Trauma Topic Assignment - Julian Kaydris 03.29.2020 The definition of an epistaxis is the bleeding from the nose and most epistaxises happen spontaneously and without cause. They can be divided into 2 categories; anterior bleeds and posterior bleeds (inside or outside of the nose). Most anterior epistaxis happen because of dry air. Dry climate dries out the nasal membranes and leads to bleeding. To treat an epistaxis you will need to lean forward to prevent swallowing blood and pinch the nose. Maintain this pressure for 10-15 minutes before evaluating the patient's epistaxis. About 60% of people have experienced a nosebleed during their life, and only 10% of nosebleeds are serious and require treatment/medical aid. Nosebleeds are rarely fatal, accounting for only four of the 2.4 million deaths in the United States. The source of 90% of anterior nosebleeds are within the Kiesselbach plexus on the anterior nasal septum. The sphenopalatine artery (SPA) is the most probable source for posterior bleeds. An interesting fact i've discovered is that they occur most commonly in children ranging from 2 to 10 years old and the elderly ranging from 50 to 80 years old. d-control-and-treatment-tips-IHQSzFHI8vrbLmzb/