2016 IEEE 4th International Conference on MOOCs, Innovation and Technology in Education Packet Tracer Simulation Tool as Pedagogy to Enhance Learning of Computer Network Concepts Vijayalakshmi M., Padmashree Desai, Meenaxi M. Raikar Department of Computer Science and Engineering viju11@bvb.edu, padmashri@bvb.edu, mmraikar@bvb.edu I. INTRODUCTION AbstractThe technological rebellion has made current generations to depend more on the digital world in their day to day life. The effectiveness of the digital world has changed the learner’s perceptive towards the education system. The impulsive growth of technology has increased the popularity of Information and Communication Technology which has created a research scope in Computer network domain thus Computer network course in the curriculum of Computer Science and Engineering plays an important role. It is always a challenge to teach Computer Networks course to students as the course requires a practical exposure more than the chalk and talk. It is very hard for students to envision the concepts of computer networks, protocols formats and understanding packets flow during teaching in classroom. To overcome above said challenge, pedagogical practice such as active learning through simulation tool is identified in delivery of the course. This paper discusses the effective use of a Packet Tracer (PT) simulation tool in the teaching of computer network concepts. A structured learning approach is introduced by using packet tracer tool in teaching network concepts and series of exercises are designed and developed to give the visualization of each layer functionality. These practical exercises helped in active learning to use the packet tracer to simulate campus network. This pedagogy practice encouraged the students’ to build the clarity on the physical devices like router, access points, switch and their configurations. The troubleshooting skills were practiced by introducing the errors deliberately and how to resolve is learnt through the tool. Computer network simulation activity include the concepts of NAT, Subnetting, V-LAN setting, services of TCP/UDP, packet format details, application layer protocol like DNS, DHCP,E-Mail,FTP and HTTP. Activity is evaluated through demos, presentation and quizzes. Rubrics based assessment is followed to ensure uniformity and transparency in the evaluation. The average marks obtained in quiz by students before using PT tool is 65% and after using tool is 85%, it shows significant improvement of 20% in learning the fundamental concepts of computer network course. Today’s computing needs typically make extensive use of network services and facilities. In recent years this has grown to the point where networks pervade nearly all aspects of computing. Because of this, a working knowledge of networking is essential to computer science graduates - an opinion put forth in the Computer Engineering Curricula 2016-ACM guidelines. In the teaching and learning process of computer network where the imagination level of students should be of very high. This can be supported by practical learning approach. This brings in a challenge to course teachers to design lab experiments and activities covering each layer of TCP/IP model. In this paper we are presenting the features of Packet Tracer simulation tool used to simulate wired and wireless networks. Tool supports the use of images, animation and graphics to enhance learning of wired and wireless networks. Also authors have discussed the activity that help student to understand the computer network concepts in real time scenario. A. The Characteristics of Computer Network Course Computer network is a core and compulsory professional course in Computer Science & Engineering B.E programme. Computer network has become the main infrastructure of the emerging information technology with the introduction of new technologies such as Big Data, Internet of things, Cloud computing ,web programming, information security and related technologies. These advancements have created an importance for computer network course in knowledge building for professionals and students. The content of the computer network course includes the principles, technology and applications related to computer networks. Its purpose is to help students to develop the knowledge of computer network architecture, reference model, and basic principles and data communication technology covering the physical layer, its working principle. The data link layer protocol in order to get the proficiency in building LAN, WAN. Keywords- packet tracer, simulation, network, protocol 978-1-5090-1062-2/16 $31.00 © 2016 IEEE DOI 10.1109/MITE.2016.16 71 Network interconnection and the operation mechanism of IP protocol, services of transport layer and TCP/UDP protocol. The application layer protocols, working principle of network services, and the architecture method used in building the application system. It also makes the students understand the frontier technology of the development of computer network technology, which lay a solid foundation for cultivating students’ abilities in computer network system planning and construction and the establishment and development of network application system. As course on computer network consists of lots of theortical concepts the learning of students is to an abstract level. The computer network has following Course Outcomes (COs): are stated and teacher’s experience of using the visualization tool is been shared. In [6], data traffic of the internet is filtered using access control list (ACL) a feature in packet tracer. Benefits of using ACL are listed; traffic could be inbound or outbound. Different types of ACL mentioned are numbered ACL, named ACL, standard ACL and extended ACL. In [7] the author has taken generic hybrid multifunctional topology to illustrate RIP (Routing information protocol), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name Service (DNS) concepts using packet tracer. The hybrid topology example includes tree, star and bus topology regions as a sub network. In [8], describe the advantages of using NAT (Network Address Translation) and PAT (Port Address Translation). The steps to configure the network devices for adhoc mode using packet tracer are listed. The authors in [9] apply the packet tracer for simulation of a wireless network scenario including IBSS (Independent Basic Service Set), BSS (Basic Service Set) and ESS (Extended Service Set). The configuration of the wireless access point to provide security using WEP and WPA is illustrated. At the end of the course the student should be able to: 1. Demonstrate the network scenario using different networking commands. 2. Simulate a given network topology and analyze the performance for different network parameters. 3. Analyze the behaviour of application layer protocols using the analysis tool. 4. Develop client server applications using TCP/UDP for wired/wireless devices. III. IMPLEMENTATION In this paper we are discussing the attainment of course outcome 2 through the activity and the quiz. From the past experience of teaching and learning computer networks course, it is evident that the course includes electronics devices, software concepts and communication technology. As most of the students are visual learner their leaning can been improved by giving practical exposure rather than just a classroom teaching. In literature [5] we found that the packet tracer is useful in understanding the basic network concepts and students can design a complex /large networks which are not possible with physical hardware. The CCNA academy provides this tool free for students; it is intended by CISCO to be used as learning aid. So we have chosen Cisco Packet Tracer tool to provide more visibility to the computer network concepts and there by proposing model called activity based learning model, where the laboratory experiments were designed by the integration of theory concepts. Pedagogy practices were used for content delivery and the experiments were conducted using the packet tracer simulation tool and finally an activity was designed to test the learning of the concepts taught which is as shown in figure 1. Packet Tracer provides simulated switch, router, server, networking protocol resources and workstation for students and teachers to create complex and diverse networking scenarios providing practical and pedagogical experience in a network simulation environment. Packet Tracer activities are goal based, giving students attainable milestones. The inbuilt multiuser functionality allows students and Organization of Paper: The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II literature survey, implementation details are given in section III, assessment in section IV and finally conclusion is summarized. II. LITERATURE SURVEY In [1], the opinion of eight CCNA lecturers is presented, which states the use of packet tracer as a tool in teaching the Switching and Routing course. In [2] the packet tracer is used to study the performance of the various routing protocols based on the parameters like network convergence, routing traffic and Ethernet delay. Comparison between distance vector and link state characteristics is presented. The authors in [3] present the study of different topology such as bus, star and mesh with the help of packet tracer. In [4] the authors state the drawback of teaching the computer network course without using a visualization tool. The mini projects are formed based on the application layer services such as Domain Name Service. The different layers of the OSI model and various protocol packet formats are discussed using the packet tracer. In [5] the authors describe the following 1) Workspace: logical and physical 2) Mode: Real and simulation 3) Networking devices and 4) Connections with regard to the packet tracer. The advantages of using packet tracer 72 C. The list of experiments: Experiment 1: Demonstration of network commands and Cisco Packet Tracer tool. Objective: To realize the existing network with the help of simple commands and learn the tool to build different topology. This experiment has been designed with the intention of making students to create the simple network diagrams by investigating the client network, creating the inventory list and creating the logical topology of the diagram. In the process of creating network diagram we made students to explore the different LAN switch options accordingly determining the various types of cables used to connect the devices to the switch, adding appropriate modules to the routers and switches. Students could explore the internetworking devices, ISR and router options available. Students understood device configuration and verification with respect to IP addressing. Outcome of this experiment resulted in visualization of physical layer components, connectivity and IP addressing. teachers to create environments that support network infrastructure. The tool helps the students to create different topologies and complete an activity of their choice in real time or simulation mode. Theory: Design of course content Integration of Theory and lab Classroom: Content delivery using pedagogy Laboratory: Design of Experiments Laboratory: Simulation of networks concepts using Packet tracer Activity: Simulate the campus network by applying the Figure 1: Activity based learning model. Experiment 2: Interpreting Ping and traceroute output Objective: Distinguish the difference between successful and unsuccessful ping and traceroute attempts. The outcomes of this experiment help the students to test end-to-end connectivity, using ping and traceroute and we will be able to distinguish the difference between successful and unsuccessful ping and traceroute attempts. Students understood the services of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) protocol. In the proposed model the role of course teacher and student are defined as shown in figure 2. • Course Design • Content delivery using pedagogy • Design of Experiments by integrating theory using packet Tracer • Fundamental concepts understanding • Visualization of Networks concepts using Packet Tracer. • Activity based learning Students Course Teacher Figure 2: Role of teacher and student Experiment 3: Troubleshooting and resolving Network Issues. Objective: Diagnose a network connectivity issue and implement a proposed solution to restore network connectivity. Outcome of the experiment is to check the connectivity using ping and traceroute commands. If connectivity problem arises students were asked to diagnose and troubleshoot the problem and test for the identified solution to restore the network connectivity. Transport Layer Network Layer Data Link Layer Physical Layer TCP Internet IP Ethernet Network Interface Fiber Optic DHCP HTTP DNS FTP Application Layer E-mail (SMTP, POP3) B. Categorization of lab experiments The lab experiments are designed as demonstration, exercises and open ended (Activity). Lab experiments are designed to map the theory concepts layer wise which is shown in figure 3. Experiment 4: Examine the functionality of TCP, UDP protocols and demonstration of application layer protocols. Objectives: Generate Network Traffic in Simulation Mode and Real time Mode, examine the Functionality of the TCP and UDP Protocols and demonstrate the application layer protocols like HTTP, FTP, DNS, DHCP and E-mail. This experiment has provided the opportunity to explore the functionality of the TCP and UDP protocols, UDP ARP ICMP Frame Formats Wireless NAT VLA N Twisted pair Figure 3: Layer wise Network Concepts mapped in laboratory experiments 73 multiplexing and the function of port numbers in determining which local application requested the data or is sending the data. Students have demonstrated the application layer protocols by creating two topologies, one topology with different servers for each application layer protocol to provide its services. Another topology is created with single server performing multiple services of application layer protocol. Students understood the configuration of protocols DHCP, DNS, FTP, HTTP, and E-mail. They observed the functioning of these protocols in both simulation and Real time mode. To enhance the knowledge of understanding of network concepts to the higher cognitive level an open ended activity is designed. Figure 4: B.V.B college campus network diagram Activity: To Design and Simulate the BVB College Campus Network. Objective: Investigate the identified department network, create a logical topology and demonstrate the simulation in real time mode. Guidelines to complete the activity Step1: Identify one of the departments in BVB Campus. Step2: Draw the sketch of the network topology of identified department in an A0 size paper. Step3: Create the topology using CISCO packet tracer. Do the following things but not limited to these • Investigate the identified department network. • Create a network inventory list. • IP Addressing • Configuring Default Routes and Static • Planning Firewalls based on Network • Configuring and Troubleshooting a Switched Network • Troubleshooting DHCP and NAT • Applying Routing Table Principles Step4: • Create different services of application layer (include at least 2) • Create services of TCP and UDP. Step5: • Test the network for its functionality in a simulation and real time mode • Record the results • Take the snapshot of a scenario of a task in a simulation (for example when ping is successful) • Show the simulation window details along with some important inbound and outbound packet details. Conclusion: Indicating the learning experience in doing this work Figure 5: Instrumentation Department network topology As the outcome of this activity the student teams have simulated network topology of various department of B.V.B. College of engineering and technology campus as shown in figure 4. A sample topology implemented for IT department is shown in figure5. IV. ASSESSMENT The main objective of using simulation activity was to enhance the learning of students by giving the visualization of network concepts. Laboratory experiments are designed to map to layer wise network concepts. Now we need to discuss on how the learning has been assessed. The students have been assessed in theory and laboratory through CIE and SEE examinations. In this paper we are considering the assessment of open ended activity and Quiz to measure the learning of the concepts. The open ended activity and the quiz are mapped to course outcome 2 as given in section II. 74 V. CONCLUSION Effectiveness of the simulation activity is measured by conducting Quiz before and after the activity. The result of quiz before activity and after the activity is shown in figure 6; the graph shows that the understanding of fundamental concepts has been improved significantly. The overall attainment of course outcome through various experiments conducted using simulator is shown in figure 7, the graph shown the attainment of course outcomes which above the target set. The figure 8 shows the attainment of the programme outcome 1(apply the knowledge of computer science and engineering), 5(Use of modern tools) and 10(team work) through the simulation activity done in computer networks laboratory. The activity is evaluated using assessment rubrics given in table 1. Wireless and wired networks are very important in day to day life. So it is very essential to have clarity on the networks concepts for computer science students. The simulation tool gives the better visualization to the visual learner, even students with other learning style can also learn better. The active learning model proposed helped the students to visualize each layer functionality , physical components , routing concepts , data transfer from one node to another , packet details , port number allocation and many network concepts through the simulation tool. The attainment of course outcome 2 is 85%. CISCO packet tracer tool is considered to be one of the effective tool in teachinglearning process. The authors recommend the use of CISCO Packet Tracer tool in teaching the course on computer network and also wireless networks. It is proved that the use of a simulator is beneficial to student learning. REFERENCES [1] Mohd Syahrizad Elias, , Ahmad Zamzuri Mohamad Ali,”Survey on the Challenges Faced by the Lecturers in Using Packet Tracer Simulation in Computer Networking Course”, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 131, 15 May 2014, Pages 11–15 [2] N.Nazumudeen, C.Mahendran, “Performance Analysis of Dynamic Routing Protocols Using Packet Tracer”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 3, Special Issue 1, February 2014. [3] Garima Jain, Nasreen noorani, Nisha kiran, Sourabh sharma , “Designing & Simulation of Topology Network using Packet Tracer”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 02 Issue: 02 | May-2015. [4] Yongbin Zhang et al. “Teaching innovation in computer network course for undergraduate students with packet tracer”, IERI Procedia vol 2 , pg 504 – 510, 2012. [5] Sheikh Raashid Javid, ”Role of Packet Tracer in learning Computer Networks”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering,Vol. 3, Issue 5, May 2014 [6] Shipra Suman, Er. Aditi Agrawal ,”IP Traffic Management With Access Control List Using Cisco Packet Tracer “, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2016 [7] Manoj Sindhwani, Pritesh Kumar Jain, Shippu Sachdeva,”Implementation of Heterogeneous Hybrid MultiFunctional Topology in Cisco Packet Tracer”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2014. [8] Mohamed E. Khedr, Mohamed S. Zaghloul and Mohamed I. ElDesouky,”ADHOC MOBILE WIRELESS NETWORK ENHANCEMENT BASED ON CISCO DEVICES”, International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.7, No.1, January 2015. [9] Priyang Bhatt Brijesh Patel, “Wireless Networks Simulation with Assessment in PT Software”, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Volume: 1 Issue: 12 870 – 875, December 2013. [10] David R. Surma, “Lab Exercises and Learning Activities for Courses in Computer Networks”, 33__ ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, November 5–8, 2003, Boulder, CO. Figure 6: CO2 attainment through Quiz before and after the activity Figure 7: The attainment of course outcome Figure 8: The attainment of programme outcome 75 Table 1: Assessment Rubrics for campus network activity Parameters Presentation (5M) Creation of topology (5M) Functionalities (5M) Excellent(5 M) The student speaks loudly, and clearly using good grammar and professional tone. The presentation is well organized and materials effectively support the presentation. Responds to questions well. Excellent(5 M) Good (4M) The student speaks using good grammar. The presentation is organized and the materials support the presentation. Responds to questions. Average(3M) The student speaks using good grammar. The presentation can be improved through reorganization and/or improved materials. Poor(2M) The student doesn’t speak well. The materials are distracting and/or largely non supportive of the presentation. Very poor(1M) The student doesn’t speak well. The materials are distracting and/or largely non supportive of the presentation. Good (4M) Average(3M) Poor(2M) Very poor(1M) • Draw the department network topology. • Identifying the proper Devices and making connections using proper cables. • Draw the department network topology. • Identifying the proper Devices and making connections using proper cables. • Drawn the department network topology but failed to consider all the features. • Failed to Identify proper devices • Used cables without the clarity of cable types/ purpose of its usage. Excellent(5 M) • Created the network topology of the department including the services used in the department. 9 Implementing an IP Addressing Scheme 9 Configuring Static and Default Routers 9 Planning Networkbased Firewalls 9 Configuring and Troubleshooting a Switched Network 9 Troubleshooting DHCP and NAT 9 Applying Routing Table Principles • Demonstrated all the services of application layer protocol with relevant theory and used services of TCP and UDP appropriately. • Shown the connectivity to the Central DHCP server. • Test the network for its functionality in a simulation and real mode Good (4M) • Created the network topology of the department including the services used in the department. 9 Implementing an IP Addressing Scheme 9 Configuring Static and Default Routers 9 Planning Networkbased Firewalls 9 Configuring and Troubleshooting a Switched Network 9 Troubleshooting DHCP 9 Applying Routing Table Principles • Demonstrated all the services of application layer protocol with relevant theory and used services of TCP and UDP appropriately. • Shown the connectivity to the Central DHCP server. • Test the network its for functionality in a simulation and real mode • Drawn the department network topology but failed to consider all the features. • Identifying the proper Devices and making connections using proper cables. Average(3M) • Created the network topology of the department including the services used in the department. 9 Implementing an IP Addressing Scheme 9 Configuring Static and Default Routers 9 Planning Networkbased Firewalls 9 Configuring and Troubleshooting a Switched Network 9 Troubleshooting DHCP 9 Applying Routing Table Principles • Demonstrated all the services of application layer protocol with relevant theory and used services of TCP and UDP appropriately. • Shown the connectivity to the Central DHCP server. • Test the network for its functionality in a simulation mode. 76 Poor(2M) • Created the network topology of the department including the services used in the department. 9 Implementing an IP Addressing Scheme 9 Configuring Static and Default Routers 9 Troubleshooting DHCP 9 Applying Routing Table Principles • Demonstrated all the services of application layer protocol with relevant theory and used services of TCP and UDP appropriately. • Shown the connectivity to the Central DHCP server. • Test the network for its functionality in a simulation mode. • Drawn the department network topology but failed to consider all the features. • Failed to Identify proper devices • Used cables without the clarity of cable types/ purpose of its usage. Very poor(1M) • Created the network topology of the department the including services used in the department. 9 Implementing an IP Addressing Scheme 9 Configuring Static and Default Routers 9 Troubleshooting DHCP 9 Applying Routing Table Principles • Demonstrated all the services of application layer protocol with relevant theory and used services of TCP and UDP appropriately. • Shown the connectivity to the Central DHCP server. • Test the network for its functionality in a simulation mode.