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Skeletal System Worksheet: Bones, Muscles, and Joints

Color the diagram below using the table as a key.
Name of Bone
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Skeletal Systems Notes
There are 206 named bones of the human body that are classified into axial and appendicular
80 bones segregated into three major regions (the skull, vertebral column, and rib cage). These are
the bones that are most involved in protecting, supporting, and carrying other body parts.
The Skull: Sometimes also referred to as the cranium, but actually the cranium is the portion of the
skull that protects the brain. The skull includes 8 cranial bones and 14 facial bones.
Mandible – the lower jaw, largest and strongest facial bone
The Vertebral Column: consists of 26 irregular bones and extends from the skull to the pelvis where
it transmits the weight of the body to the lower limbs. The bones of the vertebral column include 24
vertebrae, the sacrum, and the coccyx.
The Bony Thorax: composed of the 12 pairs of Ribs and the Sternum
The Appendicular Skeleton
126 bones of the upper and lower limbs and the shoulder and pelvic girdles. These bones assist in
locomotion and help us manipulate the environment.
Bones of the appendicular skeleton
9. Pelvic Bones (hip bones: 2)
1. Clavicle (collar bone: 2)
10. Femur (upper leg bone: 2)
2. Scapula (shoulder blade: 2)
11. Patella (knee cap: 2)
3. Humerus (upper arm bone: 2)
12. Fibula (lower leg bone: 2)
4. Radius (forearm, thumb side: 2)
13. Tibia (shin bone: 2)
5. Ulna (forearm, pinky side: 2)
14. Tarsals (ankle bones: 14)
6. Carpals (wrist bones: 16)
15. Metatarsals (foot bones: 10)
7. Metacarpals (hand bones: 10)
16. Phalanges of feet (toes: 28)
8. Phalanges of hands (fingers: 28)
Family 2 Family Learning Center
Contact us @family2familylearningcenter@gmail.com
Name: _______________________________________Date:________________
Complete the following sentences with the correct word or phrase.
1. There are _____________ bones in the skeleton.
2. The two parts of the skeleton are the _________________skeleton and _______________________ skeleton.
3. The four types of bones are _________________ bones, ________________ bones, _________________
bones and ________________ bones.
4. White blood cells are manufactured in the ______________ of ____________________.
5. The type of bone found in the shaft of a long bone is _____________________ bone.
6. The ends of long bones are called _____________________.
7. The ends of long bones are covered with _________________________.
8. Spongy bone is found in the _____________ of long bones.
9. _____________blood cells are manufactured in the heads of long bones.
10. At birth the entire skeleton of a baby is made up of ______________________.
11. The substance needed to make strong healthy bones is _____________________.
12. Between the ages of _________to _________ years the skeleton stops growing in girls.
13. In boys the skeleton stops growing between the ages of ________ to ________years.
14. Complete the following questions. List 5 functions of bones within the skeletal system!
Describe compact bone!
Describe spongy bone!
Family 2 Family Learning Center
Contact us @family2familylearningcenter@gmail.com
Multiple Choice:
1. Cartilage is
A) Infection in the bones
B) Swelling & stiffness in a joint
C) Tough flexible cushion between two bones
D) Curvature of the spine
2. Ligaments
A) Strong cord that connects bone to bone
B) Strong cord that connects muscle to bone
3. Tendons
A) Strong cord that connects bone to bone
B) Strong cord that connects muscle to bone
4. Proper care of a sprain is
A) Bones kept in place
B) Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation
C) Regular exercise and supplementation
5. Which of the following is located superior to the femur:
A) Metacarpals
B) Fibula
C) Tibia
D) Humerous
6. The heart muscle is an example of a ____________ muscle.
A) Voluntary
B) Absolute
C) Involuntary
D) Sternocleidomastoid
7. When a bone matures from a chunk of cartilage to a bone made of spongy material, it is call the process of
A) Osteomyelitis
B) Osteobacterial
C) Ossification
D) Solidification
E) All of the above
8. A bone is supplied with nutrients by
A) Yellow Bone Marrow
B) Red Bone Marrow
C) Calcification
D) Blood Vessels
9. What part of the skeletal system consists of the skull, breastbone, ribs and vertebrae?
A. Systematic
B. Vertebral
C. Axial
D. Appendicular
10. What system protects the internal organs from being damaged?
A .Muscular
B. Reproductive
C. Padded
D. Skeletal
11. The appendicular skeleton consist of what parts?
A. Head, sternum, ribs and vertebrae
B. Hands, feet, legs, hips and arms
C. Feet, head, legs, ribs and arms
D. Hips, head, toes and fingers
Family 2 Family Learning Center
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12. The point at which two bones come together is what?
A. Ligaments
B. Pivot
C. Ossification
D. Joint
13. The fibrous bands that connects two bones in a joint are
A. Cartilage
B. Tendons
C. Ligaments
D. Strings
14. The process in which cartilage is replace by bone is called what?
A. Synovial Fluid
B. Ossification
C. Compact bone
D. Fracture
15. A break in the bone is called
A. Fracture
B. Bursitis
C. Sprain
D. Torn cartilage
16. The three types of muscle fibers are
A. Muscular, heart and rough
B. Smooth, cardiac, skeletal
C. Heart, quadriceps, sternocleidomastoid
D. Smooth, rough, tumor
17. Skeletal muscles are
A. Involuntary
B Voluntary
18. Your stomach muscle is
A. Involuntary
B. Voluntary
19. How do muscles work together?
A. Stretch and pull
B. Up and down
C. Contraction and Extension
D. Right and left
20. The heart is made of what type of muscle fiber?
A. Cardiac
B. Smooth
C. Useful
D. Skeletal
21. The esophagus is made of what type of muscle fiber?
A. Cardiac
B. Smooth
B. Useful
D. Skeletal
22. The skeleton is _______________________.
A. Dead-structures
B. Non-living
C. Living
D. Creepy
23. The neck and hip contain this type of joint.
A. Immovable
B. Gliding
C. Movable
D. Hinge
Family 2 Family Learning Center
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24. This joint consists of a bone with a rounded end that fits into a cup-like cavity on another bone.
A. Pivot
B. Ball and socket
C. Hinge
D. Gliding
25. All the bones in your body make up the ________________.
A. Skeletal system
B. Bone system
C. Bone structure
D. Skeletal structure
26. Your shoulder is what type of joint?
A. Ball and socket
B. Hinge
C. Pivot
D. Gliding
27. At birth, your skeleton was made up of _____________ bones
A. a greater number of
B. the same number of
C. a smaller number of
D. no
28. This joint has a back and forth movement like a door.
A. Ball and socket
B. Gliding
C. Hinge
D. Pivot
29. Bones protect your _________________.
A. heart
B. organs
C. skull
D. All of the answers
30. This joint can give more range of motion than other joints
A. Hinge
B. Gliding
C. Ball and socket
D. Pivot
31. Now you have _______________ bones.
A. 206
B. 126
C. 602
D. 612
32. At a joint in the body, bones are held together with what?
A. Tendons
B. Ligaments
C. Cartilage
D. Muscle
33. _______________ are the cushioning tissues in joints.
A. Tendons
B. Ligaments
C. Cartilage
D. Muscles
34. What is outer dense part of bone?
A. Marrow
B. Cartilage
C. Spongy bone
D. Compact bone
35. Gliding joint are found in the ____________
A. Ankles, toes and shoulders
B. Hips, fingers and vertebrae
C. Elbow, knees, fingers and toes
D. Ankles, wrists and vertebrae
36. What is another name for the knee cap?
A. Pendulum
B. Paletta
C. Patella
D. Panetta
Family 2 Family Learning Center
Contact us @family2familylearningcenter@gmail.com
37. The upper arm bone is called the __________.
A. Radius
B. Humerus
C. Ulma
D. Femor
38. What is another word for shoulder blade?
A. Pelvis
B. Scapula
C. Clavical
D. Mandible
39. Bone-forming cells are called _______.
A. Osteocasts
B. Osteoclasts
C. Osteobasts
D. Osteoblasts
40. When were our bones mostly cartilage?
A. At birth
B. Now
C. Never
D. At the age of 2
41. Bones are made _________________ tissue
A. Connective
B. Nerve
C. Muscle
D. Epithelial
42. In the top of the skull, bones are
A. Broken apart
B. Dissolved
C. Stayed separate
D. Fused together
43. What does cartilage do?
A. Protects internal organs
B. Allows bones to come apart easily
C. Allows bones to rub together
D. Acts as a shock absorber
44. _________________ is made of tough bands of connective tissue
A. Bone
B. Cartilage
C. Muscle
D. Ligament
45. The joint in which one part of a bone slides over another bone.
A. Ball and socket
B. Hinge
C. Pivot
D. Gliding
46. What is located between the vertebrae?
A. Cartilage
B. Fat cells
C. Skin
D. Blood cells
47. Where is a fixed (immovable) joint located?
A. Hip
B. Knee
C. Skull
D. Finger
48. What tissue is thick, tough, and slippery?
A. Protects internal organs
B. Cartilage
C. Bone marrow
D. Spongy bone
49. The skeletal system has _____major functions,
A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3
Family 2 Family Learning Center
Contact us @family2familylearningcenter@gmail.com
50. These build up bone.
A. Osteophlasts
B. Osteoplasts
C. Osteoclasts
D. Osteoblasts
51. What is attached to bone and causes them to move?
A. Cartilage
B. Muscles
C. Marrow
D. Ligaments
52. Where is spongy bone located in a bone?
A. Middle of all bones.
B. Directly under the periosteum
C. Ends of long bones
D. Ends of all bones
53. What is in the center of cells that forms red blood cells?
A. Yellow Marrow
B. Blood makers
C. Red Marrow
D. Fat cells
54. Arms and legs are part of the ______________ skeleton
A. Axial
B. Appendicular
C. Central
D. Main
55. What is our mandible?
A. Pelvis
B. Largest bone in our body
C. Cheek bones
D. Jaw bone
56. _________________ provides most of the strength for bones.
A. Compact bone
B. Cartilage
C. Bone marrow
D. Spongy bone
57. What is yellow marrow composed of?
A. Red blood cells
B. Fat
C. Bones cells
D. White blood cells.
58. Bones are mostly made of the mineral _________________.
A. Potassium
B. Iron
C. Calcium
D. Oxygen
59. Joints do not allow movement are called ____________________ joints.
A. Movable
B. Ball and Socket
C. Immovable
D. Hinge
60. What type of joint is in our wrist?
A. Hinge
B. Pivot
C. Ball and socket
D. Gliding
61. How many ribs do we have?
A. 12
B. 24
C. 36
D. 48
62. These two things make bones hard.
A. Calcium and phosphorous
B. Zinc and oxide
C. Milk and Cheese
D. Iron and Calcium
Family 2 Family Learning Center
Contact us @family2familylearningcenter@gmail.com
63. Where are most of your bones located?
A. Ribs
B. Hands and Feet
C. Arms
D. Skull
Fill-INS – Fill in the missing information about the different type of joints
Shoulder & Hip
Pivot Joint
Moves up & down and side to
Moves in only one direction
Wrists & Ankles
Match the term with the correct definition
70. ________ Flat Bones
71. ________ Short Bones
72. ________ Irregular Bones
73. ________ Flat Bones
A) Bones of the skull.
B) Bones of the shoulder and hip
C) Bones such as the humerous, femur, radius, ulna and fibula.
D) Bones phalanges and carpal
Word Bank for fill in questions
bones are brittle and break easily
74. Voluntary muscles are muscles that you ___________ control.
75. Involuntary muscles are muscles that you ____________ control.
76. Osteoporosis is a disease where ___________________________________________.
77. This muscle extends your ulna and radius from the body at the elbow.
78. Starting with your arms above your head, this muscle allows you to pull down on an object.
79. In order to abduct your leg, you must contract which muscle(s)?
Family 2 Family Learning Center
Contact us @family2familylearningcenter@gmail.com
Draw a diagram illustrating where yellow and red bone marrow are found within a long bone!
Describe where you can find each of the following shapes of bones!
1. Flat:
2. Irregular:
3. Short:
4. Long:
Family 2 Family Learning Center
Contact us @family2familylearningcenter@gmail.com