Negativity Bias
Our brains are like "velcro for negative and teflon for
positive," according to psychologist Rick Hanson. In this
activity, you and your child will watch a short video to learn
how and why the brain easily remembers negative
information, but not always positive. Together, you will also
learn about something called the "negativity bias" and why
humans tend to focus on negative things. Then, to practice
cultivating positivity and joy, learners will write or
draw pictures of 10 positive things that happened today in
order to counter negativity, and choose someone to send a
positive message to in order to brighten their day and
outlook. This is a great activity to help young learners build
important social emotional skills around self-awareness and
stress management.
What You Need:
Seeing the Bright Side worksheet
Character Education: Understanding Negativity Bias video
What You Do:
1. Ask your child about three things that happened to them today.
2. Ask if it is easier for them to remember the positive or negative things.
3. Explain to your child that you will be watching a video about how our brains are wired to focus on the negative, something that is
called "negativity bias." However, there are ways to change our brains to focus more on positive things.
4. Show them the Character Education: Negativity Bias video.
5. Ask your child why humans seem to focus on the negative.
6. Ask, "How many times do we have to state a positive if we state a negative?" (Answer: three times)
7. Review with your child that for every one thing that is labeled as "negative," thinking of three positives can start to change our
brain to be wired to be more positive.
8. Ask them if they have any questions.
9. Explain to your child that they will be creating an uplifting and positive gift (a video or art project) to give to someone else. They
will then reflect on 10 positive things that happened in their day.
10. Have your child complete the Seeing the Bright Side worksheet.
11. After completing the worksheet, review the 10 positive things your child listed. Ask your child to read their positive experiences
out loud.
12. Ask, "How does it feel to read and reflect on these positive things? Where do you notice the feeling in your body?"
13. Ask them to notice this feeling (to soak in the good) for at least 20–30 seconds.
14. Explain to your child that any time they notice that their thoughts are more negative, they should start to list as many positive
thoughts as they can. Saying these positive things out loud can be helpful to "soak in the good."
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