1. Python Program to print addition of two numbers: a=eval(input(“enter first no”)) b=eval(input(“enter second no”)) c=a+b print(“the sum is “,c) 2. Python Program to print area of rectangle l=eval(input(“enter the length of rectangle”)) b=eval(input(“enter the breath of rectangle”)) a=l*b print(a) 3. Python Program to print Area & circumference of circle r=eval(input(“enter the radius of circle”)) a=3.14*r*r c=2*3.14*r print(“the area of circle”,a) print(“the circumference of circle”,c) 4. Python Program to print eligible to vote or not age=eval(input(“enter ur age”)) If(age>=18): print(“eligible for voting”) else: print(“not eligible for voting”) 5. Python Program to print sum of n natural numbers n=eval(input('enter the number')) i=1 sum=0 while(i<=n): sum=sum+i i=i+1 print(sum) 1 6. Python Program to Check Whether a Given Year is a Leap Year year=int(input("Enter year to be checked:")) if(year%4==0 and year%100!=0 or year%400==0): print("The year is a leap year!) else: print("The year isn't a leap year!) 7. Python Program to Compute Simple Interest principle=float(input("Enter the principle amount:")) time=int(input("Enter the time(years):")) rate=float(input("Enter the rate:")) simple_interest=(principle*time*rate)/100 print("The simple interest is:",simple_interest) 8. Python Program to Check if a Number is Positive, Negative or 0 num = float(input("Enter a number: ")) if num >= 0: if num == 0: print("Zero") else: print("Positive number") else: print("Negative number") 9. Python Program to Check if a Number is Odd or Even num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) if (num % 2) == 0: print("number is Even") else: print("number is Odd") 10. Python Program to Check biggest of 3 numbers a=eval(input('enter first number')) b=eval(input('enter second number')) 2 c=eval(input('enter third number')) if((a>b) and (a>c)): print('a is big') elif(b>c): print('b is big') else: print('c is big') 11. Python Program to swap two numbers: x=eval(input('enter first number')) y=eval(input('enter second number')) temp = x x=y y = temp print('The value of x after swapping: {}'.format(x)) print('The value of y after swapping: {}'.format(y)) Output: Enter value of x: 14 Enter value of y: 36 The value of x after swapping: 36 The value of y after swapping: 14 12. Python Program to Check Armstrong Number 153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3 // 153 is an Armstrong number. num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) # initialize sum sum = 0 # find the sum of the cube of each digit 3 temp = num while temp > 0: digit = temp % 10 sum += digit ** 3 temp //= 10 # display the result if num == sum: print(num,"is an Armstrong number") else: print(num,"is not an Armstrong number") Output: 1. Enter a number: 153 153 is an Armstrong number 2. Enter a number: 126 126 is not an Armstrong number 13. Python Program to Display the multiplication Table # To take input from the user num = int(input("Display multiplication table of? ")) for i in range(1, 6): print(num,'x',i,'=',num*i) Output: Display multiplication table of? 6 6x1=6 6 x 2 = 12 6 x 3 = 18 6 x 4 = 24 6 x 5 = 30 4