Uploaded by Marian Alejandrino

Housekeeping: Establishing Rapport with Guests

Quarter 3- Week 2
Writer: Marian H. Alejandrino
This module is designed to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitude in performing
the Housekeeping tasks by providing a series of learning activities to achieve the following
learning competencies: 1) Build rapport with guests or clients through principles of good
communication. in accordance with establishment standards.
Read the instructions below to accomplish the objectives intended for each lesson.
Read and understand the content for each lesson.
Follow the instructions carefully to perform the activities given.
You may ask guidance from your teacher or guardian to further understand the
Assess yourself and apply the concepts and skills that you have learned.
Perform all activities given by following the instruction.
Have fun learning.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
Identify and explain the role of communication in valet service.
Describe the different communication standards.
Apply principles of communication to achieve effective communication with a
Directions: Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
TLE 9/10 - HOUSEKEEPING Writer:Marian H.Alejandrino
Quarter 3 - Week 1
Team Leader: Remy
Page 1
1. It contains the list of details Special Request details commonly provided by or for VIP
guests prior to their arrival.
A. Guest Book
B. Carte Blanche C. Concierge
D. Reservation
2. Characteristic of a valet where he ensures beyond all doubt everything told, explained,
or discussed with the guest is true, up-to-date, and accurate.
A. Credible
B. Friendly
C. Trustworthy
D. Pro-active
3. A valet demonstrates initiative to prove they are thinking and acting on the guest’s behalf
and to their advantage and benefit.
A. Credible
B. Friendly
C. Trustworthy
D. Pro-active
4. The valet and their guest mutual agreement and harmony.
A. Goodwill
B. Credibility
C. Rapport
D. Trustworthy
5. A generic term referring to intangible elements of the relationship involving a blend of
A. Goodwill
B. Credibility
C. Rapport
D. Trustworthy
6. The following are important standards relating to communication between valets and
guests EXCEPT:
A. Know when to speak B. Listen
C. Observe
D. Pro-active
7. Alexia is the assigned valet of the day had witnessed and heard important matters
being talked about by the VIPs. What principle or standard of a valet service she needs
to apply?
A. Being Pro-active
C. Working quietly in the background.
B. Not interfering with the guest.
D. Seeing everything and saying nothing.
8. Which of the following statement is a violation of communication standards?
A. Keep information provided by staff confidential.
B. Any conversations or observations with the support staff must keep confidential.
C. The valet's duties are likely to intersect with the guest’s staff.
D. There is a need to interact cooperatively with the guest’s staff.
9. The following are principles of communication EXCEPT:
A. Every message must have a purpose.
B. Messages should match the interests and abilities of the guest.
C. Freaking out when guest’s talk aloud.
D. Chosen words should be within the experience range of the guest.
10. Which of the following is NOT correct statement when using verbal messages?
A. Appropriate inflection, tone, and language
C. Clear and concise
B. Correct words with correct pronunciation
D. Fast speed and high volume
You have learned that Many regards the valet as providing a combination of roles
each with its demanding level of personalized and individualized services. Now that you
have already know the many roles of a butler or valet let us have a short review of this
lesson by answering the exercises below.
ACTIVITY 1: Directions: Identify the role of a valet describe in each statement Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
_______1. Being a trusted person whom the guest can confide in when they need to talk
or share an idea, experience, or opinion.
_______2. Organizing activities including reservations, tickets to shows, entry to events,
meetings with people, daily schedules, on behalf of and under the direction of
the guest.
TLE 9/10 - HOUSEKEEPING Writer:Marian H.Alejandrino
Quarter 3 - Week 1
Team Leader: Remy
Page 2
_______3. Ensuring the guest has a pleasant stay in the venue, ensuring their
expectations are met, and dealing with any problems that arise during the
_______4. Providing advice, direction, and information to guests about all aspects of the
venue, the local area, products, services, facilities, and others.
_______5. Performing a range of services normally provided by room attendants in other
ACTIVITY 2: Directions: Give at least ten (10) duties of a valet or butler.
Author: Marian H. Alejandrino
One of the critical aspects of a valet’s role is communicating with guests since this
will the starting point in building trust and confidence the trust and confidence needed in
the relationship between valet and guest.
This module presents important information to help improve communication
between valets and guests.
Building trust and confidence with guests
You can improve establishing trust and confidence between you and the guest by:
TLE 9/10 - HOUSEKEEPING Writer:Marian H.Alejandrino
Quarter 3 - Week 1
Team Leader: Remy
Page 3
Being aware of the needs of the guest before they arrive – this means reading reservation
or Special Request details commonly provided by or for VIP guests prior to their arrival.
Having extremely high levels of product knowledge about:
 All the products, services, and facilities of the venue
 All venue policies and procedures
 The local area – amenities, infrastructure, shopping, dining, industry, authorities,
travel, and transport, features and tourist attractions.
 Ensure beyond all doubt everything told, explained, or discussed with the guest is
true, up-to-date, and accurate. This builds credibility which is the basis of trust and
Being proactive – a valet must demonstrate initiative to prove they are thinking and acting
on the guest’s behalf and to their advantage and benefit Always ensuring any promises
are kept – when and as promised. The guest will always judge a valet by their actions
rather than their words. You must always “walk the talk‟
Not interfering – the role of the valet is to serve and not to direct. Valets must cultivate the
capacity to allow their guests to be who they want to be and do what they want to do.
Working quietly in the background is key to this while, at the same time, listening and
observing the guest, with a view to anticipating what guest needs may be so they can
be effectively addressed.
Rapport and goodwill
Good communication is an edge, this enhances relationship between the valet and
their guest and should have mutual agreement and harmony. This is called “the rapport‟.
Goodwill is a generic term referring to intangible elements of the relationship involving
a blend of sentiments.
Goodwill and rapport comprise:
 Friendliness towards the guest
 Approval of the guest and who they are and what they do.
 Willingness to help and be of service.
 Adding value to transactions and dealings by virtue of the human level of contact
and the personal feelings involved
 Positive feelings towards the guest Interest in the guest and what they have done,
are doing, and are going to do.
TLE 9/10 - HOUSEKEEPING Writer:Marian H.Alejandrino
Quarter 3 - Week 1
Team Leader: Remy
Page 4
Communication Standards
The following are important standards relating to communication between valets and
Listen – always be alert to:
 What the guest is saying.
 What others around the guest are saying?
 Questions asked by the guest.
 Any sound giving rise for concern or action –the room door or telephone ringing or
crashing noise.
Observe – constantly monitor:
 What the guest is doing – or appears around to do.
 The activities of others in the company of the guest
 The performance of equipment – such as lights and appliances
Know when to speak and when not to speak – being a valet is not the same as being
a bar attendant, waiter or other frontline staff member and a different protocol applies.
The valet seeks to be a background presence rather than an obvious presence –
they must not intrude yet be available when required.
A valet is not required to supply casual banter, witty remarks, or offhand comments
on events they may see, or on comments they may hear. The principle of “seeing
everything and saying nothing‟ applies.
Valets must never communicate hotel secrets to their guests, nor communicate guest
secrets to others. All information received from the guest must be treated as confidential
and not discussed with others.
Likewise, all observations in relation to the guests must be kept confidential. This includes
how they behave, how they treat others, their level of intoxication or how neat or untidy
they are in their room.
Guests who use valets often bring public relations people and other staff (security,
personal assistants, and cooks) with them for the duration of their stay meaning valets:
 Sometimes need to speak to the guest's personal staff to access information about the
guest, determine their preferences or identify their requirements.
 Must keep information provide by these people confidential –this information must be
treated as coming directly from the guest.
 Must keep confidential any conversations or observations regarding the support staff –
in the same way conversations and observations of the guest will be kept confidential.
 This also means the valet's duties are likely to intersect with those of these staff so there
is a need to interact cooperatively with those individuals. This can be difficult at times
TLE 9/10 - HOUSEKEEPING Writer:Marian H.Alejandrino
Quarter 3 - Week 1
Team Leader: Remy
Page 5
when the needs of the guest and their staff run contrary to standard house protocols,
but every effort must be made to accommodate these requirements.
 A second language is always seen as a bonus for anyone seeking to be a valet being bilingual or multi-lingual is an advantage and having high-level English language skills are
also regarded as necessary in most venues and most countries.
Principles of Communication
Communication is one of the most important life skills. When use efficiently can be
an essential tool in maintaining strong, lasting working relationships at all levels of an
organization. To optimize effective communication with a guest the following rules apply:
Every message must have a purpose – if there is no need to say anything, do not speak.
Always think before talking, and plan what you are going to say and how you are going
to say it.
Messages should match the interests and abilities of the guest – conversation should
focus on the guest as opposed to focusing on the valet.
Unnecessary words should be eliminated – conversation between the valet and the guest
should be limited in nature. The aim is to be direct without appearing short or rude. This
respects the guest and demonstrates it is the guest who oversees the situation. The valet
is there to serve.
Chosen words should be within the experience range of the guest – if you are going to
use local language, terms or phrases when talking to the guest then it is imperative these
are explained first.
Explaining these things enhances the guest’s experience and prevents embarrassment
caused if the guest does not know what is being discussed.
Verbal messages should be clear and concise – using the correct words and with correct
pronunciation, along with appropriate inflection, tone, language, speed, and volume of
Speaking calmly is recommended. Speaking at a slightly slower speed than normal is
also regarded as useful and helps to create a more considered and gracious ambience.
Activity 1: Directions: What comprises a goodwill and rapport? Answer by using the
concept map below.
TLE 9/10 - HOUSEKEEPING Writer:Marian H.Alejandrino
Quarter 3 - Week 1
Team Leader: Remy
Page 6
and Rapport
Activity 2: Directions: Describe the following important standards below relating to
communication between valets and guests: Write your answer on the opposite side of
the box.
Communication Standards
1. Listen
2. Observe
3. Know when to speak and when
not to speak
4. The valet seeks to be a
background presence rather than
an obvious presence
5. A valet is not required to supply
casual banter, witty remarks, or
offhand comments on events
they may see, or on comments
they may hear.
TLE 9/10 - HOUSEKEEPING Writer:Marian H.Alejandrino
Quarter 3 - Week 1
Team Leader: Remy
Page 7
A good communication skill is very imperative to valet service provider to establish a good
rapport between the guest and the establishment. A valet must conform with the communication
standards to enhance its valet-and-guests relationship and develop good rapport. To avoid
conflicts and problems between the guest and valet service provider the principles of
communication must be applied and considered at all times.
Activity 3. Directions: Apply the Principles of Communication in answering the following
As a valet, how will you respond to the following situations?
1. Your guest is having a conference with high Officials and you need to ask very
important thing or details about him, yet only her staff can accommodate you,
how will you treat the information provided by these people?
2. An anonymous caller called at the front office telephone asking details about your
guest. Are you going to provide the person on the other line the information he
needed about your guest? Explain your answer.
3. You are a newly hired valet and have noticed that your guest is a foreigner with a
loud voice and too demanding and he scolded you at once, how are you going to
handle the situation?
Directions: Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. It contains the list of details Special Request details commonly provided by or for VIP
guests prior to their arrival.
B. Guest Book
B. Carte Blanche C. Concierge
D. Reservation
2. Characteristic of a valet where he ensures beyond all doubt everything told, explained,
or discussed with the guest is true, up-to-date, and accurate.
A. Credible
B. Friendly
C. Trustworthy
D. Pro-active
3. A valet demonstrates initiative to prove they are thinking and acting on the guest’s behalf
and to their advantage and benefit.
A. Credible
B. Friendly
C. Trustworthy
D. Pro-active
4. The following are important standards relating to communication between valets and
guests EXCEPT:
TLE 9/10 - HOUSEKEEPING Writer:Marian H.Alejandrino
Quarter 3 - Week 1
Team Leader: Remy
Page 8
A. Know when to speak B. Listen
C. Observe
D. Pro-active
5. Crissa is the assigned valet of the day had witnessed and heard important matters
being talked about by the VIPs. What principle or standard of a valet service she needs
to apply?
A. Being Pro-active
C. Working quietly in the background.
B. Not interfering with the guest.
D. Seeing everything and saying nothing.
6. Which of the following statement is a violation of communication standards?
A. Keep information provided by staff confidential.
B. Any conversations or observations with the support staff must keep confidential.
C. The valet's duties are likely to intersect with the guest’s staff.
D. There is a need to interact cooperatively with the guest’s staff.
7. The following are principles of communication EXCEPT:
A. Every message must have a purpose.
B. Messages should match the interests and abilities of the guest.
C. Freaking out when guest’s talk aloud.
D. Chosen words should be within the experience range of the guest.
8. Which of the following is NOT correct statement when using verbal messages?
A. Appropriate inflection, tone, and language
C. Clear and concise
B. Correct words with correct pronunciation
D. Fast speed and high volume
9. The valet and their guest mutual agreement and harmony.
A Goodwill
B. Credibility
C. Rapport
D. Trustworthy
10. A generic term referring to intangible elements of the relationship involving a blend of
B. Goodwill
B. Credibility
C. Rapport
D. Trustworthy
Based on what I learned in this module,
How do the skills and other things I learned relate to my daily life?
How can the skills and what I learned help me work better?
What steps can I take to improve any of the skills or attitudes that I learned more
Use this space to answer these questions and reflect about your ongoing learning.
Ma. Cristina B. Timbal
Sheryl P. Camacho
Janel A. Tarnate
Remedios V. Montebon
Team Leader
TLE 9/10 - HOUSEKEEPING Writer:Marian H.Alejandrino
Quarter 3 - Week 1
Team Leader: Remy
Page 9