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Carrageenans: Texturizing Agents Report

Project: Texturizing agents
Table of Contents
1. Literature review ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Origins ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Different types ................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Gelation mechanism ....................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Usage recommendation ................................................................................................. 8
1.5 Legislation ....................................................................................................................... 8
2. Context...................................................................................................................................... 9
3. Observations and results ........................................................................................................ 10
4. Discussions .............................................................................................................................. 15
5. Application of the texturize .................................................................................................... 16
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................ 17
Executive technical sheets.…………………………………………………………………………………………………...17
1. Literature review
1.1 Origins
Carrageenans are commercially important hydrophilic colloids (water-soluble gums) which occur
as matrix material in numerous species of red seaweeds (Rhodophyta) wherein they serve a structural
function analogous to that of cellulose in land plants. Chemically they are highly sulfated galactans. Due
to their half-ester sulfate moieties they are strongly anionic polymers. In this respect they differ from
agars and alginates, the other two classes of commercially exploited seaweed hydrocolloids.
Seaweeds which are used for carrageenan production include:
Chondrus crispus is largely harvested in the Maritime Provinces of Canada with smaller
quantities collected along the coasts of Maine and Massachusetts in the United States. The carrageenan
from C. crispus, which comprises a mixture of kappa- and lambda-carrageenan, is much valued as the
preferred type for applications such as chocolate milk stabilization. Kappa-carrageenan occurs in the
haploid gametophytic plants and lambda in the diploid tetrasporophytes. Since these occur and are
harvested together a mixture of kappa and lambda is obtained on processing.
Gigartina acicularis and G. pistillata occur and are harvested together along the coasts of
southern France, Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. The latter two species are unique in that they yield a
nongelling, predominantly lambda or iota type carrageenan.
Gigartina radula is harvested in Chile and comprises a major resource for carrageenan
production there.
Eucheuma cottonii and E. spinosum are now heavily used by carrageenan producers and are
harvested in Indonesia and the Philippines. They are remarkable in that these two species, once thought
to be varieties of a single species, yield quite different types of carrageenans. E. cottonii, which may
comprise two very similar species, E. cottonii and E. striatum, yields nearly ideal kappa-carrageenan,
while E. spinosum yields nearly ideal iota-carrageenan.
Gymnogongrus furcellatus, harvested in Peru, has been used as a source of iota-type
Furcellaria fastigiata yields furcellaran ("Danish agar"), often treated in the literature as a
polysaccharide distinct from carrageenan but now considered to be a member of the carrageenan family
of polysaccharides.
Most often, carrageenans are obtained from the appropriate washed seaweed or seaweeds by
extraction with solutions of sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate, which produces the normal
commercial product (the extracted polysaccharide(s) in the sodium salt form). Following filtration and
concentration, the product is usually recovered by precipitation isopropanol. The resulting precipitate
is dried, ground, blended, and often standardized (BeMiller, 2018).
Varying manufacturing process of carrageenans and blending different types of seaweeds
contributes to obtain a range of different mix carrageenans, for example, such types of commercial
products as PES, SRC, PNG carrageenan, or alkali-modified seaweed flour (BeMiller, 2018).
1.2 Different types
Сarrageenan is high-molecular-weight linear hydrophilic polysaccharide comprising repeating
disaccharide units of galactose and 3,6-anhydrogalactose (3,6 AG), both sulphated and non-sulphated,
joined by alternating α-(1,3) and β-(1,4) glycosidic links (Imeson, 2010).
There are three basic types of carrageenans: kappa, iota, and lambda carrageenan. The primary
differences that distinct carrageenans and influence their properties are the number and position of the
ester sulfate groups on the repeating galactose units. The ester sulphate and 3,6-anhydrogalactose
content of carrageenans is approximately 25% and 34% respectively for kappa carrageenan and 32% and
30% respectively for iota carrageenan. Lambda carrageenan contains 35% ester sulphate with little or
no 3,6anhydrogalactose content (Phillips and Williams, 2000). The pure kappa, iota and lambda
carrageenans may be prepared in pure form by selective extraction techniques.
Mu and nu carrageenan are the precursor structures in which k-, i- types present in seaweeds.
Such internal rearrangement as alkali treatment form kappa and iota carrageenans (Figure 1). Lambda
carrageenan presents in the raw material in its natural structure and does not required alkali extraction.
Figure 1. Carrageenan structures under alkali conversion. (Phillips and Williams, 2000)
Structural and composition features of carrageenans influence their properties including
hydration, gel strength and texture, melting and setting temperatures, syneresis and synergism (Table
1), but the main difference between k-, i-, or l-types is due to their gelation capacities.
Table 1. Properties of different types of carrageenan
In hot water
In cold water
Soluble above 60°C
Soluble above 60°C
Na , K , and Ca salt forms Na+ salt form soluble.
are insoluble. Particles of
Ca2+ salt form produces
Na salt form swell.
thixotropic dispersions
In cold milk
Particles of Na+ salt form
swell. All salt forms are
In hot milk
In concentrated
Soluble in hot solutions
Swell, but difficultly
sugar solutions
In concentrated salt Insoluble
Soluble in hot solutions
Effect of cations on Strongest gels with K+
Strongest gels with Ca2+
Type of gel formed Firm, brittle
Soft, elastic
Synergism with
locust bean gum
At pH 7 and above
In acidic systems
Of gels to freezethaw conditions
Syneresis2 of gels
Undergoes hydrolysis when Undergoes hydrolysis
a solution of it is heated.
when a solution of it is
Stable in gels
heated. Stable in gels
Soluble in hot
Soluble in hot
Nongelling. Viscous
solutions formed
Somewhat more
However, properties of k-, i-, or l-types can be controlled by seaweed selection, processing and
blending the seaweeds before extraction of the carrageenan, which allow to obtain a standardized mix.
1.3 Gelation mechanism
The structural differences between subtypes of carrageenan due to the quantity and position of
the sulphates lead to their different chemical and physical properties.
Only κ-Carrageenan (kappa), ι-Carrageenan (iota) are gelation agents which is due to combining a
double helix to the alternation of conformations 1C4 and 4C1 (Figure 2). The latter allows the molecule to
have a zig-zag form. The absence of this alternation of galactose conformation named 3,6anhydrogalactose in lambda carrageenan doesn’t allow it to participate in gelation mechanism by the
formation of helix.
Figure 2. Molecula structure featureas of carrageenan subtypes.
Besides, high concentration of sulphates has an impact on gelling mechanism, as sulphates turns
the linear molecule structure so that it becomes flat and not applicable for formation of double helix
(explanation below). As the ester sulphate and 3,6-anhydrogalactose content of carrageenans are
approximately 22% and 33%, respectively, for kappa carrageenan and 32% and 26%, respectively, for
iota carrageenan, kappa carrageenan form a stronger gel structure, than iota carrageenan, when lambda
carrageenan contains approximately 37% ester sulphate with little or no 3,6-anhydrogalactose content
that proves its non-gelling, but thickener properties (Imeson, 2010).
There are another factors affecting gelation of carrageenan solutions such as concentration of the
carrageenan, the type of cation(s) present, the concentration of cation(s), the temperature to which the
“solution” is heated before cooling, the rate of cooling and the presence of other ingredients. All those
factors are part of preparation phases of carrageenan usage.
The gelation mechanism itself without preparation steps consist of two phases and occurs when
hot solutions of kappa or/and iota carrageenan cooled below the gel point, which vary according type
of cation(s) presence and its concentration used as well as and can be between 30 ̊C and 70 ̊ C. The linear
molecules of carrageenan forms double and triple helices of restricted length due to the presence of
structural irregularities (the absence of 3,6-anhydrogalactose units). Gel is usually more elastic in the
first phase as the junctions are not strong. In the second phase the linear helical molecules from the first
phase associate to form a rather firm three-dimensional, stable gel network in the presence of the
appropriate cation (BeMiller, 2018) (Figure 3). Due the cations gel obtains a strong firm structure which
still have the features depending on the subtype.
Figure 3. Gelation mechanism
Cations create bonds between two double helices and stabilise the junctions (Figure 3).
Depending on the type of carrageenan different cations participates in building bridges between
adjacent chain. For example, kappa carrageenan selects potassium ions to stabilise the junction zone
forming firm, brittle gel. Iota carrageenan uses calcium ions and gives soft, elastic gels. This difference
of gel properties occurs because ι -carrageenan as a little more sulphated one is more soluble than the
k-carrageenan. Combination of κ-carrageenan (kappa) and ι-Carrageenan contributes to obtain gel
strengths and textures intermediate to the two extremes (Imeson, 2010).
Figure 4. Interaction of Ca2+cations in the iota carrageenan gel formation
Furthermore, potassium ions are more effective than calcium as K+ ions counter sulphate charges
and contribute to formation of K+ double helices, that leads to synereses of kappa carrageenan gel
(Figure 5). It occurs because junction zones extend within the structure, shrinking and squeezing water
out of the gel. Iota carrageenan gel does not have synereses as the bonds between adjacent chains
formed by Ca2+ cations is greater in distance and H-bonded helices are not formed.
Figure 5. Formation of K+ double helices and H- bonding in the kappa carrageenan gel network.
The presence of other hydrocolloids retards syneresis of the gel. Hence, blending of kappa and
iota carrageenan with potassium and calcium ions relatively can allow to produce a strong gel and vary
its desired properties such as dispersibility, rate of hydration, solubility, solution viscosity, gel strength.
1.4 Usage recommendation
Carrageenan has a wide range of applications in food and even non-food industries mostly as
gelation agents and thickeners. As it was mentioned above its usage is defined by chemical structure of
subtypes. The commercial products classified as carrageenan are frequently sold as a powder (CP Kelco,
2001). Therefore, according to its commercial form carrageenan must be dissolved in water since it is
insoluble in most organic solvent such as alcohol, oil etc. It is considered as the preparation step involved
hydration and solubilization phases in which the dehydrated carrageenan grains obtain some amount of
water to be active and then molecules separate from each other creating a liquid.
All carrageenans are soluble in water and milk, but their solubility depends on the structure of
the particular carrageenan, the cations presence, the medium, and the temperature. Generally, the
gelling carrageenans must be heated up to 70 ̊ C to dissolve whereas non-gelling carrageenans may be
dissolved in cold water (20 ̊C) (Danisco Cultor, online). Hence kappa and iota carrageenans are only
solved in hot water but accompanied with the sodium salt they are soluble in cold water at 40 ̊ C
(Imeson, 2018). Lambda carrageenan which is considered as non-gelling agent might be used in both
cold and hot water. Presence of other solutes affect the dissolving rate and solubility of carrageenans,
especially inorganic salts with potassium cations. The latter is twice efficient than salts, for instance the
presence of 1,5- 2% allow to dissolve kappa carrageenan at normal temperature (Qin, 2018).
Besides the hydration temperature salt has also dramatic effect on the gelation temperature and
can increase it till 40 ̊ C in some products (Imeson, 2018). For fully dispersion some inert filler as sugar
can be used, dispersion in organic solvent as alcohol as well as a high concentrated salt solution and
sugar syrup can be provided by slurrying the carrageenan in oil and thereby creating a hydrophobic
As the particles of carrageenans hydrate, the viscosity of solution rises. Cooling under the gelation
temperature allow to increase more viscosity and obtain a gel. Kappa and iota carrageenans form
thermo-reversible gel, but its characteristics depend on the type and presence of cations.
Therefore, kappa carrageenan forms strong and brittle gel especially with potassium ions,
however calcium ions can be used for strong gel formation as well. Iota carrageenan gels most strongly
in the presence of calcium ions (potassium ions do not have an impact on the gel strength), forming a
very elastic and coherent gel which shows no signs of syneresis (CP Kelco, 2001). Moreover, kappa gel is
not freeze stable in comparison with gel formed by iota carrageenan (Danisco Cultor, online). Lambda
carrageenan dissolving in water forms only a viscous solution.
Acid and oxidizing agents can hydrolyze carrageenan in solution leading to a loss of physical
properties through cleavage or bonds of glycosides. Acid hydrolysis is influenced by pH, temperature,
and time. All carrageenan types are stable at a pH above 6 including the food processing at high
temperatures. pH of between 3.5 and 6 is considered as stable when carrageenan is gelled. However, in
solution carrageenan may lose some of its functionality at high temperatures, so gel strength may be
affected - at a pH below 3.5 (Danisco Cultor, online). Hence, carrageenan is not recommended for use
as a gelling agent as it will be unstable and degrade, particularly at high processing temperatures.
1.5 Legislation
Under European legislation “Carrageenan” and “PES” carry food additive numbers E407 and
E407a respectively. The distinction is made on the basis of acid insoluble material content that results
from the different extraction techniques used, E407 carrageenans are refined and have <2.0% AIM
(essentially cellulose) remaining, whereas E407a carrageenans are semi-refined and still contain most of
the AIM content. Being a food additive carrageenans must be identify by certain parameters and comply
with specifications which include information of its origin and the acceptable criteria of purity. These
specifications is laid down in Annexes II and III of Regulation (EU) No 231/2012.
Although carrageenan is typically used in foods at a very low dose (0.1-2%) and both refined
carrageenan and PES are approved by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)
and are assigned an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) of “not specified” their usage and acceptable usage
quantities are controlled by Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 (Hotchkiss and Brooks, 2016). Depending on
the food category they can be used in unlimited (quantum satis) and limited quantities (with some
restrictions and exceptions).
As an addictive E407 carrageenan is allowed to use with no restrictions (quantum satis) in such
categories of food products as dehydrated milk, unflavoured pasteurised cream, unflavoured live
fermented cream products and substitute products with a fat content of less than 20%. They can be
added in table-top sweeteners (both liquid and powder form). Nonetheless there are some product
category with maximum limit of refined carrageenan usage.
Table 2. Products with individual restrictions in carrageenan usage (Regulation (EC) N 1333/2008)
Authorized food category
Individual restriction/ exception
(ML= maximum limit)
Jam, jellies and marmalades and sweetened
chestnut puree
ML=10000 mg/kg
Follow-on formulae (food used by infants)
Note: Maximum individually or in combination
with E 400 - 404, E 406, E 407, E 410, E 412, E
415 and E 418
ML=300 mg/kg
Food for young children
Note: the maximum level of following
substances is lowered if If more than one of the
substances E 407, E 410 and E 412 is added
ML=300 mg/kg
Other similar fruit or vegetable spreads
The additive E407a is only authorized to be used in meat preparation category of food in
unlimited quantity (qs) with some process restrictions. Application of PES for this category is
established in Regulation 2018/1497.
2. Context
Carrageenan as a commercial product is sold in form of powder with the colour range from white
to brownish depending on raw material and process used. The additive market offers pure kappa, iota
and lambda carrageenans as well as variety of their blending mixes for particular customer
The modification method of seaweed has the large impact on pureness and functional
properties, thus the direct modification with alkali gives less refined, but less expensive commercial
carrageenans as Processed Euchema seaweed (PES), Philippines Natural Grade (PNG), semi-refined
carrageenan (SRC), alternatively refined carrageenan (ARC) and alkali-modified flour (AMF). Soaking in
potassium hydroxide solution before chopping and bleaching allow to obtain the refined product and
reduce the colour of the finished powder (Phillips and Williams, 2000).
The main difference between PNG and refined carrageenans that the latter doesn’t contain the
cellulose in comparison with PNG, therefore it gives a clear solution, while PNG and other semi-refined
carrageenan give a cloudy solution. Regarding to this fact the commercial products have different
At the same time such concentration method as the alcohol precipitation method allows to
obtain the purer and more soluble texturizer as much of the acid insoluble matter (AIM) is removed (the
final AIM content <0.1 %). Gel pressed carrageenan contains <0.5% AIM. (Hotchkiss and al, 2016).
Hence, varying the manufacturing process the carrageenan producers provide the commercial products
with different functional properties. In specific cases they can also stabilize dry carrageenan powder
with other powdered or crystalline ingredients of an acidic nature to avoid depolymerisation of the
product during long storage (CPKelco, 2001).
Besides manufacturing processes, the commercial carrageenan might be diluted with mixed of
potassium, calcium or other salts for obtaining either gelation or thickener properties (CP Kelco, 2001).
So that manufactured carrageenan is reduced in product variability and standardized interactions and
properties that allows its easily usage in food systems. However, for labeling purposes, any carrageenan
preparation is simply called carrageenan, without regard to source or principal structure.
3. Observations and results
The practical examination of the texturizer’s properties has been
performed by recreation the “Hartley’s jelly” product texture with two types
of carrageenan: kappa and iota. Lambda carrageenan has not been used as it
doesn’t have gelling properties according to the literature review, thus it can’t
be applied for obtaining strong gel structure of jelly.
The protocol below has been followed for all essays:
1. Heat the water up to 70-75°C
2. Solve the carrageenan/ the blend of carrageenans in the hot water
3. After it is dissolved, add ions solution (if it is in a recipe)
4. Mix the solution
5. Remove from the heat and prepare the sample
6. Cool the sample in the freezer
Essay 1
100 ml of water
2 gr of kappa carrageenan
Figure 7 and 8. Result sheet and the texture of Essay 1
Figure 6. Texture of the Hartley’s
The gel is too breakable than the jelly. Any touch leads to destruction of the structure. Transparency
meets the transparency of the original gel.
The gel also has syneresis as well as Hartley’s jelly.
Essay 2
100 ml of water
2 g of kappa carrageenan
0,60 g (30%) of potassium chloride
Figure 9 and 10. Result sheet and the texture of Essay 2
The gel is more elastic in comparison with the first essay, but it is not transparent. It has hard, strength
structure which is far from the original jelly.
Essay 3
- 100 ml of water
- 2 g of iota carrageenan
- 0,60 g of Ca2+ (30% of iota carrageenan)
Figure 11 and 12. Result sheet and the texture of Essay 3
In this case the gel is too elastic and doesn’t have any strength for holding the form. Transparency is
even less than in the second essay. Ca2+ was added in order to give the gel strength. Hence, iota
carrageenan alone cannot provide the desirable texture.
Essay 4
100 ml of water
1 g of kappa carrageenan
1 g of iota carrageenan
Figure 13 and 14. Result sheet and the texture of Essay 4
The gel doesn’t have strong structure and looks more like a liquid. Iota carrageenan decrease the
strength power of kappa carrageenan, it is not possible to obtain the more strength of the gel without
adding ions.
Essay 5
100 ml of water
0,7 g of kappa carrageenan
0,3 g of iota carrageenan
0,3 g (30%) of potassium ions
Figure 15 and 16. Result sheet and the texture of Essay 5
Potassium chloride have been added in order to have a reaction with kappa carrageenan. The gel has
more strength than in previous essay, but it was more transparent and elastic than the jelly.
Essay 6
100 ml of water
1,4 g of kappa carrageenan
0,6 g of iota carrageenan
Figure 17 and 18. Result sheet and the texture of Essay 6
The gel with double concentration of the blend but without any ions is more breakable and
stronger, thus 2% concentration of the carrageenan is excessive.
Essay 7
- 100 ml of water
- 1,05 g (70%) of kappa carrageenan
- 0,45 g (30%) of iota carrageenan
- 0,30 g of potassium chloride
Figure 19 and 20. Result sheet and the texture of Essay 7
The gel has a similar texture regarding to the jelly, but it is quite cloudy. Therefore, K+ makes the
gel less transparent.
Essay 8
- 100 ml of water
- 1,6 g (80%) of kappa carrageenan
- 0,40 g (20%) of iota carrageenan
Figure 21 and 22. Result sheet and the texture of Essay 8
The essay 8 was performed along with essay 6 to compare the result of different concentration
kappa and iota carrageenan in the blend. The gel with 80% of kappa carrageenan is stronger and a bit
more elastic, but less transparent in comparison with 70% kappa carrageen gel (essay 6).
Essay 9
100 ml of water
1,05 g (70%) of kappa carrageenan
0,45 g (20%) of iota carrageenan
0,3 g of Ca2+
Figure 23 and 24. Result sheet and the texture of Essay 9
In this case the opacity and strength are alike the jelly ones, but the gel has quite breakable
structure, perhaps because of Ca2+, which reacts with both types of carrageenans and create strong
bonds in the iota carrageen depriving its elasticity.
Essay 10
100 ml of water
1,2 g (80%) of kappa carrageenan
0,30 g (20%) of iota carrageenan
0,3 g of potassium chloride
Figure 25 and 26. Result sheet and the texture of Essay 10
The last essay has the most similar texture to the jelly one, but still was a bit less transparent.
4. Discussions
The experimental work was aimed to test the influence of different parameters and types of
carrageenans on the gel structure and to recreate the origin gel by varying those parameters.
First performed tested allowed us to notice the impact of the type of carrageenans on the gel
formation. 2% of kappa carrageenan creates strong, but breakable gel with visible syneresis, when 2%
solution of iota carrageenan barely can create a cloudy gel. At the same the impact of the gel strength
on the transparency has been observed: the stronger gel is the more transparent structure is.
The blend of kappa and iota carrageenans in 7:3 ratio provides the elasticity to the gel and
decreases syneresis due to the iota type presence. However, increase in concentration the iota
carrageenan concentration decreases the gel strength (the ratio 1:1, essay 4).
The influence of cation presence has been also tested during the experiment. Potassium cations
make the structure stronger but decreases the gel transparency in comparison with Ca2+, that doesn’t
have influence on the opacity, but creates the gel breakability due its reaction with both kappa and iota
types (essay 9).
Varying amount and ratio of carrageenan and presence of cations the two more convincing results
(essay 7 and 10) have been found. According to these results the best ratio between kappa and iota
carrageenan are 7:3 and 4:1. Besides, addition of potassium ions allowed to decrease the concentration
of carrageenans in 20% (perhaps, even more, but this suggestion has not been performed and
established). In addition, the potassium cations in form of potassium acids has been presented in the
ingredient list of Hartley’s jelly.
The results were quite close to the texture of original jelly, but there were still some points to
improve. We can suggest that decreasing the carrageenan concentration to 1%-1,5 with potassium ions
addiction will allow to obtain the desired structure.
Moreover, the experimental has part allowed us to validate the hypotheses and the performed
bibliographical research.
5. Application of the texturizer
The uses of carrageenan are concentrated in the food industry. Carrageenan applications are
generally divided into milk-based systems, water-based systems and beverages. However, there are
many other applications of carrageenan in industries as carrageenan has many functions according to
its uses: gelling, thickening, emulsion stabilizing, protein stabilizing, particle suspension, viscosity control
and water retention.
Gelling carrageenans are mostly used in milk products such as ice creams, chocolate milk, flans,
puddings, whipped cream, yogurts, creamy milk, milk desserts, cheeses, coconut milk as they interact
with Ca ions from milk forming a gel (Hotchkiss and al, 2016). Ice cream is one of the main dairy
applications of carrageenan where they used together with the blend of gums to give smoothness, good
mouth-melting characteristics to the product (Qin, 2018).
Due to its low viscosity and heat resistance carrageenan found the application in confectionary
as fillings of candies, biscuits and also in production of dessert gel, jam, marmalades, marshmallows,
gum drops, confitures. The new trend in confectionary is replacing pectin by carrageenan. The latter
form gel independently with sugar content meanwhile pectin cannot gel when sugar content is below
65%. The carrageenan feature allows to use them in low-calorie dessert gels remaining the desirable
spreading and eating textures. Iota carrageenan has the thixotropy properties which allow it to be used
in cold filling to produce a variety of ready-to-eat foods such as mousse and light pudding. Carrageenan’s
thixotropy under cold-filling conditions makes possible the production of multiple layers of various
colors and flavors (Qin, 2018).
PES carrageenan is widely used in meat and fish products such as cooked ham, imitation meat,
sausage, canned meat, hamburger, pureed meat, poultry, processed meat due to its lower cost, but
good functional properties.
Besides, food industry carrageenan has a range of non-industrial applications, for instance in
toothpaste, air fresheners, pet food, cosmetics, paints, emulsions, vegan capsules (Hotchkiss and al,
6. Bibliography
1. BEMILLER J. N. (2018). Carrageenans. Carbohydrate Chemistry for Food Scientists 3rd
Edition, 279–91 p. Available at <
https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780128120699/carbohydrate-chemistry-forfood-scientists > (accessed on 23 March 2020)
2. CAMPO V.L., KAWANO D. F., BRAZ da SILVA D., CARVALHO I. (2009). Carrageenans:
Biological Properties, Chemical Modifications and Structural Analysis - A Review.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 77(2):167–80 p. Available at <
hub > (accessed on 23 March 2020)
3. CP KELCO (2001). Carrageenan book, 30 p. Available at < https://www.cpkelco.com/>
(accessed on 23 March 2020)
4. DANISCO CULTOR. Introduction to GRINDSTED™ Carrageenan [online]. Available at
https://aditiva-concepts.ch/download/Carrageenan.pdf (accessed on 23 March 2020)
Carrageenan in Food. Carrageenans - Sources & Extraction Methods, Molecular
Structure, Bioactive Properties & Health Effects (Hardcover), 231 p. Available at <
Health_Effects> (accessed on 23 March 2020)
6. IMERSON A. (2010). Carrageenans. Food Stabilisers, Thickeners and Gelling Agents,
343 p.
7. PHILLIPS G. O., WILLIAMS P. A. (2000). Carrageenans. Handbook of hydrocolloids, 8791 p.
8. QIN Y. (2018). Seaweed Hydrocolloids as Thickening, Gelling, and Emulsifying Agents in
Functional Food Products, 152 p.
9. HOTCHKISS S., BROOKS M., CAMPBELL R. (2016). The use of carrageenan in food.
Carrageenans, Available at
_food > (accessed on 24 March 2020)
10. REGULATION (EC) 1333/2008 [online]. Available at <https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legalcontent/EN/TXT/?qid=1585319755753&uri=CELEX:32008R1333> (accessed on 24
March 2020)
11. COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2018/1497 [online]. Available at <https://eurlex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1585318505185&uri=CELEX:32018R1497>
(accessed on 24 March 2020)
Executive technical sheets
Texturizer family name: Carrageenan
Type of texturizer: Kappa carrageenan
Approximate usage
Technical information
Temperature of
solubilization – 7080 ̊C, calcium or
potassium ions might
be added during
solubilization for gel
Texturizer family name: Carrageenan
Type of texturizer: Iota carrageenan
Approximate usage
Technical information
Temperature of
solubilization – 70-80 ̊
C, need calcium ions
for formation firm gel.
Gel strength
High viscosity of a gel,
firm brittle texture.
Transparent, breakable
gel with syneresis.
Viscosity is increased
with addition of ions:
strongest gel with K+
Opacity is increasing
with ion addition.
Syneresis is increasing
Cloudy gel with K+ ions.
Gel strength
Medium viscosity; soft,
elastic texture.
Opacity gel with nonrigid structure.
Gel strength is
increasing with
addition of Ca2+
More firm structure
with calcium ions.
No syneresis
Texturizer family name: Carrageenan
Type of texturizer: Lambda carrageenan
Approximate usage
Technical information
Gel strength
Soluble in cold water
No gel formation,
at temperature 20 ̊C,
viscous solution.
smoothly solution.
does not need ions
* based on the bibliographical research as lambda carrageenan being a thickener has not been used in
the experiment.