Uploaded by Andrew Dawson

SEND & Inclusion: Equality & Achievement Assignment

PLD Assignment Submission: How do we
respond to pupils’ needs and overcome
potential barriers to learning so that all pupils
make progress and achieve?
Submit Assignment
Due 12 Apr by 12:00
Points 100
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Available 11 Jan at 12:00 - 19 Apr at 17:00 3 months
Summative assignment (100% of the module mark)
Title: Equality and achievement in education
Focus: Teachers’ Standard 1 and Teachers’ Standard 5
Assignment brief:
How do we respond to pupils’ needs and overcome potential barriers to
learning so that all pupils make progress and achieve in mainstream
secondary education? Choose one of the following SEND areas as the
focus of a critical analysis of your own practice:
1. Communication and interaction difficulties
2. Cognition and learning needs – MLD; SLD; PMLD; SpLD
3. Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
4. Sensory and/or physical needs
As helpful starting point please refer to Knowles, G., and Lander, V.,
(2011) Diversity, Equality and Achievement in Education, SAGE:
London. There are plenty of copies in the LRC. Please discuss with
your subject tutor and/or PLD module tutor your chosen barrier to
learning before you start your assignment.
How the assignment will be assessed:
This assignment will be assessed against the grading criteria for level 7
Assignment length: 3,000 words (-/+ 10% tolerance) + An annotated
lesson plan + Case Pupil Context and any other additional supporting
evidence i.e. Lesson observation feedback and Weekly Mentor Meeting
**You have a choice of TWO Options as to how you wish to
complete this assignment. Please read both options carefully
before making a choice**
Option 1
This is a professional learning and development assignment
and you will need to demonstrate good theoretical and
pedagogical awareness of how you can adapt your practice to
overcome a particular barrier(s) to learning to ensure
that all pupils can make progress and achieve.
You must identify an individual or group of pupils that you are
teaching, who have a specific barrier(s) to learning (from one of
the four broad areas of SEND in mainstream secondary
education outlined above). You must then plan how you
will adapt your practice, based upon strong theoretical
knowledge and understanding, with the aim of helping the
pupil(s) make progress and achieve, in relation to the subject
area/matter being taught.
Your adaptive practice should be evident in at least one UH
annotated lesson plan (with self-evaluation), making reference
to any supporting professional reading and literature that
demonstrates the theoretical underpinning of the approach(es)
you have adopted.
Critically examine the potential barrier(s) to learning that the
pupil may have encountered and how you adapted your
practice to support the pupils’ learning and progress in relation
to the subject area/matter being taught, making reference to
any supporting professional reading and literature that
demonstrates the theoretical underpinning of the approach(es)
you have adopted.
Option 2
This is a professional learning and development assignment
and you will need to demonstrate good theoretical and
pedagogical awareness of how you can adapt your practice to
overcome a particular barrier(s) to learning to ensure
that all pupils can make progress and achieve.
Drawing on any relevant experience from your first stage of
training (Case Pupil Context as part of your Evidence Bundle
for Progress Review Point 1) identify a pupil that you taught in
your sequence of lessons who had a specific barrier(s) to
learning (from one of the four broad areas of SEND in
mainstream secondary education outlined above) and, with
reference to your reading: demonstrate a strong theoretical
knowledge and understanding of the area of SEND you have
Your adaptive practice should be evident in at least one UH
annotated lesson plan (with self-evaluation), making reference
to any supporting professional reading and literature that
demonstrates the theoretical underpinning of the approach(es)
you have adopted.
Critically examine the potential barrier(s) to learning that the
pupil may have encountered and how you adapted your
practice to support the pupils’ learning and progress in relation
to the subject area/matter being taught, making reference to
any supporting professional reading and literature that
demonstrates the theoretical underpinning of the approach(es)
you have adopted.
For this assignment you will need to:
Demonstrate understanding of how children develop and learn
and how this is may be affected by your chosen barrier to
Demonstrate understanding of how teaching and learning can
be adapted to address your chosen barrier to learning by
critically reflecting on your own classroom practice and that of
others through observation.
Demonstrate that you have read a wide range of current theory
and research related to your chosen barrier to learning.
Review and critically engage with the position of key writers in
your chosen area to inform the development of your own
adaptive practice
Critically reflect with reference to the Teachers’ Standards
particularly TS1 and TS5.
Acknowledge the interrelationship between theory and practice
by showing how research informed practice enhances teaching
and learning
Synthesise and analyse what you read, practice and observe so
that you can critically evaluate your own adaptive practice.
An annotated lesson plan of how you might adapt your practice
for your chosen barrier to learning (UH Lesson Plan)
The literature that underpins your approach and/or critiques
what you did and suggests future adaptations/changes
General Guidance on referencing, presentation/format and
The School of Education Referencing Guide, based on the Harvard
referencing system, has been developed to guide your referencing
practice. This can be found via the Academic Skills Advice Resource
(ASAR). This is available via StudyNet/Canvas on the Secondary ITE
programme site and in your subject module site.
In addition, you will find hard copies and ecopies of the following text
that is particularly useful for understanding Harvard referencing
Pears, R. & Shields, G.J. 2016, Cite them right: the essential referencing
guide, Tenth revision and expand edn, Palgrave, London.
Ensure that you adhere to the following stylistic conventions:
Use accurate written expression and adopt a formal register
Do not use colloquialisms, conversational expression or contractions
Avoid making generalisations and unsubstantiated assertion
Use credible sources
Adhere to Harvard Education Referencing conventions
Use accurate punctuation
Assignment presentation, submission and assessment
This is a written assignment which must be submitted as a Word
document via the appropriate link in your PLD module site on
Using Turnitin - Text Matching Software
Turnitin is an Internet-based text match software that allows you to see
the degree to which you are appropriately acknowledging your sources
of ideas. It checks for potential unoriginal content by comparing
submitted assignments to databases.
You should submit a draft version of your assignment through the
Turnitin submission link to support the development of academic writing
skills and good academic practice before you submit the final version of
your assignment.
Electronic Submission:
Your written assignment should be submitted through the module site
with your attached annotated lesson plan, lesson observation and
Weekly Mentor Meeting form as one single document. You must submit
your assignment using the following guidelines:
Insert the completed cover sheet that your tutors will provide for you
onto the first pages of your assignment and save as a single document
Please save and submit as a ….. file (written work to be saved as a .doc
or .docx file)
all files must be saved using the following format:
student number Module code FINAL
e.g. 192028784 7EDU1117 FINAL
Insert the completed cover sheet that your tutors will provide for you
onto the first pages of your assignment and save as a single document
Please save and submit as a ….. file (written work to be saved as a .doc
or .docx file)
all files must be saved using the following format:
student number Module code FINAL
e.g. 192028784 7EDU1117 FINAL
Once you have submitted your assignment it is your responsibility
to check that you have submitted the correct final version and for
the correct module. Incorrect submissions will not be considered
as grounds for appeal.
Assignment final submission deadline: 12:00 (noon) 12/04/2021
Assignment hand back date: 10/05/2021
Retrieval Assignment
Grades for the assignment will be released after the Module Board of
Examiners. You will be able to access your grade via StudyNet. If you
have failed the assignment you will have the opportunity to submit a
retrieval assignment. Details of how to do this will also be found on
If you have failed the assignment you will need to contact your Module
Leader to arrange a tutorial. Take account of the feedback you receive
when undertaken the retrieval assignment. The retrieval assignment for
this module comprises two parts:
Part One
A written submission of 2000 words focussing on a critical analysis of
the literature relating to your chosen SEND area. This part of the
assignment will have a greater focus on a critical analysis of the
literature and will allow you to develop and demonstrate your
understanding of research and theory that underpins effective classroom
pedagogy and practice.
Part Two
A presentation of no more than 10 slides focussing on the practice and
application of your chosen issue. The slides should demonstrate clear
examples of your understanding of how theory underpins approaches to
practice in the classroom. This presentation should last no more than
Retrieval/referred and deferred submission date: Monday 5th July
Accessing academic or wellbeing support from School of
Education Student Success and Engagement Team
Please rest assured that although we are not currently operating on
campus from our office R116 in the School of Education, de Havilland
campus, we are still here to support you - online, by phone and through
Skype etc - whatever works best for you.
So that we can continue to support you effectively, if you need us,
please EMAIL ALL OF US (this is a different approach from the
academic team) in the School of Education Student Success and
Engagement Team in the first instance, while we are putting processes
together to make sure that we don’t miss any requests for help.
Please email ALL the following in the first instance:
Hannah Luxford
Nusrat Khan
Amanda Clark
Abigail Anjorin
Annita Clarke
There will be SSET members available every weekday between 9am
and 4pm on the following rota:
Monday – Hannah, Amanda
Tuesday – Hannah, Amanda, Abigail, Nusrat
Wednesday – Annita, Amanda, Abigail, Nusrat
Thursday – Annita, Amanda
Friday – Amanda, Annita
The SSET is only one avenue of support and, in addition to your
programme and module tutors, there are other departments and facilities
available within the university, all of which are designed to support and
inform you.
Student Wellbeing (UH Wellbeing)
This is the website for Student Wellbeing, where they can access a
whole range of support:
- https://www.studynet1.herts.ac.uk/ptl/common/counselling.nsf/Homepa
ge?readform (Links to an external site.)
There is an online self-referral form for counselling, disability services
and mental wellbeing
here: https://studentwellbeing.herts.ac.uk/Wellbeing/ (Links to an
external site.)
Student Centre
https://ask.herts.ac.uk/student-centre (Links to an external
site.) Email: ask@herts.ac.uk; Phone: 01707 28 4800