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Dihybrid Cross & Incomplete Dominance Worksheet

DiHybrid Cross 1
R= Round Seeds G= Green Seeds
r = wrinkled Seeds g= Yellow Seeds
Both parent Are Heterozygous for BOTH traits
______________ X _____________
What is the ratio of the PHENOTYPES of the offspring?
DiHybrid Cross 2
A=Long hair
a =short hair
B=Curly hair
b=Straight hair
One parent is Heterozygous for BOTH traits, the other is
Homozygous Recessive for BOTH traits.
What is the ratio of the PHENOTYPES of the offspring?
3. A heterozygous tall, horned giraffe has a mate that is short, with no horns. Height
shows incomplete dominance. Show the possible genotypes and # of their offspring.
4. What % of their offspring would you predict to be Tall, with no horns?___________
5. What is the chance of these parents producing short, hornless baby giraffes?_________
6. A Ram heterozygous for Black Wool and curly horns is crossed with a Ewe that has white
wool and straight horns. What is the chance of them producing lambs with black wool and
straight horns?