CDC Guidelines on Schools, Childcare, and Youth Programs 1. For Parents and Guardians: COVID-19 Health Checks English Chinese Spanish 2. Home Quarantine Instructions What to do if your child had close contact with someone with COVID-19 English 3. COVID-19 Health Checks for Children and Youth English Chinese Spanish 4. COVID-19 Symptom List for Screening and Testing Purposes English Chinese Spanish 5. Attachment A-1: Personnel Screening Form English Chinese Spanish 6. Attachment A-2: Screening Form for Non-Personnel English Chinese Spanish 7. Interim Guidance for Child Care Programs English Chinese Spanish 8. Health Directive - Childcare Providers 2020-14e English 9. Frequently Asked Questions for Workers Who Must Isolate or Quarantine Due to COVID19 English Chinese Spanish 10. Home Isolation and Quarantine Instructions English Chinese Spanish 11. Guidance on Quarantine Duration for Close Contacts of COVID-19 Cases English Chinese Spanish 12. Interim Informational Booklet: After your COVID-19 test: What to do while you wait for your test results to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and save lives English Chinese Spanish 13. Interim Guidance: Ending Isolation or Returning to Work for Those Who Have Confirmed or Suspected COVID-19 English Chinese Spanish 14. When someone has suspected or confirmed COVID-19: Quick Guide for Schools, Childcares, and Programs for Children and Youth English Chinese Spanish 15. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): COVID-19 Contact Tracing at Schools, Childcares, and Programs for Children and Youth English Chinese Spanish 16. SCENARIO 1 – Staff or Student has Symptoms Scenario Action Communication HAS SYMPTOMS English 17. SCENARIO 2 – Staff or Student is Exposed to Someone who Tested Positive English 18. SCENARIO 3 – Staff or Student is a Close Contact of Someone who Tested Positive English 19. SCENARIO 4 – 1-2 Staff or Students Test Positive for COVID-19 English 20. Face Covering English Chinese Spanish References: 1. Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information on Schools, Childcare, and Youth Programs 2. Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information for Businesses, Employers, and Employees