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English Grammar Exercise: Verb Tenses

While I (was walking) across the campus the other day, I (met) my old friend Bill, whom I
(HADN'T seen) since May. Naturally, we (stopped) (to talk) to each other for a few
minutes. I asked him how he (was doing\did) in his classes that semester. He told me
that he (had taken) a course in English that semester. He said that he (had completed)
the elementary course two semesters before, and by the next semester he (would be
ready\would have been) ready (to take) the most difficult English course offered at this
school. He also said that he (was) interested in getting his degree as soon as possible
and he (had already asked) his adviser for permission to take the final examination. "I
am glad (to hear) that you (have made\are making) such good progress", I (said) to Bill.
Then I asked him if he (could) tell me the secret of his success. He answered that the
secret of his success (was) simple and he (studied\was studying) at least two hours a
day to improve his English. After that I told Bill I (was having\had) a little difficulty with my
course in French at the moment I said that i (hadn't studied) very hard the last semester,
but I (would work) harder in the future.