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Settlement Growth Patterns: Urban Planning Assignment

Sub: Planning Theory
Teacher: Ms. Parna Sarkhel
1st Sem, CET, BBSR
Date of Submission: 15/01/2021
Settlement Growth as per the Origin
Human Settlement means cluster of dwellings of any type or size where human beings live. For
this purpose, people may erect houses and other structures and command some area or territory
as their economic support-base.
Thus, the process of settlement inherently involves grouping of people and classification of
territory as their resource base. Settlements vary in size and type.
Classification as per the Growth of Origin:
1. Natural Growth
This is the type of growth where the settlement growth happens in a natural manner
without any human intervention.
a. Concentric Growth
In a concentric growth, there is a natural tendency of people to be as near as possible to the
center of the town, hence it develops in a concentric pattern.
b. Satellite Growth
A satellite town or satellite city is a concept in urban planning that refers essentially to
miniature metropolitan areas on the fringe of larger ones.
Ex: Navi Mumbai, New Delhi NCR.
c. Ribbon Growth
These are the type of settlement growth that develops alongside the road/ highways in
majority due to its connectivity factor. The growth is initially small near the area but soon
occupies the whole area.
Ex: Jaysinghpur, Sangli Miraj Kupwad
d. Scattered Growth
This type of settlement occurs due to the irregular and unplanned sprawling of the
settlements. In this growth method, settlements are located sparsely in a location and the
population density is very low.
2. Planned Growth
This is the type of growth where the settlement growth happens in a planned manner with
human intervention.
a. Linear Growth
The linear growth pattern of the city is similar to the ribbon growth pattern but has change
in the location. While ribbon growth focussed on the development near the highway,
Linear pattern develops along any linear route (roads, rivers etc).
Ex: Cities near Highway
b. Grid Iron Pattern Growth
The grid iron pattern is based on the Grid Iron Distribution System where the growth of
the city is along the vertical and horizontal paths of the distributing system for effective
supplying of amenities.
Ex: Chandigarh, Barcelona, Bhubaneswar
c. Radial Growth
The radial growth pattern of the city is based on the development in the form of rings or
radials that mark the origin of the city to the modern day developments.
Ex: Moscow, Hyderabad
Name: Shakti Prasanna Mishra
Sub: Planning Theory & Techniques
1st Sem, CET, BBSR