TRANSACTION CYCLE OF MOUNTAIN VIEW RETAIL STORE ACC 114 ASSIGNMENT PRESENTATION BY OGWUEGBU CRISPINO IFEANYICHUKWU 19AA025026 BUSINESS DESCRIPTION • MOUNTAIN VIEW RETAIL STORE IS A SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP BUSINESS AND A RETAIL STORE FOUNDED BY MRS. ROSEMARY OGWUEGBU IN THE YEAR, 2015. IT IS WELL SUPPORTED BY HER LOVELY HUSBAND, MR. CHARLES OGWUEGBU. IT IS LOCATED AT OPIC ESTATE, AGBARA, OGUN STATE. IT SELLS A VARIETY OF GOODS RANGING FROM CHILLED SOFT DRINKS TO TOILETRIES TO FOOD STUFFS LIKE TOMATO, SPAGHETTI AND SO ON TO A VARIETY OF SNACKS WHICH SATISFIES ITS CONSUMERS’ WANTS. IT IS REALLY GAINING POPULARITY AND SALES FIGURES ARE INCREASING AT AN ALARMING RATE DUE TO ITS INFRASTRUCTURE, ITS RAPID SALES SERVICE AND MOST ESPECIALLY, THE SPECIAL GRACE OF GOD. IN THIS REPORT, WE WOULD BE TAKING A LOOK AT ITS TRANSACTION CYCLE FOR TWO DAYS IN THE MONTH OF JANUARY IN THE YEAR, 2017. page 2 • TRANSACTION CYCLE OVERVIEW A transaction cycle is an interlocking set of business transactions • Revenue cycle is a recurring set of business activities and information processing operations involved in the process of delivering goods and services to customers and receiving payments for the sales • The expenditure cycle is the set of activities related to the acquisition of and payment for goods and services. These activities include the determination of what needs to be purchased, purchasing activities, the receipt of goods, and payments to suppliers • The conversion cycle is the crux of each business; daily transactions from normal operations include pieces from the expenditure and payroll cycle to make up the conversion process. The goods purchased for the business are used by the personnel from payroll to earn the business cash. page 3 TRANSACTION CYCLE OF MOUNTAIN VIEW RETAIL STORE REVENUE/ SALES CYCLE ORDER PLACEMENT STOCK CHECK CASH/CREDIT TOTAL AMOUNT MTN - N 1000 X 2 MTN - N 200 X 2 MTN - N 200 X 1 IN STOCK IN STOCK IN STOCK CASH CASH CASH N2,020.00 N420.00 N230.00 BREAD - N 100 X 1 SODA KING - N 100 X 2 IN STOCK IN STOCK CASH CASH N 100.00 N 200.00 SODA KING – 100 X 1 IN STOCK CASH N 110.00 SACHET WATER - N 10 X 1 IN STOCK CASH N 10.00 AIRTEL – N 1000 X 1 IN STOCK CASH N 1,500.00 IN STOCK CASH N 230.00 SUGAR – N 10 X 2 COCONUT BISCUIT - N 25 X 2 IN STOCK CASH N 50.00 OLE BISCUIT - N 20 X 1 IN STOCK CASH N 30.00 ETISALAT – N 200 X 1 IN STOCK CASH N 200.00 TISSUE – N 70 X 1 SACHET WATER - N 10 X 3 IN STOCK IN STOCK CASH CASH N 70.00 N 30.00 OLE BISCUIT – N 20 X1 SACHET WATER - N 10 X 1 • The sales/revenue cycle of Mountain View Retail Store involves the consumers coming to the shop to place their orders, the carrying of a stock check to ascertain the availability of the requested goods, the satisfaction of the orders of the consumers and the receipt of cash immediately. AIRTEL – N 500 X 1 BREAD – N 100 X 1 MILO – N 50 X 1 MILK – N 30 X 2 GROUNDNUT - N 10 X 1 page 4 TRANSACTION CYCLE OF MOUNTAIN VIEW RETAIL STORE EXPENDITURE CYCLE • This cycle begins with the checking of the current stock of goods to find out the goods that need to be restocked. After this has been done, a purchase order is sent to various retailers. When she receives the goods, she pays immediately for some goods but some retailers allow her to carry it on credit basis. This is usually carried out within the interval of 2 days or 3 days depending on how urgent it is to get the goods restocked. page 5 TRANSACTION CYCLE OF MOUNTAIN VIEW RETAIL STORE COMBINATION OF ALL CYCLES GOODS CASH RESTOCKED GOODS AND SERVICES CASH page 6