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Philosophy: Authentic Dialogue & Appreciation (G12)

Regional Office No. VIII - Eastern Visayas
Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Biliran
Larrazabal, Naval, Biliran
Introduction to the
Philosophy of the
Human Person
(Q2-Week 4)
Every Monday will be the schedule for distribution and retrieval of Learning Packets (LPs).
Distribution and Retrieval Time:
08:30 AM to 11:30 PM and 1:00 PM to 05:30 PM
at Lucsoon NHS-SHS Campus
Lesson 1:
Explaining that authentic dialogue means accepting
others even if they are Different from themselves,
Task 1: Motivation
Task 2: Discussion
Task 3: Evaluation
Lesson 2:
Performing activities that demonstrate an
appreciation for the talents of persons with
disabilities and those from the underprivileged
sectors of society.
Task 1: Motivation
Task 2:Discussion
Task 3: Evaluation
Feedback (Learner/Parent/Guardian):
Lesson 1-Task 1:
Score: ______________
Done? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Lesson 1-Task 2:
Score: ______________
Done? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Lesson 1-Task 3:
Score: ______________
Done? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Lesson 2-Task 1:
Score: ______________
Done? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Lesson 2-Task 2:
Score: ______________
Done? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Lesson 2-Task 3:
Score: ______________
Done? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Score: ______________
Done? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Note of Guidance (To be filled out by
the subject teacher for feedbacking of
learner’s performance):
1. What do you convey when you communicate and interact with
A. Attitude and Acceptance
B. Respect and Care
C. Love and Empathy
D. Respect and Empathy
2. What are the things we can change and improve?
A. The universal nature of man.
B. Our hope for being treated the way you are willing to treat
C. Our character, attitude, intellect and the way in which we
interact with others.
D. Getting rid of what people thinks about you.
3. What is the concept where every individual is recognized as
persons through their social interactions?
A. Intersubjectivity
B. Authenticity
C. Communication
D. Intersubductivity
Our society has become very complexed and
the amount of wicked problems has also increased.
Diverse and creative thinking accompanied by
effective leadership are necessary to reduced
unprecedented problems. Collaboration though
Authentic dialogue could be the starting point for
life issues to be resolve.
Directions: What is your impression
about the picture and statement
What does the picture tells us?
What is Authentic Dialogue
Dialogue is an interaction between the persons that happens through
speech or the use of words, expressions, and body language. It occurs when
two persons open up to each other. Give, receive one another in their
encounter. The awareness of each other’s presence as a true person is
defined by the acceptance of each other’s uniqueness and difference.
The notion of a dialogue becomes clearer when we reflect on the nature of
our conversation with other people. Conversations you have with casual
acquaintances are different from those people who are closest to you.
Casual conversations with other people often consist of discussing news or
occurrences. we often conduct our normal conversation in this manner
But when we are in friends and family, we are comfortable discussing
more personal issues like life goals, emotional problems, or moral dilemmas.
For Martin Buber, an Australian-born Israel Jewish Philosopher, human
intersubjectivity is a true encounter through the three spheres of dialogue
that “I” engages in. the I-hou is the encounter between man and man where
language is exchange and is described as always mutual, real and direct. It
is an evidence of the reality of human intersubjectivity through language.
Authentic dialogue is a relationship that is supported by genuine
communication founded on mutual respect for each other as subjects, and
on co-presence- the openness of one’s presence to the presence of others.
To be exist in a human way, is to be with. Authentic dialogue is
thus a state in which I recognize my being as a being with others. My life is
not human if it is centered on itself. Life becomes human. Human living is
living of something other than itself. Human living is living when I find
meaning in the other. Does Matthew 10:39 says “Whoever finds life will lose
it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
1.I will not claim to know my fellow subject totally. I will
never be able to know him/her entirely for he/she remains infinitely
2. I will be a neighbor to the other. I will go beyond their
social categories, move beyond labels and constantly recognize the
person behind the label.
3. I will admit that I do not know the other person fully. I
open myself to the possibility that I will learn something from
4. A genuine encounter, an authentic dialogue with another
person is an encounter in which we tame our tendency to overcome
the other and imprison him/her within our demands and expressions.
it is an encounter in which we receive the other despite his/her
strangeness and difference. It is as encounter in which we accept that
the will never be fully the same as we are and yet still be a person.
Based on the picture, explain the importance of authentic
Based on the picture, explain the importance of authentic
Criteria: Content – 5points
Dialogue is a way of learning the origins of the many predicaments that
face humanity today.
It occurs when two persons “open up” to each other and give and receive one
another in their encounter. Authentic dialogue occurs when persons are willing to
share themselves with one another. The awareness of each other’s presence as a
true person is defined by the acceptance of each other’s uniqueness and
Ephesians 4: 2 says “ Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with
one another in Love.
1 Peter 4:8 “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over the
multitude of sins.
Matthew 22: 37,39 says The greatest commandment is to Love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. The second is
Love your neighbor as yourself. This implies a right relationship with your God and
with your fellow men. That every mankind is bounded with Love.
Directions: Write TRUE or FALSE on the space provided.
____________ 1. Man has the natural tendency to established relationship with
other people.
_____________ 2.Intersubjectivity refers to shared awareness and
understanding among people
_____________ 3. The views and ideas of other people, as well as social context,
do not influence our behavior as individuals.
_____________ 4. An authentic relationship is possible only if individuals
acknowledge each other’s presence as persons.
_____________ 5. Availability refers to the willingness of a person to make
himself/herself available for another.
Performing activities that demonstrate an appreciation
for the talents of persons with disabilities and those
from the underprivileged sectors of society.
Directions: Based on the image below,
identify the disability and the talent/ ability
of the PWD.
How do you react when you see persons with
disabilities and street children? Why?
The following are some
authentic examples of
disadvantaged individuals
who have significantly
contributed to society:
Stephen Hawking
He is a physicist and
cosmologist who, despite his
rare medical condition called
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS), made important
contributions to
contemporary studies of
relativity and quantum
is an Australian evangelist
(born 1982) and motivational
speaker who was born with
phocomelia, an ailment in
which a person is born with
no arms and legs. Because
of his condition he was
bullied as he grew up, but it
did not stop him from
pursuing his dreams. At the
age of 21 he graduated with
a degree in commerce and
went on to pursue a career
as a motivational speaker.
And evangelist. He currently
lives in California with his
wife and two sons.
HELEN KELLER (1880-1968
was an American author,
political activist, and the
first deaf-blind person to
earn a bachelor’s degree.
Despite being blind and
deaf, Helen learned to
hear people’s speech by
feeling their lips with her
hands. At age of 22, she
published an
autobiography the story of
my life, which described
her life struggles growing
up. The book became the
basis of a popular play
titled The Miracle Worker.
She is the first visuallyimpaired Filipino to
graduate summa cum
laude from Ateneo de
Manila in 2001. In spite
of her handicap (loss of
vision), she was a
consistent honors
Important values related to intersubjectivity include acceptance of
differences and embracing diversity. We understand that each person is
unique, therefore, differences will exist among groups of people. When we
look at the physical traits, and even behavior we can see that no two people
look and think the same. When we consider views, beliefs and ideas the
difference becomes much more pronounced. We have to accept that people
will have different views and belief.
The appreciation of our shared humanity and dignity is what
drives us to extend assistance and act with concern towards others,
especially towards persons or groups that experience hardships and
judgment. For instance, those who are physically and mentally challenged
often experience adversities because of their condition. Despite their
limitations, many of them have successfully transcended their incapacities
to become productive and happy individuals.
Choose one person whose picture shown below and research about his life and works. Write a
reflection paper about their significant contributions.
Application of Knowledge – 50%
Creativity – 30%
Concept – 15%
Cleanliness & Neatness – 5%
TOTAL: 100%
Let’s assess
Direction: Multiple choice: encircle the letter of your choice.
1. He is a physicist and cosmologist, despite his rare medical condition called
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, contributes to contemporary studies of relativity and
quantum physics.
A. Nicholas James Vujicic
B. Stephen Hawking
C.Hellen Keller
D.Roselle Ambubuyog
2. A man without arma and legs, called phocomelia, an Australian evangelist and
motivational speaker.
A. Nicholas James Vujicic
B. Stephen Hawking
C.Hellen Keller
D.Roselle Ambubuyog
3. What do you call that concept when an individual place himself in the “shoes of
A. Empathy
C. Dignity
B. Sympathy
D. Interaction
4. She is the first visually impaired filipino to graduate summa cum laude fro
Ateneo de Manila.
A. Nicholas James Vujicic
B. Stephen Hawking
C.Hellen Keller
D.Roselle Ambubuyog
5. What important values are related to intersubjectivity?
A. Acceptance and recognition that all people are born perfect.
B. Acceptance and embracing the thought that all feel the same and think alike.
C. Acceptance and recognition that one is above the other.
D. Acceptance of differences and embracing diversity.
lesson I
1. A
3. A
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. true
Let’s Assess
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. D
Explore and apply: Students
answer may vary.
Directions: Encircle the correct answer.
1. A relationship that continues to improve with other people when;
A. establishes the idea of perfection
B. A thought that recognizes one is above the other
C. does acceptance of each other’s point of view
D. continues to tolerate to get even with others
2. The concepts of intersubjectivity views as:
A. Requires financial resources and good socio-economic background
B. Hatred to your opponents
C. Promotes a view that all mankind are equal
D. Non-acceptance on the differences of others
3. Which of the following where sincerity and concerned to others as a good example.
A. Hatred to your enemy
B. children exploitation
C. Being with other, being in the world
D. Bullying
4. Which of the following situation that implies putting yourself in the situation of
A. Rejoice with failure of others
B. Being in the shoes of others
C. Get the shoes of others
D. Borrow the shoes of another
5. How serving others be manifested in an individual?
A. As perceived in serving others
C. As a hindrance
B. as an opponent
D. As a critic
6. Which of the following situation that is unbiased, that everyone has the power to
understand relationship and interaction?
A. Freedom
C. Embodied Spirit
B. Intersubjectivity
D. Person in society
7. Which of the following characteristics that is willing to share and help others in
spite of individual differences
A. Sympathy
C. Authentic Dialogue
B. Empathy
D. None of the above
8. Casual conversation of people consist of the following:
A. Discussing news and occurrence
B. Casual acquaintances
C. Updates of every lives
D. All of the above are correct
9. Martin Buber’s attributes on intersubjectivity that says “I engage” in Martin Buber’s
nationality is:
A. American
C. Austrian
B. Australian
D. Canadian
10. . Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Most people with disabilities cannot work
B. Human person can live on his own without the help of
C. It is impossible to appreciate PWD’s and those from the underprivileged
sectors of the society
D. Everybody deserves to be treated as human being no
matter what he/she
looks like
What new information have I learned from these Lessons and how will
apply these knowledge in the real world?
Abella, Roberto d. M.Div., D. Min Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
C&E Publishing Inc.2016
Corpuz, Brenda B. Ruben Corpuz, Maria lovely Corpuz Paclibar, Soctares O. Paclibar
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. LORIMAR Publishing, Inc.
Youtube Link:
This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) was developed by the Senior
High School teachers and passed the Quality Assurance processes of the
Schools Division Office of Biliran with the paramount objective of
preparing and addressing the new normal. The contents of the LAS were
based on the Department of Education’s Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC) and SDO-Biliran’s Budget of Lessons (BOL). The
borrowed materials (i.e., stories, articles, photos, brand names,
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Senior High School learners (Grade 11 and 12) of SDO-Biliran.
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SY 2020-2021