Uploaded by Zafar iqbal

E-Commerce & E-Business Assignment

Assignment # 1
1. Do you believe in E-Commerce, why?
Discuss the advantages of E-
2. Why there is need of technology and concerns of technology in doing
3. Discuss E-Commerce and E-Business and how e-business is helping
corporates in business.
1. All students are directed to email their assignments to CR/GR. (CR is
responsible to collect all assignments including females assignment from
GR, create a folder and copy assignments in that folder and email me in zip
format on due date.
2. Work properly to make assignment.
3. File name must be like this:
Student Name_ Roll #/Registration number_ Program Name_ Semester_
Assignment #. E.g. (Aslam_20_BSIT_ 7th_Assignment # 1)
4. Use Font size (12 pt) font style (Times New Roman) font color (black).
5. Use your own brain and effort instead of copy paste.
6. You are best, you can perform best, believe in yourself to prove it.
7. Best of luck always.
Submission Date: 16-11-2020