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Hill-Sachs Lesion Symptoms & Treatment SSM Health

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Home / Services / Orthopedics / Shoulder & Upper Extremity / Hill-Sachs Lesion
Hill-Sachs Lesion
A Hill-Sachs lesion is a fracture in the long bone in the upper arm (humerus) that
connects to the body at the shoulder. You doctor might have discovered this
condition if you’ve experienced a dislocated shoulder. In this case, the arm bone
slips out of the socket and is compressed against the socket’s rim. This creates a
dent in the head of the humerus, causing debilitating pain and limited arm
If you’ve been diagnosed with Hill-Sachs lesion, or have pain in your shoulder that
just won’t go away, SSM Health Orthopedics can help you. Our highly-skilled
physicians comprehensively evaluate injuries and can develop the most e ective
approach to relieve your pain and get you back on track. Our team of surgeons,
nurses, and therapists o er both surgical and non-surgical options, including
physical therapy to help heal and strengthen your shoulder.
Signs & Symptoms of Hill-Sachs Lesion
The most common sign of Hill-Sachs lesion is severe pain in the shoulder, especially
during movement. Other symptoms you may notice include:
Nausea, lightheadedness and weakness
Recurring shoulder dislocations
Squared o appearance of the shoulder, sometimes with a bulge in the front of
the joint
Talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms. An MRI of your
shoulder is the best way to understand the extent of your shoulder injury and
develop the right care plan to treat your pain.
Treatment for Hill-Sachs Lesion
SSM Health Orthopedics is at the forefront of treating Hill-Sachs lesion in the region.
As we carefully tailor each treatment to a patient’s speci c needs, our patients
continually experience excellent outcomes, including increased comfort and
exibility, reduced pain and quicker recovery.
If you’re considering shoulder surgery, it’s important your doctor rules out a HillsSachs lesion before performing a repair. If the lesion is large and untreated, the
separate shoulder repair many not be successful. With our expertise, you’ll
understand what the best options are for you.
For smaller sized Hills-Sachs lesions, in which less than 20% of the humeral head has
been a ected, physical therapy, or careful observation may be an e ective option.
For more severe cases and larger lesions, surgery is likely your best option for
Surgical Treatment Options
As a leading hospital for orthopedic surgery, our team o ers the full range of
innovative and traditional surgical techniques to treat Hills-Sachs lesion. These
Capsular Shift: Shifts the shoulder capsule to tighten tissue and avoid
excessive shoulder rotation
Bone Grafting/Tissue Filling: Uses either bone (often from the pelvis) or soft
tissue to ll the defects in the humeral head
Disimpaction: Lifts the compressed bone to restore the shape of the humeral
Shoulder & Upper
 Total Shoulder Replacement
 Rotator Cu Injuries
 Hill-Sachs Lesion
Remplissage: This is an arthroscopic technique in which the rotator cu and
capsule is sewn into the bony defect to reduce the risk of recurrent dislocation
Shoulder Replacement: This surgery is reserved as the last resort and is
generally used for large defects in older patients
At SSM Health Orthopedics, we understand that shoulder pain can keep you from
doing the things you love. Take the next step in your care and schedule an
appointment with our team today. After a thorough evaluation, we will create a
treatment plan to meet your speci c needs and get you back on track.