infections or tumours
○ Damage to the posterior sylvian region – may or may not include damage to the
supramarginal gyrus and underlying white matter
○ Damage to Wernicke’s area
○ Damage to angular gyrus
Transcortical-Motor Aphasia
- Retains their ability to repeat words and phrases
- Often mistakenly identified as Broca’s aphasia – spontaneous speech is halting and laborious,
comprehension I intact
- Articulation is not impaired when the person is instructed to repeat words or phrases
- Echolalia – exhibits a compulsion to repeat whatever someone else just said
○ Don’t need instructions to repeat words or phrases
- Can be triggered by damage to a variety of structures but all of these lesions involve a
disruption to the connections between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the
anterior portion of the Broca’s area
○ Results in a disconnection between Broca’s area and the supplementary motor area
○ Depending on the exact location of the lesion, other motor deficits can result
○ Connection between Wernicke’s area and Broca’s area remains intact – facilitates
compulsive repetition
Transcortical-Sensory Aphasia
- Analogous to Wernicke’s aphasia with spared repetition
- Similar fluent but nonsensical speech, riddled with paraphasias and neologisms
- Verbal comprehension is severely compromised
- Oral naming of objects is sometimes preserved
Unimpaired at repetition – echolalia
Caused by lesions to the angular gyrus, frontal lesions, or thalamic lesions
Observed during the latter stages of Alzheimer’s disease
Arcuate fasciculus remains intact – underlies the preserved repetition or even echolalia
Mixed Transcortical Aphasia
- Results from presence of two lesions:
○ Frontal lobe lesion that spares much of the Broca’s area
○ Lesion that damages temporal structures
- Clinically, shares the symptoms of both Transcortical-motor aphasia and
Transcortical-sensory aphasia
○ Halting, laborious, and meaningless speech
○ Impaired auditory comprehension
○ Preserved repetition and echolalia
- Suggested that disorder appears only when the right hemisphere is capable of subserving
some residual language function
○ The occurrence of a second lesion in the right hemisphere can eliminate the ability to
○ Injecting amobarbital into the right hemisphere of a mixed Transcortical aphasic can
impair repetition
Global Aphasia
- Most severe of the aphasias
- Global impairment of language comprehension and production
○ Speech is meaningless and nonfluent (halting, laborious)
○ Comprehension is impaired
○ Repetition is not spared
○ Hemiparesis often accompanies the language deficits
- Lesions that give rise to this condition are extensive:
○ Broca’s area
○ Wernicke’s area
○ Many of the cortical and subcortical structures in between Broca’s area and
Wernicke’s area
○ Often caused by damage to middle cerebral artery
○ Lesions don’t have to involve Wernicke’s area or Broca’s area – completely
subcortical lesions can produce the disorder
Anomic Aphasia
- Produces meaningful, fluent speech with preserved repetition but impaired word
- Circumlocution – the person may talk in circles around what he or she is really trying to say
to trigger their memory for the word by talking about related matters
- Results from lesions to a variety of locations
○ Lesion to Wernicke’s area – resulting anomia can still be fluent
○ Lesion includes Broca’s area or more posterior areas – fluency is impaired, and
agrammatism may occur
Pure Word Deafness
- Inability to understand spoken language despite preserved speech, reading, and writing
○ Can accurately perceive other noises, including music
- Extremely rare
- Individuals are quite aware of their deficits – indicates that speech is incomprehensible and
sounds as if it is a foreign language
○ Might complain that others are speaking too quietly or quickly
- Caused by bilateral lesions to the posterior superior temporal lobe, close to (or including) its
border with the parietal lobe)
Auditory Sound Agnosia
- Resembles pure word deafness
○ Displays relatively little trouble perceiving words but have great difficulty in
identifying environmental sounds
- Apperceptive causes – perceptual problems
○ Individuals confuse two perceptually similar sounds (both structurally and acoustically)
- Are relatively unimpaired at associating linguistic sounds with meaning
Subtypes of Acquired Alexia
Acquired alexia – reading disorders that appear as a result of brain damage in people who
previously demonstrated normal reading abilities
- Alexia / Dyslexia – a lack of reading ability
- Rarely pure – often some reading ability is retained
Phonological Alexia (letter alexia) – reader is unable to attribute the correct sound (phoneme) to
the graphemes in the written material
- Individual cannot sound out unfamiliar words but can recognize common words
- Makes errors in the form of visual paralexias – substitutes two similar looking words (eg.
Leaf and lead)
- Explained with dual-route model of reading
○ If an individual suffers damage to the phonological route, the intact, whole-word route
can still subserve the reading of both regular and irregular words
- Damage to posterior inferior temporal lobe
Surface Alexia – impairment in reading irregular words but spared reading of regular words or
even nonwords
- Explained in dual-route model of reading
○ If an individual suffers damage to the whole-word processing route, the intact
phonological route can successfully process regular words and unfamiliar words, but it
cannot produce the correct pronunciation of irregular words
○ Relying exclusively on phonological processing route causes confusion of the meanings
of written words that sound the same as other words with different meanings
Deep Alexia – reading regular and irregular is relatively unimpaired, but reading nonwords is
profoundly impaired
- Semantic paralexias – substitutes words with semantically similar ones during reading
- Relative inability to read words that are not highly imageable – incl. words that describe
abstract concepts and very common function words
Alexia without Agraphia
Agraphia – inability to write
- Loss of ability to write must not be attributable to basic sensory or motor problems or a more
generalized intellectual impairment
- Both alexia and Agraphia normally follow lesions to the angular gyrus at the posterior
superior temporal and inferior parietal junction
- Agraphia can occur in the absence of alexia and vice versa
- Often complain of visual problems – attribute problem to a visual disturbance
- Underlying problem: disconnection between visual perception and memory for orthographic
representations of words
○ If words are spelled out loud or traced into their palms, the affected individuals can
often identify the words; memories of orthography of the words are intact
Agraphia without Alexia
- Loss of ability to write despite retaining their ability to read
Subtypes of Acquired Agraphia
Phonological Agraphia – inability to write a word on the basis of “sounding it out”, despite the
ability to write both regular and irregular words
- Can be diagnosed by asking an individual to write nonwords
- Explained by dual-route model of writing in which the individual suffers damage along the
phonological rote, but the intact whole-word route is able to subserve the writing of words
with preformed orthographic memories
Surface Agraphia – inability to write irregular words (eg. yacht or colonel) despite the ability to
write regular words and nonwords by “sounding them out”
- Explained by dual-route model of reading: whole-word route is damaged, intact phonological
route can subserve the writing of words or nonwords that follow phoneme-grapheme
correspondence rules
Deep Agraphia – individuals cannot write words on the basis of phoneme-grapheme
correspondence rules
- Involves semantic paragraphias – semantically related substitutions in writing
- Can occur in the absence of semantic paragraphias in reading
- Difficult to explain by dual-route models of reading
○ Probably involves damage along the phonological route but might also involve lesions
disconnecting (or partially disconnecting) the whole-word route from the semantic
- Loss of ability to produce or comprehend prosody in speech, which usually follows right
hemisphere damage
Motor aprosodia – anterior lesions tend to impair the production of prosody; analogous to
Broca’s aphasia
Sensory aprosodia – posterior lesions selectively impair the comprehension of prosody;
analogous to Wernicke’s aphasia
Conduction aprosodia – both spontaneous production and comprehension are intact, but
repetition is impaired
Transcortical-sensory aprosodia – spontaneous production and repetition are intact, but
comprehension is impaired
Transcortical-motor aprosodia – prosodic comprehension and repetition are intact, but
spontaneous production is impaired
Emotion is experienced privately, within the self, but the emotional state of an individual can
be communicated to others
○ Humans have both the perception and experience of the emotional state in the self and
the perception of the emotional state of others
○ Humans also perceives that others cannot truly understand the nature or depth of a
person’s emotions, because they are subjective and personal