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Business Collocations List

to achieve an objective
to generate income
to produce output, to sell output to cover
to satisfy consumer needs
to measure profitability
to make a profit
to take investment decisions
to generate output(s)
to calculate a percentage
to be dismissed without notice
to provide a wide range of services
to appoint sb as head of a department
to specialise in sth
to raise funds
to raise status in society
to compete with someone
to deal in sth
to derive from a combination of inputs
to fire, to dismiss, to lay off, to make
to hire, to recruit
to incur expenses
to generate revenues
Prosperty  Wohlstand
Workforce, staff, employees, personnel,
Legislation, laws, legal framework
Factory, plant
Premises  Lokal
Effluent  Abwasser
Gist (=main message)
Personal accomplishment
to establish a firm
to go bankrupt
to make a profit
to meet debts
to transfer shares
to vote at general meetings
to dissolve a partnership
to raise funds
establishing and maintaining organisational structures and procedures
motivating and commanding subordinates
drawing up strategic and tactical plans
communicating with members of the business organisation
setting goals
delegating responsibilities
measuring performance
representing the organisation to the outside
to head a venture group – eine autonome Projektgruppe leiten
to report to a superior – einem Vorgesetzten unterstehen
to flatten the corporate hierarchy – die Unternehmenshierarchie verflachen
to appoint a CEO – einen Generaldirektor ernennen
to work overtime
to sign a contract of employment
to pay in cash or in kind
to square private and working life
to increase job satisfaction
to climb up the career ladder
to enlist specialist help
to pass down a command
to check references
to draw up a shortlist of candidates
to conduct oneself properly
to receive benefits
to act in good faith
to instigate disciplinary actions
to terminate employment
to withdraw voluntary benefits
to be stipulated by law
to enter into a contract of employment
pay in cash or kind
walked off the job / went on strike
exerted enormous influence / had a big effect
business […] has ground to a halt /no work is being done
take a stand against /resist or oppose
business has slowed /sales have fallen
It has come to my attention
I have reason to believe that these are by no means isolated cases
Have occurred with some frequency in recent months
Is a matter of the greatest concern
I need hardly stress
Instigate disciplinary proceedings
to indicate interest
to submit an offer
to stipulate the port of destination
to procure marine insurance
to effect delivery
to grant/give/allow a discount
to place orders with us
to offer/quote prices
to supply/provide us with references
to request/ask for a cash discount
to assess/rate/ascertain/check [a firms] creditworthiness/ credit status
to target/to identify a sub-market
to gear products towards a..
to tailor your products for/to a..
to introduce a product into a market
to launch a new product
to abandon a product
to allow a product to petrify
a product enters into a stager of (maturity)
the market is saturated
which sent sales through the roof
growth slowed
sales began to level off
competition had become fierce
sales fell away more and more rapidly
small but steady market
cutting marketing expenditure
allowing sales to stagnate
taking the entire product line off the market
to introduce/launch/implement an umbrella/a family/ a blanket brand
to submit/make a counter-offer
to register a trademark
to tailor a product to a market/to adapt a product for a market
to supply media with information
to organize press conferences
to sponsor sporting events
to hold lobby efforts
to donate money to a charity