SPRINGFIELDS COLLEGE MORADABAD UNIT III EXAMINATIONS SUBJECT -BIOLOGY CLASS VIII M.M. 30 Note : Attempt all questions. SECTION I (15 Marks) 1. SELECT THE MOST APPROPRIATE ANSWER : (A) Which of the following hormone regulates the amount of glucose in the blood? (a) Growth hormone (b) insulin (c) adrenaline (d) auxin [5] (B) Which of the following glands is both endocrine as well as exocrine ? (a) Thyroid (b) pituitary (c) pancreas (d) adrenal (C) The auricles are separated from each other by : (a) inter -auricular septum (b) inter -ventricular septum (c) valve (d) none (D) Systolic pressure is : (a) 120 mmHg (b) 100 mmHg (c) 80 mmHg (d) 50 mmHg (E) Blood group “O” contains : (a) antigens A and B (b) no antigen (c) no antibody (d) none 2. FILL IN THE BLANKS : A) Endocrine component of pancreas consists of B) The period of transition from childhood to adulthood is known as C) is called the heart’s natural pacemaker. D) Artery supply oxygenated blood to the heart muscles. E) The circulation of blood between the heart and lungs is called [5] 3. STATE TRUE OR FALSE : A) Pituitary is the master gland. B) The mental tension or worry caused by problems is called stress. C) Antibodies are chemical substances produced by the body in response to antigens. D) Tricuspid valve is present between the left auricle and left ventricle. [5] E) Pulmonary veins carry deoxygenated blood to the left auricle. SECTION II (15 Marks) 4. DEFINE THE FOLLOWING : A) Blood transfusion B) Double circulation C) Blood pressure D) Hormones E) Adolescence 5. ANSWER THESE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS : (a) What are endocrine glands? (b) Name the hormones secreted by the ovaries. (c) Name the instrument that is used to measure blood pressure. (d) Name the four blood groups in human beings and the antigens present in it. (e) Why is blood group AB is called a universal recipient ? [5] [5] 6. GIVEN BELOW IS A DIAGRAM OF THE HUMAN HEART. DRAW IT AGAIN AND LABEL THE FOLLOWING PARTS : [5] A) right auricle B) left ventricle C) bicuspid valve D) pulmonary artery E) inter -ventricular septum