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Research Methodology Book Review: Kothari & Garg

Book Review
A Book Review on
PHD course work, Teaching Technology
December /2015
Book Review
This is a book review of the book "Research Methodology: methods and techniques " which
is authorized by Kothari, 2014,located in New Delhi, India. This volume is 449 pages and retails
at $22.9. Dr. C R Kothari was principal ,college of commerce and associate professor in the
department of Economics administration and Finanacial Management,University of
The author is co-authored
with Dr. Gaurav Garg,
associate professor in decision sciences area, Indian institute of Management,Lucknow,Uttar
pradesh,India. Dr C.R Kothari is known for his Quantitative Techniques all over the country
including An Introduction to Operational Research.
Thesis of the author.
" The author's thesis is that much of researches, particularly, in social sciences, contain
endless word revolving and too many quotations. Thus a great deal of research tends to be
ineffective. The need, therefore, to pay due attention to designing and adhering to the
appropriate research methodology throughout for improving the quality of research."
As a PhD course work student, I am now embarking on a scientific journey. By the time
I finish my course work, I would have acquired sufficient know-how, and critical and analytical
thinking to be able to frame my thesis in a scientific context, as well as devise ways to
systematically obtain answers to my research questions. In short, I will conduct scientific
research. This necessarily demands knowledge of research methodology best suited to the
researcher's constraints and appropriate to the study.
A proper understanding and appropriateness of research techniques help us in making the
best use of research resources whether primary or secondary. Research Methodology is
taught in many academic disciplines although vary in content, even then their broad approach
to a research inquiry is similar.
Book Review
The book is primarily targeted to serve as text book to Graduate and post graduate students of
research methodology. The author has used many flow charts and practical examples to
communicate concepts; and areas covered in the book follows a simple to complex approach
in terms of their discussion. The author takes in consideration modern tools and techniques used
in research analysis by introducing advanced level data analysis.
Analysis and Evaluation of the Book.
Research is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data in order to understand a
phenomenon. The research process is systematic in that defining the objective, managing the
data, and communicating the findings occur within established frameworks and in accordance
with existing guidelines. The frameworks and guidelines provide researchers with an indication
of what to include in the research, how to perform the research, and what types of inferences
are probable based on the data collected.
The Book covers different issues. It covers all aspects of analysis of data with methodologies
explained in 19 chapters. For analysis purpose the reviewer has arranged in operational steps
in research process into seven parts Viz, formulating a research problem; conceptualize a
research design; constructing an instrument for data collection( measurement and scaling);
selecting a sample and collecting data; analyzing of data; Hypothesis and data analysis and
writing a research report as per the following Chart:
Part I. Research methodology and formulating the research problem.
In part I chapter one(1) and two(2) were discussed and the author examined what research is,
the different perspectives of research types, the significances of research, approaches of
research, research methods and methodology, research and scientific method and the research
process. particularly, the task of defining a research problem, very often, follows a sequential
pattern. The book also assessed what constitutes scientific research and examined the steps
involved in the hypothetico-deductive method of studying a problem in order to solve it.
The author articulated the task of defining a research problem in a sequential pattern so that it
is meaningful from an operational point of view and capable of paving the way for the
development of working
hypothesis and means of solving the problem itself. Scientific
investigation/philosophy of research is absent. The author has not incorporated theoretical
framework which should have been grounded on sound defendable logic to start with. Fall to
address theories based on deductive and inductive approach which may help readers to
Book Review
understand ,explain and predict business phenomena. Absence of examples were provided to
identify them. Editing errors(3) under some other type of research, which should have been
read as 'from'. Research methods verses Research methodology (8) the author failed to give
practical examples. On the same page(8) research and scientific method were not clearly
separated. Moreover, types of
Probability and non-probability sampling (14) were not
separately discussed which may confuse readers on top of lack of clarity in discussing the
non- probability sampling. The author defined a research problem only from the point view
of some difficulty which a researcher experiences in the context of either a theoretical or
practical situation and wants to obtain a solution for the same . However, a problem could
also indicate an interest in an issue where finding the right answers might help to improve an
existing situation. The book pointed out in selecting the problem(10), controversial subjects
should not become the choice of an average researcher. However, it can be argued that a
research topic can be on which there is no agreement. The difference between sampling
errors and non sampling errors lack clarity and were not given by illustrative examples.
Part II. Conceptualization of a research design.
In chapter 3 research design(29) and chapter 4 design of sample surveys(52) the author has
discussed the need to give due weight to various points such as the type of universe, and its
nature, the objective of the study, the resources list, desired standard of accuracy and they
like when taking a decision in respect of the design any research project. The book also assessed
the situations in which exploratory, descriptive and hypothesis tastings are called for.
Experimental designs with particular reference to informal experimental designs and informal
experimental designs were elaborated.
The book examined how the extraneous variables in detecting the cause and effect
relationship can be controlled through the process of randomization, replication and local
control. Sampling design decisions are important aspects of research design and include both
the sampling plan to be used and the sample size that will be needed. probability sampling plans
lend themselves to generalizability and non-probability sampling designs though not
generalizable offer convenient and timely information.
In this part of the book the author assessed experimental designs from simpler to complex
concepts. Detail procedures for conducting any design of experiment was provided which gives
theoretical approach formula comparison with experiment. But literature review was not
discussed though this is key to defining the research problem.
Book Review
Part III: Constructing an instrument for data collection (Measurement and Scaling ).
The author discussed quantitative and qualitative measures of scales(66) including the four
types of measurement scales: Nominal, ordinal, interval and Ratio were elaborated in detail with
comparative and non comparative scaling techniques.
But how the goodness of measures of tests is established by means of item analysis and
reliability and validity tests were not discussed by the author. i.e the goodness of measures in
terms of reliability and validity were not addressed. The book assessed the four types of
measurement scales and scaling techniques in detail but attitude scaling was not fully covered
like Thurston equal appearing scale where as how Likert scales are constructed, illustrated
by means of live examples which would help students understand much better has been
Part Four: Data collection and Data preparation.
In this part , Chapter 6; data collection(89) and Chapter 7 data preparation(114) the various
sources of data and several data collection methods were explained. The advantages and
disadvantages as well as the bias inherent in each data collection method was discussed.
Moreover the impact of technology on data collection was also examined by the author. But
the author did not consider the remedies to minimize the inherent bias in each of the data
collection methods. Moreover the author has not mention some points related to cultural
differences while collecting data in a different culture.
Moreover, the steps necessary to get the data ready for analysis-editing, coding, categorizing
and tabulation were seen. In addition to the traditional methods of data collection methods,
some other methods of data collection(102) like warranty cards, distributor audits, panty audits,
consumer panels and use of mechanical devices were added. After each and every chapter there
should have been a chapter summary so that readers could comprehend the main points but
the author did not produced them consistently chapter by chapter.
Part Five: Analyzing of data.
In this category,
Chapter 9 descriptive statistics(129) and Chapter 10 Inferential
statistics(147),were considered. In both chapters, steps of the procedures for analyzing data once
they are collected were assessed. Descriptive statistics are the tabular, graphical, and numerical
methods used to summarize data whereas the process of statistical inference uses data obtained
from a sample to make estimates or test hypotheses about the characteristics of
Book Review
a population. Very nice book with explanation and clear, informal and no intimidating in
some area but in some areas examples are not adequate. Chapter 9,Sampling and statistical
inference(149), interval estimation, sample size and its determination application is excellent.
General approaches for the analysis of qualitative data have not developed and how to assess
the reliability and validity of findings were not addressed in the book
Part Six: Hypothesis testing and Data analysis
In this part; Chapter 10,testing of hypothesis(179),Chapter 11,chi-square(235),Chapter 12,
analysis of variance, NOVA(261),Chapter 14,Other non-parametric methods(290); Chapter
15, Factor analysis(348), Chapter 16,Discriminant analysis(373),chapter 17, Cluster
analysis(387), Chapter 18, other multivariate techniques(400) were included. In this part of
the book dependent and independent were discussed but author didn't touch moderating and
mediating variables. In addition the author failed to illustrate how the theoretical framework
is developed which are by far very important for the generation of testable hypothesis.
However the book explained when a null hypothesis should be accepted or rejected, based on
whether or not the results of hypothesis testing meet the significant test. The procedure for
hypothesis testing were covered in detail. i.e. various statistical analyses and tests used to
examine different hypothesis to answer research questions were discussed in detail. On the other
hand no attempt was given by the author the test for hypothesis in qualitative research.
Testing of hypothesis(179) chapter is very detailed mathematical presentation. The author
has attempted to explain the different parts of descriptive statistics(140) including measures
of central tendency, measures of dispersion, measures of skewness, measures of kurtosis and
association of attributes, but fail to provide an illustration except presenting the formulas. The
author has discussed types of analysis(126) under data preparation and raised the concepts of
univarite, bivarite, and multivarite analysis. Even though theoretical explanations have been
discussed, mathematical explanations were given on univarite and bivarite(correlation
techinques, association of attributes),the author did not give simple regression. This can be
argued from the point view of like univarite analysis, bivarite analysis regression analysis
can also be descriptive or inferential.
Common forms of bivarite analysis involve creating a percentage table or a scatter plot graph
and computing a simple correlation coefficient or simple linear regression. For a right tailed
test(185) when we wish to test null hypothesis against alternative hypothesis, we should set
Book Review
Ho: µ=µo against H1:µ<µo whereas the probability curve in the figure shown does not
portray the case. It showed us the left tailed test. In Chapter twelve important features of
ANOVA and ANOCOVA techniques have been explained and illustrated. . The author
attempted to illustrate the use of SPSS in solving factor analysis(366),for example results on
KMO test, Bartlett test of sphericity, communalities and etc. Many of the calculation
examples do not have interpretations to assist readers in understanding and interpreting the
statistical results. because of the availability of computers and software it is no longer necessary
to dwell on calculations.
Parametric tests also assume that the scores being analyzed come from populations that are
normally distributed and have equal variances. When the data collected flagrantly violate
these assumptions, the researcher must select an appropriate nonparametric test.
nonparametric techniques will be demonstrated all together the better. The author presented
Chi-square test(235) without describing the assumption behind it presented under chapter 10
where as the remaining non- parametric tests like Wilcoxon signed rank sum(294),Mann
whitney test(297),kruskul Wallis test(302) and they like were presented under chapter 13. While
the author claimed the usuage of statistical packages SPSS, there was no SPSS run for all non
parametrical tests and Analysis of variance(261).
Regression and correlation are closely related. Both techniques involve the relationship
between two variables, and they both utilize the same set of paired scores taken from the
same subjects. However, whereas correlation is concerned with the magnitude and direction
of the relationship, regression focuses on using the relationship for prediction. In terms of
prediction, if two variables were correlated perfectly, then knowing the value of one score
permits a perfect prediction of the score on the second variable. Generally, whenever two
variables are significantly correlated, the researcher may use the score on one variable to
predict the score on the second. on chapter 14(314) but the book doesn't give clear and short
and understandable issues to the readers
The author gave a brief introduction of some multivariate techniques in chapter 18( which are
important for they make it possible to encompass all the data from an investigation in one
analysis. Issues related to pass analysis(403), canonical correlation(404), multidimensional
scaling(405), multivariate ANOVAs(405) and latent structure analysis(406)were introduced.
Although their application in the context of research studies have been accelerated with the
advent of electronic computers, the author has not discussed them with illustrative examples
Book Review
Part Seven: Interpretation and Research Report writing.
This section of the Book, chapter 19(407) covers interpretation issues such as drawing
inferences from analytical /experimental study, techniques of interpretation, significance of
report writing, different steps in writing report, layout of the research report and types of reports.
This critical review has evaluated this book which the author does a good job of illustrating
these theories with his own personal experiences. The orderliness of the book conforms to an
academic curriculum and book adopts a fresh and innovative approach to the study of research
methods and techniques for readers. The text is presented in the simplest language with easy to
complex concepts. Overall this book clearly reflects the teaching experience of the author with
this subject. However, his writing is weakened by several points. Even though the author
claimed the usage of SPSS for statistical tests, it was seen only for a limited number of
parametric test, highly inclined only to quantitative research and
exclusion of qualitative
research, and the ethical considerations involved in conducting research are not clearly brought
out. The books philosophical conclusion and arguments have not been presented. The book
was intended to serve a textbook for social science students but examples and illustrations
were given on natural science like agricultural research. There are some weaknesses in the book
generally as mentioned above , but the author more or less achieved his objectives of providing
the target readers with short and clear concepts and I strongly recommend this book.
NOTE:- ( )---Page number as per Book review format .