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Corrosion in Electrochemical Engineering: A Presentation

Electrochemical Engineering:
Topic 2:
Dr Rhodri Jervis
• What is corrosion?
• The link between the electrochemical series
and corrosion
• The influence of pH on corrosion
• Pourbaix diagrams
• Measuring corrosion
• Control and prevention of corrosion
What is Corrosion?
• How would you define corrosion?
• The deterioration of materials through chemical processes
• International standard definition of corrosion: “a physicochemical interaction
between a metal and its environment which results in changes of the
properties of the metal and which may often lead to impairment of the
function of the metal, the environment, or the technical system of which
these form a part.”
Specifically, we’re interested here in the most significant form of corrosion
industrially and economically:
The electrochemical corrosion of metals to solution or their oxides
Why is Corrosion Important?
The World Corrosion Organisation state the following:
• “The annual cost of corrosion
world-wide exceeds the cost of
all natural disasters
• “The results of corrosion lead to
pollution of the environment,
the air and waters”
• “Everything in our surroundings
needs to be protected from
• “Corrosion is a ‘cancer’ on
industry and needs to be solved”
WCO Corrosion Awareness Day 2019
Why is Corrosion Important?
Corrosion Costs:
“At US $2.2 trillion, the annual cost of
corrosion worldwide is over 3% of the
world’s GDP. Yet, governments and
industries pay little attention to corrosion
except in high-risk areas like aircraft and
pipelines. Now is the time for corrosion
professionals to join together to educate
industry, governments, and the public.
Now is the time to work together to
harmonize standards and practices
around the world and to communicate
and share corrosion mitigation
technologies. Now is the time to make a
major impact to protect the
environment, preserve resources, and
protect our fellow human beings.
“Over the past 50 years, several national
costs of corrosion studies have been
conducted. Using different approaches,
the studies all arrived at corrosion costs
equivalent to about 3%–4% of each
nation's gross domestic product (GDP).
Using a 3.4% of global GDP (2013), the
global cost of corrosion can then be
estimated to be US$2.5 trillion. Using
available corrosion control practices, it
is estimated that savings of between
15% and 35% of the cost of corrosion
could be realized, i.e., between US$375
and $875 billion annually on a global
Now is the Time, George F. Hays,
Director General World Corrosion Organization
Koch, G. Trends in Oil and Gas Corrosion Research
and Technologies. 2017. Web.
Why is Corrosion Important?
There are many examples of industrial
accidents caused, at least in part, by
corrosion in the following areas (and
• Aerospace
• Chemical production
• Oil and gas
• Nuclear
Read about some cases here:
Aloha Incident
Bhopal Disaster
Noroco Refinery Explosion
Davis-Besse Nuclear Reactor
Why is corrosion important
“Of the 137 major refinery accidents reported by EU countries to the
EU’s eMARS database since 1984, around 20% indicated corrosion
failure as an important contributing factor. This proportion of refinery
accidents in eMARS with this profile has remained constant well into
the 21st century”
Corrosion‐Related Accidents in Petroleum Refineries, Wood, Vetere Arellano and Wijk, 2013
Electrochemistry and Corrosion
+ 𝑒𝑒
• Consider the general reaction above
• In the forward reaction, a metal loses electrons and forms a metal ion
• Is this oxidation, or reduction?
• Oxidation
• What 3 things do we need for an electrochemical reaction to occur?
• Electrodes (anode and cathode), electrolyte (ionic connection),
electrical connection
Electrochemistry and Corrosion
• Recall the simple Daniel cell
• What happens in galvanic
(spontaneous) operation?
• Zn(s) | Zn2+(aq) || Cu2+(aq) | Cu(s)
• Zn metal tends to form Zn ions in
solution, or in other words
This can also be called a
corrosion cell. How do we
determine which metal
corrodes (or gives up it’s
electrons, or oxidises)?
Galvanic Series/Reduction Potentials
• The more negative
standard reduction
potential means that a
metal has a greater
tendency to oxidise
(reverse of the reaction
as written in these
standard tables)
• If two metals are in the
same electrolyte and
electrically connected,
the one with the lowest
standard reduction
potential will corrode
• These metals are some
times called ‘base’, as
opposed to noble
metals that have more
positive reduction
potentials and are less
likely to corrode
Galvanic Series/Reduction Potentials
• Metals such as
iron tend to
• What cathode
reactions could be
occurring (and
conditions are
required) to allow
the oxidation of
iron (or other
metals at risk of
Galvanic Series/Reduction Potentials
• Hydrogen
evolution reaction
• Oxygen reduction
reaction (ORR)
(these reactions are
highly important in
and will come up in
future lectures on
fuel cells and
Essential Elements of an Electrochemical Cell
• Anode
• Cathode
• Electrolyte
• Electrical connection
• Separated reactions…
Essential Elements of an Electrochemical Cell
• Anode
Oxidation of Fe
𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹(𝑠𝑠) → 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 2+ + 2𝑒𝑒 −
• Cathode
• Electrolyte
Water, moisture
• Electrical connection
The metal iron itself
• Separated reactions…
The anodic and cathodic reactions occur at different parts of the metal
Cathode Reactions
Oxygen reduction Reaction
O2 + 4H+ + 4e- ↔ 2H2O
O2 + 2H2O + 4e- ↔ 4OHHydrogen Evolution Reaction
• 2H+ + 2e- ↔ H2
• 2H2O + 2e- ↔ 2OH- + H2
• ΔEo = -0.059 pH
Eo = 1.23 V (pH = 0)
Eo = 0.40 V (pH = 14)
Eo = 0.00 V (pH = 0)
Eo = -0.83 V (pH = 14)
Which cathode reactions occur when?
This depends on environmental and thermodynamic factors
If a metal is relatively noble, and has a reduction potential above the
hydrogen reaction, it is not possible for the HER to be the cathodic reaction.
In the presence of oxygen, the ORR occurs at the cathode.
Some strongly oxidising metals (reactive) such as Al, Zn, Mg can have a
significant amount of hydrogen evolution occurring as they are reactive
enough for the HER to be thermodynamically favourable. In the absence of
oxygen, this is even more likely.
The standard reduction potential series tells us how large the
thermodynamic driving force could be for an electrochemical reaction.
However, the kinetics of the reaction should be considered too.
Galvanic Series/Reduction Potentials
• Hydrogen
reaction (HER)
• Oxygen reduction
reaction (ORR)
The ORR often
gives a larger
driving force, but
the HER is more
rapid (has faster
Other Cathode Reactions
• Metal deposition: metal ions in solution can plate onto the surface
• Metal ion reduction without plating: eg Fe(III) → Fe(II)
• Reduction of carbonic acid H2CO3 + e- → H + CO3 • Reduction of chlorine: Cl2 + 2e-→ 2ClHowever, the ORR is the most common cathode reaction in normal
conditions, except with highly reactive metals, in highly acidic solutions
or where oxygen diffusion is limited
pH Considerations
How does pH affect corrosion, and why?
What is pH?
Recall that the standard reduction potential series is at standard conditions,
meaning that the concentration of species in solution is set as 1 mol. The
Nernst equation is used to calculate the change in thermodynamic potential
with different concentration (or temperature). pH is the concentration of H+
ions, and so if they occur in the reduction reactions, the reversible potential
of that half reaction will be altered in different pH
ORR pH Dependence
HER Dependence on pH
General Expression of the Nernst Equation
Taking the general equation for a half-cell reaction as:
aA + mH+ + ze− = bB + H2O
the Nernst equation becomes
ORR and HER pH - diagram
• As shown, the potential of the
ORR/OER and HOR/HER vary with pH
• The standard conditions are at pH 0
and so we get values of 1.23 and 0.00
V, respectively
• Even though this changes with pH, the
difference between them is always
1.23V (parallel lines)
• This is the ‘breakdown voltage’ of
• Above 1.23 V, water is broken down
into oxygen, below 0.0 V into H2
Pourbaix Diagrams
• This is also known as a Pourbaix diagram
• It shows the thermodynamic stability of different
species and their dependence on pH
• In the previous case, this is Pourbaix diagram for
• The central zone is the stable region for water
• Can think of the zones above and below this as being
the ‘corrosion region’ of water
• Pourbaix diagrams of other metals can give insight
into the thermodynamics behind corrosion – i.e., are
metals stable at particular regions
Pourbaix Diagrams
Pourbaix Diagram Rules
• Each line represents a reversible reaction at thermodynamic
• Horizontal lines represent reactions that involve electron transfer
(redox process) but not proton (or hydroxide) transfer
• Eg
π‘­π‘­π‘­π‘­πŸπŸ+ + 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐− ↔ 𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭
• Vertical lines represent acid-base reactions (proton or hydroxide)
with no redox change
• Eg
πŸπŸπŸπŸπŸπŸπŸ‘πŸ‘+ + πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸπŸ 𝑢𝑢 ↔ π‘­π‘­π‘­π‘­πŸπŸ π‘Άπ‘ΆπŸ‘πŸ‘ + πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”+
• Diagonal lines represent reactions where both electron (redox) and
proton (or hydroxide) transfer occur
• Eg πŸπŸπŸπŸπŸπŸπŸ‘πŸ‘ π‘Άπ‘ΆπŸ’πŸ’ + π‘―π‘―πŸπŸ 𝑢𝑢 ↔ πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸπŸ π‘Άπ‘ΆπŸ‘πŸ‘ + 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐+ + 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐−
Fe Pourbaix Diagram
• The diagram is for Fe ion 1x10-6M
• Thermodynamics only – no
• For specific Temperature and
• Pure substance only, i.e. Fe not
• Shows oxides to be
thermodynamically stable, these
are not necessarily passivating
• Only anhydrous oxide
species are shown and not
all of the possible hydrated
and non-stoichiometric
thermodynamic species
Fe2O3 =
Fe3O4 =
Fe Pourbaix Diagram
• Electrochemical equations can be
written for the process of
‘crossing’ the line
• Eg, line 1 would be:
π‘­π‘­π‘­π‘­πŸπŸ+ + 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐− ↔ 𝑭𝑭𝑭𝑭
• Line 2:
π‘­π‘­π‘­π‘­πŸ‘πŸ‘+ + 𝒆𝒆− ↔ π‘­π‘­π’†π’†πŸπŸ+
• Line 3:
πŸπŸπŸπŸπŸπŸπŸ‘πŸ‘+ + πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸπŸ 𝑢𝑢 ↔ π‘­π‘­π‘­π‘­πŸπŸ π‘Άπ‘ΆπŸ‘πŸ‘ + πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”+
• Line 4:
πŸπŸπ‘­π‘­π‘­π‘­πŸπŸ+ + πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸπŸ 𝑢𝑢
↔ π‘­π‘­π‘­π‘­πŸπŸ π‘Άπ‘ΆπŸ‘πŸ‘ + πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”πŸ”+ + 𝟐𝟐𝟐𝟐−
To evaluate the effect of a change of pH
on the equilibrium position of one of
these reactions, move horizontally.
To evaluate the effect of applied
electrode potential, move vertically
Using Pourbaix to Predict Corrosion
vs H2 evolution, Fe is unstable in acid and alkali
Fe(s) + 2H+
Fe(s) + 2H2O
Fe2+(aq) + H2
Fe3O4(s) + H2
vs O2 reduction, Fe is also unstable in acid and alkali (as are most metals)
4Fe(s) + 3O2 + 12H+
4Fe(s) + 3O2
4Fe3+ (aq) + 6H2O
But at certain pH / potential regions the oxide will reduce corrosion
More Pourbaix Diagrams
• Gold’s Pourbaix diagram explains why it is the most immune substance known. It is immune in all
regions in which cathodic reactions can take place. So gold never* corrodes in an aqueous environment.
• Immunity of aluminium only occurs at lower potentials. Therefore, unless under conditions that cause it
to passivate (pH 4-9), it is much more susceptible to corrosion than gold or zinc.
* provided that the water is pure; that no ion complexes are present to provide a cathodic half cell reaction that occurs at a potential higher
than +1.5 V(SHE).
Pros and Cons of Pourbaix Diagrams
The diagrams provide an efficient pictorial summary of electron transfer,
proton transfer and electron+proton transfer reactions which are favoured
on a thermodynamic basis for a metal species in contact with a specific
They should be used with caution:
The pH of importance is that at the metal/electrolyte surface, which due to O2 reduction or H2
evolution might be very different to that of the bulk solution
Although the diagram might indicate that a particular corrosion will occur spontaneously, this does
not mean that significant corrosion will occur due to slow electron transfer kinetics or slow mass
transport of ions
Corrosion is complex, related to exact species in the electrolyte, metal/alloys, T, etc
Thermodynamics shows the direction in which a reaction will tend; the rate
and control of a corroding process is due to the Kinetics of the process
which is revealed by studying the electrodics of the system
Kinetics of Corrosion
• The Nernst equation describes the thermodynamics of the reaction; i.e.
when the system has attained equilibrium. In some systems this could take
a long time (e.g. diamond-graphite). Pourbaix only shows the
• The kinetics of the reaction are governed by:
• The rate of electron transfer, or
• The rate of diffusion of reactants and/or products to and from the metal surface.
(More generally all mass transport processes)
• The rate of electron transfer will depend on how well the metal surface
catalyses the reaction. The magnitude of the exchange current density at
equilibrium and the Tafel slope obtained from a voltamogram gives an
indication of the reaction rate
• If electron transfer is fast and the diffusion of reactants and/or products to
and from the metal surface is slow, then the rate is controlled by diffusion.
e.g. mass transport inhibited by an oxide layer on the surface of the
If a solid oxide is formed on the metal, then this can inhibit O2 diffusion to the metal surface. This is
called ‘passivation’. The effectiveness of the passive layer depends on:
 Its porosity to O2 transfer and Mz+ transfer
 Whether the oxide layer stays on or falls off (mechanical stability)
 Whether other ions are present in the passive layer
Passive layers can form and be dissolved in relation to the potential of the metal and the local pH of
the electrolyte at the metal/solution surface.
The local pH can change if the reaction involves H+ or OH- ions
The Pilling–Bedworth ratio is the ratio of the volume of the crystallographic unit cell of the metal
oxide to that of the metal from which the oxide is formed.
It can be used to predict if a passivation layer will form in dry air
RPB < 1 layer too thin and cracks; RPB > 2 layer has internal strain and falls off (Fe); 1 < RPB < 2: the oxide coating is
passivating. There are however numerous exceptions.
Passivating metals: Al, Ti, Chromium containing steel
Measuring Corrosion
• For corrosion to be possible it has to be thermodynamically
favourable – i.e, a spontaneous reaction, a reduction in Gibbs free
energy of the system
• For corrosion to be a significant problem, the kinetics have to be
relatively fast – i.e., the rate of corrosion has to be such that nonnegligible degradation of a metal occurs over the timescale of years
• However, most corrosion is relatively slow, and so methods such as
measuring mass loss of a metal might not work for practical
experimentation – electrochemistry can be used to measure the
corrosion rate in less time
A reminder of the Tafel approximation of the Butler Volmer reaction
describing electrode kinetics:
Reaction Kinetics
Tafel relationship
𝑱𝑱 = π‘±π‘±πŸŽπŸŽ
πœΆπœΆπ‘¨π‘¨ 𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏
−𝜢𝜢π‘ͺπ‘ͺ 𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏
𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞 𝐩𝐩
𝜼𝜼 − 𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞 𝐩𝐩
• This equation can be re-written such that it takes the form of the Tafel
relationship which was observed experimentally:
η = a + b log (J)
high +η:
πœΆπœΆπ‘¨π‘¨ 𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏
−𝜢𝜢π‘ͺπ‘ͺ 𝒏𝒏𝒏𝒏
𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞 𝐩𝐩
𝑱𝑱 = π‘±π‘±πŸŽπŸŽ 𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞 𝐩𝐩
high -η: −𝑱𝑱 = −π‘±π‘±πŸŽπŸŽ
Tafel Plot Region
πœΆπœΆπ‘¨π‘¨ π‘­π‘­πœΌπœΌ
+ π₯π₯π₯π₯ π‘±π‘±πŸŽπŸŽ
π₯π₯π₯π₯ 𝑱𝑱 =
−𝜢𝜢π‘ͺπ‘ͺ π‘­π‘­πœΌπœΌ
+ π₯π₯π₯π₯ π‘±π‘±πŸŽπŸŽ
π₯π₯π₯π₯ 𝑱𝑱 =
Tafel Plot Region
[14] Katherine Holt - UCL
Using Electrochemistry in Corrosion
• Because corrosion occurs via electrochemical reactions, electrochemical techniques are ideal for the study of
the corrosion processes. In electrochemical studies a metal sample a few cm² in surface area is used to model
the metal in a corroding system. The metal sample is immersed in a solution typical of the metal's
environment in the system being studied. Additional electrodes are immersed in the solution, and all the
electrodes are connected to a device called a potentiostat. A potentiostat allows you to change the potential
of the metal sample in a controlled manner.
• The DC Corrosion standard techniques use the potentiostat to perturb the equilibrium corrosion process.
When the potential of a metal sample in solution is forced away from Eoc, we call it polarizing the sample. The
response (current or voltage) of the metal sample is measured as it is polarized. The response is used to
develop a model of the sample's corrosion behaviour. Both controlled potential (potentiostatic) and
controlled current (galvanostatic) polarization are useful. When the polarization is done potentiostatically,
current is measured, and when it is done galvanostatically, potential is measured.
LSV In Corrosion Analysis
• Linear sweep voltammetry
can be used to sweep the
potential of an electrode
(metal of interest) and
measure the current
• A typical corrosion experiment
is shown
• Around the equilibrium
potential (Ecorr), reduction and
oxidation (corrosion)
processes occur
• There is then a passivation
region where foration of
passivating oxides means the
current lowers to zero
• Eventually, the potential is
high enough to break down
the passive layer and oxidation
can again occur (this time at
an accelerated rate due to the
high overpotential)
LSV In Corrosion Analysis
As with the Tafel
analysis, a plot of
the log of the
current density is
used to extract
kinetic parameters
from the data
LSV In Corrosion Analysis
Tafel Analysis providing 𝑬𝑬𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄 and π’Šπ’Šπ’„π’„π’„π’„π’„π’„π’„π’„
Stainles s Steel in 1 M H2SO4 + 2ppm F-
Corros ion rate analy s is
• Plot log absolute
current vs potential
(i.e. the magnitude
of the current NOT
the ‘direction’)
• Calculate gradient of
slope at +/- 50mV
from the minimum
• Intersection of lines
gives Ecorr and icorr
LSV In Corrosion Analysis
Tafel Analysis providing 𝑬𝑬𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄 and π’Šπ’Šπ’„π’„π’„π’„π’„π’„π’„π’„
Stainles s Steel in 1 M H2SO4 + 2ppm F-
• Plot log absolute
current vs potential
(i.e. the magnitude
of the current NOT
the ‘direction’)
• Calculate gradient of
slope at +/- 50mV
from the minimum
• Intersection of lines
gives Ecorr and icorr
Corros ion rate analy s is
LSV In Corrosion Analysis
Alternative Corrosion Plot – Voltage vs. log Current
Corrosion plots are often plotted with log current density on the x axis
The linear region of the Tafel plots form tangents and cross at a point that defines
the corrosion current (i ) and the corrosion potential (e )
LSV In Corrosion Analysis
The following figure illustrates this process.
The vertical axis is potential and the
horizontal axis is the logarithm of absolute
current. The theoretical current for the
anodic and cathodic reactions are shown as
straight lines. The curved line is the sum of
the anodic and cathodic currents. When you
sweep the potential of the metal, you
measure the current. The sharp point in the
curve results from the use of a logarithmic
axis. It is actually the point where the current
gets very small prior to changing sign.
Measuring corrosion rate from π’Šπ’Šπ’„π’„π’„π’„π’„π’„π’„π’„
Remember: Faraday’s Law: the amount of deposition or loss of
a substance caused by an electrochemical reaction is
proportional to the current passed
Corrosion rate (CR):
icorr is the corrosion current (A/m2)
M is atomic mass of Fe = 55.85*10-3 kgmol-1
ρ is density of Fe = 7876 kgm-3
n is the number of electrons transferred
F is Faraday constant= 96.485 C/mol
π’Šπ’Šπ’„π’„π’„π’„π’„π’„π’„π’„ . 𝑴𝑴
π‘ͺπ‘ͺπ‘ͺπ‘ͺ =
Perform dimensional analysis to determine the standard units
of corrosion rate
Corrosion prevention
For corrosion to occur, both the anodic and cathodic processes must
There are therefore several methods used to prevent or slow corrosion
Corrosion prevention: Coatings
• The most simple method is to coat the surface with something that
acts as a barrier to moisture and oxygen
• Paints, polymers, rubbers etc
• Breaching of the coating could easily occur, leaving the metal
vulnerable to corrosion
Prevention: Sacrificial Coatings
• An imposed negative charge on the metal drives the reversible
equilibrium towards reduction, and so oxidation is less likely to happen.
However, this is often not practical
• One way to supply this negative charge is to coat with a sacrificial coating
• The is where a more active metal is coated and goes becomes the anodic
reaction in place of the metal that is being protected
• This means the sacrificial metal dissolves preferentially
• Zn is a common coating method – this is called galvanization
Prevention: Cathodic Protection
• A sacrificial anode can also
be used to maintain a
continual negative charge on
the metal to be protects
• A separate piece of metal is
connected electrically to the
metal of interest. No current
needs to be supplied – the
corrosion of the sacrificial
anode supplies the charge
Prevention: Anodising
• A positive potential is applied to the metal to force a passivation
• Increases the natural oxide layer thickness on a metal
• Controlled growth of good quality oxide layer prevents it from being
easily broken down
• Can cause the metal to become insulating (can be problematic for
some applications)
• Commonly used with aluminium
Prevention: Alloying
• Alloying with other metals can make a metal
more resistant to corrosion
• Stainless steel is iron containing chromium,
manganese, silicon, carbon and sometimes
nickel and molybdenum
• These elements react with moisture/water and
air to form a very thin (a few atomic layers)
stable film formed of corrosion products such as
oxides and hydroxide
• Chromium is the most important element in this
– usually at 10 percent chromium or more
• The film acts as a barrier layer to moisture and
• The film is so thin that, although it’s technically
corrosion it’s not possible to see and thus the
steel appears ‘stainless’
• Corrosion is a major industrial issue
• Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects need to be taken into
consideration when assessing the likelihood and damage of corrosion
• Its root causes are electrochemical, and we can use electrochemical
methods to study and even prevent corrosion
Example Problems
• Steel corrodes via the following
electrochemical half reaction:
• 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹(𝑠𝑠) → 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 2+ + 2𝑒𝑒 −
• A corrosion current is measured
and shown in the plot on the
• Calculate the corrosion rate in
Log (mA/cm2)
Corrosion rate (CR):
π’Šπ’Šπ’„π’„π’„π’„π’„π’„π’„π’„ . 𝑴𝑴
π‘ͺπ‘ͺπ‘ͺπ‘ͺ =
icorr is the corrosion current (A/m2)
M is atomic mass of Fe = 55.85*10-3 kgmol-1
ρ is density of Fe = 7876 kgm-3
n is the number of electrons transferred
F is Faraday constant= 96.485 C/mol