Uploaded by Pradeep Polavarpu

MOSFET Basics: N and P Channel Tutorial

by Tesalex
In this Instructable, I’ll teach you the basics of
MOSFETs, and by basics, I mean really basics. This
video is ideal for a person who has never studied
MOSFET professionally, but want to use them in
projects. I’ll talk about n and p channel MOSFETs,
how to use them, how they are different, why both are
important, why MOSFET drivers and things like that. I
will also talk about some little known facts about
MOSFETs and much more.
Let’s get into it.
Step 1: Watch the Video.
The videos has everything covered in detail required for building this project. The video has some animations
which will help in quickly grasping the facts. You can watch it if you prefer visuals but if you prefer text, go through
the next steps.
MOSFET Basics: Page 1
Step 2: The FET.
Before starting MOSFETs, let me introduce you to its
predecessor, the JFET or Junction Field Effect
Transistor. It will make understanding the MOSFET a
little easier.
The cross section of a JFET is shown in picture. The
terminals are identical to MOSFETs terminals. The
center part is called the substrate or body, and it’s
just an n type or p type semiconductor depending on
the type of the FET. The regions are then grown on
the substrate having opposite type than that of the
substrate are named gate, drain and source.
Whatever voltage you apply, you apply to these
Today, from practical point of view, it has very little to
no importance. I won’t go for more explanation
beyond this as it will get too technical and is not
required anyways.
The symbol of JFET will help us to understand the
symbol of MOSFET.
Step 3: The MOSFET.
After this comes the MOSFET, having a major
difference in the gate terminal. Before making the
contacts for the gate terminal a layer of Silicon
Dioxide is grown above the substrate. This is the
reason it is named Metallic Oxide Semiconductor
Field effect Transistor. SiO2 is a very good dielectric,
or you can say insulator. This increases the gate
resistance in the scale of ten to the power ten ohms
and we assume that in a MOSFET gate current Ig is
always zero. This is the reason why it’s also called
Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor (IGFET).
A layer of a good conductor like aluminium is grown
additionally above all the three regions, and then
contacts are made. In the gate region, you can see
that a parallel plate capacitor like structure is formed
and it actually introduces a considerable capacitance
to the gate terminal. This capacitance is called gate
capacitance and can easily destroy your circuit if not
taken in to account. These are also very important
while studying on a professional level.
The symbol for MOSFETs can be seen in the picture
attached. Placing another line on the gate makes
sense while relating them to the JFETs, indicating the
gate has been insulated. The arrow direction in this
symbol depicts the conventional direction of electron
flow inside a MOSFET, which is opposite to that of
the current flow
MOSFET Basics: Page 2
Step 4: MOSFET Are a 4 Terminal Device?
One more thing I’d like to add is that most people
think MOSFET is a three terminal device, while
actually MOSFETs are a four terminal device. The
fourth terminal is the body terminal. You might have
seen the symbol attached for MOSFET, the center
terminal is for the body.
But why almost all the MOSFETs have only three
terminal coming out of it?
as it is of no use in the applications of these simple
ICs, and after that the symbol becomes the one we
are familiar with.
The body terminal is generally used when a
complicated CMOS technology IC is fabricated. Keep
in mind that this is the case for n channel MOSFET,
the picture will be a bit different if the MOSFET is p
The body terminal is internally shorted to the source
MOSFET Basics: Page 3
Step 5: How It Works.
Ok, so now let’s see how it works.
and source to have a resistance in the order of 10 to
the power 12 ohms.
A Bipolar Junction Transistor or a BJT is a current
controlled device, that means the amount of current
flow in its base terminal determines the current that
will flow through the transistor, but we know that there
is no role of current in MOSFETs gate terminal and
collectively we can say that it is a voltage controlled
device not because gate current is always zero but
because of its structure which I’ll not explain in this
Instructable because of its complicacy.
Let’s consider an n Channel MOSFET. When no
voltage is applied in the gate terminal, two back to
back diodes exists between the substrate and drain
and source region causing the path between drain
I grounded the source now and started increasing the
gate voltage. When a certain minimum voltage is
reached, the resistance drops and the MOSFET
starts conducting and the current starts to flow from
drain to source. This minimum voltage is called
threshold voltage of a MOSFET and the current flow
is due to the formation of a channel from drain to
source in the substrate of the MOSFET. As the name
suggests, in an n Channel MOSFET, the channel is
made up of n type of current carriers i.e. electrons,
which is opposite of the type of the substrate.
1. In BJT.
1. n Channel MOSFET.
1. Back to Back Diodes.
1. Channel Formed.
MOSFET Basics: Page 4
Step 6: But...
It has only started here. Applying the threshold
voltage does not mean you are just ready to use the
MOSFET. If you look at the data sheet of IRFZ44N,
an n channel MOSFET, you will see that at its
threshold voltage, only a certain minimum current can
flow through it. That is good if you just want to use
smaller loads like LEDs only, but, what is the point
then. So for using bigger loads that draw more current
you will have to apply more voltage to the gate. The
increasing gate voltage enhances the channel
causing more current to flow through it. To completely
turn on the MOSFET, the voltage Vgs, which is the
voltage between gate and source must be
somewhere about 10 to 12 Volts, that means if the
source is grounded, the gate must be at 12 Volts or
The MOSFET we just discussed are called
enhancement type MOSFETs for the reason that the
channel gets enhanced with increasing gate voltage.
There is another type of MOSFET called depletion
type MOSFET. The major difference is in the fact that
channel is already present in the depletion type
MOSFET. These type of MOSFETs is usually not
available in markets. The symbol for depletion type
MOSFET is different, the solid line indicates that
channel is already present.
Step 7: Why MOSFET Drivers?
Now let’s say you are using a microcontroller to
control the MOSFET, then you can only apply a
maximum of 5 Volts or less to the gate, which will not
be enough for high current loads.
What you can do is use a MOSFET driver like
TC4420, you just have to provide a logic signal at its
input pins and it will take care of the rest or you can
build a driver yourself, but a MOSFET driver has a lot
more advantages in the fact that it also takes care of
several other things like the gate capacitance etc.
When the MOSFET is completely turned on, its
resistance is denoted by Rdson and can be easily
found in the datasheet.
MOSFET Basics: Page 5
1. DIY Mosfet Driver.
Step 8: The P Channel MOSFET
A p channel MOSFET is just the opposite of the n
channel MOSFET. The current flows from source to
drain and the channel is made up of p type of charge
carriers, i.e. holes.
The source in a p channel MOSFET must be at the
highest potential and to completely turn it on Vgs
must be negative 10 to 12 Volts.
For example, if source is tied to 12 Volts the gate at
zero volts must be able to completely turn it on and
that is why we generally say applying 0 Volts to the
gate turn a p channel MOSFET ON and due to these
requirements the MOSFET driver for n channel
cannot be used directly with p channel MOSFET. The
p channel MOSFET drivers are available in the
market (like TC4429) or you can simply use an
inverter with the n channel MOSFET driver. The p
channel MOSFETs have relatively higher ON
resistance than n channel MOSFETs but that doesn’t
mean you can always use an n channel MOSFET for
any possible applications.
MOSFET Basics: Page 6
Step 9: But Why?
Let’s say you have to use the MOSFET in the first
configuration. That type of switching is called low side
switching because you are using the MOSFET to
connect the device to ground. An n channel MOSFET
would be best suited for this job as Vgs is not varying
and can be easily maintained at 12 Volts.
But if you want to use an n channel MOSFET for high
side switching, the source can be anywhere between
ground and Vcc, which will eventually affect the
voltage Vgs as gate voltage is constant. This will
have a huge impact on the proper functioning of the
MOSFET. Also the MOSFET burns out if the Vgs
exceeds than the mentioned maximum value which is
around 20 Volts on an average.\
Hence, it is not a cake walk to use n channel
MOSFETs here, what we do is we use a p channel
MOSFET despite having a greater ON resistance as
it has the advantage that Vgs will be constant
throughout during a high side switching. There are
also other methods like bootstrapping, but I'll not be
covering them for now.
Step 10: Id-Vds Curve.
Lastly, let’s take a quick look at these Id-Vds curve. A
MOSFET operated on three regions, when Vgs is
less than the threshold voltage, the MOSFET is in cut
off region, i.e. it is off. If Vgs is greater than the
threshold voltage but less than the sum of voltage
drop between drain and source and threshold voltage,
it is said to be in triode region or linear region. In liner
region, a MOSFET can be used as a voltage variable
resistor. If Vgs is greater than the said voltage sum,
then the drain current becomes constant it is said to
be working in saturation region and to make the
MOSFET act as a switch it should be operated in this
region as the maximum current can pass through the
MOSFET in this region.
MOSFET Basics: Page 7
Step 11: Parts Suggestions.
n Channel MOSFET: IRFZ44N
UK - https://amzn.to/2vB6oXw
INDIA - https://amzn.to/2vDTF6D
US - https://amzn.to/2vB6oXw
UK - https://amzn.to/2vB6oXw
n Channel MOSFET Driver: TC4420
US - https://amzn.to/2vB6oXw
p Channel MOSFET Driver: TC4429
p Channel MOSFET: IRF9630
US - https://amzn.to/2vB6oXw
Step 12: That's It.
You must now be familiar with the basics of
MOSFETs and able to decide the perfect MOSFET
for your project.
But a question still remains, when should we use
The simple answer is when you have to switch bigger
loads that require more voltage and current.
MOSFETs have the advantage of minimum power
loss compared to BJTs even at higher currents.
If I missed anything, or am wrong, or you have any
tips, please comment below.
Consider subscribing to our Instructables and
YouTube channel. Thank you for reading, see you in
the next Instructable.
MOSFET Basics: Page 8
Step 13: Parts Used.
n Channel MOSFET: IRFZ44N
INDIA - https://amzn.to/2vDTF6D
US - https://amzn.to/2vB6oXw
UK - https://amzn.to/2vB6oXw
UK - https://amzn.to/2Jmm437
p Channel MOSFET: IRF9630
US - https://amzn.to/2Jmm437
p Channel MOSFET Driver: TC4429
n Channel MOSFET Driver: TC4420
US - https://amzn.to/2K9xnfW
MOSFET Basics: Page 9