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Software vs. Programs: Characteristics & Development

Software is basically depends upon operating system.
Programs are mainly dependent on
Various categories of software includes application
software, system software, computer programming
tools, etc.
There are no such categories of
Programs are usually developed by
Software is usually developed by people having expert
person who is beginner and have no
knowledge and experience .
Software can be a program that generally runs on
Programs cannot be a software.
If programs are not present in
Software makes a computer useful without software
computer, then also computer can
computer is useless
function well because of operating
Features of program includes reliable,
cost effectiveness, maintainability,
profitability, etc.
It requires less time to create program
It requires more time to create software than program.
than software.
Examples of software includes windows ,linux,Google Examples of program includes video
Chrome, PowerPoint, etc.
games, etc.
Features of software includes security, safety,
dependability, correctness, etc.
Characteristics of software:
.Software does not wear out:
Things like clothes, shoes, ornaments do wear out after some time. But, software once created
never wears out. It can be used for as long as needed and in case of need for any updating,
required changes can be made in the same software and then it can be used further with updated
Software is not manufactured:
Software is not manufactured but is developed.
Flexibility of software:
A software is flexible. What this means is that we can make necessary changes in our
software in the future according to the need of that time and then can use the same
software then also.
Reusability of components:
If any particular segment of code is required in some other software, we can reuse the
existing code form the software in which it is already present. This reduced our work and
also saves time and money.
Reliability of Software:
This is the ability of the software to provide the desired functionalities under every
condition. This means that our software should work properly in each condition.
Usability of Software:
The usability of the software is the simplicity of the software in terms of the user. The
easier the software is to use for the user, the more is the usability of the software as more
number of people will now be able to use it.
(i)Error:An error is a mistake, misconception, or misunderstanding on the part of a
software developer. In the category of developer we include software engineers,
programmers, analysts, and testers. For example, a developer may misunderstand a design notation, or a programmer might type a variable.
(ii)FAULT:An incorrect step, process or data definition in a computer program which
causes the program to perform in an unintended or unanticipated manner. A fault is
introduced into the software as the result of an errorname incorrectly – leads to an Error.
(iii)DEFECT:It can be simply defined as a variance between expected and actual.
(iv)FAILURE:A failure is the inability of a software system or component to perform its
required functions within specified performance requirements. When a defect reaches the
end customer it is called a Failure.
“software crisis” is a term for the difficulty of writing useful and efficient computer
programs in the required time.
The major causes of software crisis are:-
• Project running over-budget.
• Project running over-time.
• Software was of low quality.
• Software often did not meet requirements.
• Projects were unmanageable and code is difficult to maintain.
4P’s in management plays an important role in software development are:
One of the most important resource involved in software development is human
resource.It’s involvement is at every stage in software development like
recruiting,selection,training etc.
Before a project can be planned, product objectives and scope should be established,
solutions should be considered and technical and management constraints should be
A software process provides the framework from which a comprehensive plan for
development can be established.
We conduct planned and controlled software projects for one primary reason it is the
only known
way to manage complexity.
example of positive impact of software in our society today.
1. Software plays a major role in scientific experiments and studies. Software makes it easy to
automate various computations that would have otherwise been very cumbersome to calculate
manually by hand.
2. Software is used in educational field to simplify learning. Remote learning is also made possible
through software applications.
3. Software is used in baking sector to maintain a robust database of transaction and also to ensure the
integrity of the information stored.
Example of negative impact of software in our society.
1. Poorly written software can cause permanent and irreversible damage. E.g. a faulty medical
equipment can lead to the death of a patient.
2. The software field changes very quickly, so it requires constant updates. This can quickly increase
the overall cost of the system.
3. Software enables identity theft and data piracy.
The main goal of effective documentation is to ensure that developers and stakeholders
are headed in the same direction to accomplish the objectives of the project. To achieve
them, plenty of documentation types exist.
Documentation exists to explain product functionality, unify project-related information,
and allow for discussing all significant questions arising between stakeholders and
Types of documentation:
Product documentation :
describes the product that is being developed and provides instructions on how to
perform various tasks with it. In general, product documentation includes requirements,
tech specifications, business logic, and manuals.
Process documentation:
represents all documents produced during development and maintenance that
describe… well, the process. The common examples of process-related documents are
standards, project documentation, such as project plans, test schedules, reports,
meeting notes, or even business correspondence.
Generic software has functionality designed to solve a particular problem for many entities in that
means generic software is a product designed for many consumers and can meet many clients general
Custom software is a bespoke design developed to meet one client’s specific needs, based on the
budget and requirements predefined by them. It’s meant to be operated by one user or a group of users
and meets the needs not fulfilled by off-the-shelf software.
Generic Software
Less expensive
More reliable
Immediate installation
More user friendly
User requirements are not completely satisfied
Custom Software
More expensive
Less reliable
Delay due to high
Less user friendly
completely satisfied
Cannot accommodate future changes
Can easily accommodate future
Generic software has large market shares because it can be used by many because these are
general purpose softwares.
Product is the final production of the While process is a set of sequence steps that
have to be followed to create a project.
Whereas the process is focused on completing
A product focuses on the final result.
each step being developed.
In case of product, the firm guidelines In contrast, the process consistently follows
are followed.
A product is tend to be short term.
Whereas the process is tend to be long term.
The main goal of the product is to
While The purpose of the process is to make
complete the work successfully.
better the quality of the project.
Software is product because it is a final outcome of a project which is finally going to be used by user or
a end product.
Example:Window ,linux is a software.