Uploaded by Joshua Fermin

Nurse-Patient Dialogue: Pneumonia Care

Name: Kyla Bruno
Section: BSN-1C
This is a discussion between patient and a nurse, a nurse who is assigned to take care a patient . The patient named
Mr. johny he was diagnosed with a pneumonia.
the nurse took the chance to talk the patient
(mr johny is just sitting in his couch and just watching
tv then suddenly nurse kyla just knock the door and
open it)
Nurse kyla: good morning sir nicee movie (pointing the
tv) how are you feeling today sir?
Patient: Now I'm feeling a lot better. Even moving from
bed to chair was very exhausting for me yesterday. I felt
breathless but I feel better now
Nurse: (nodding)
Using silence
Nurse: when do you notice this kind of changes?
Using open ended question
Patient: my changes in breathing ? I notice it when I’m
currently doing a household chores .
Nurse: And then ?
Patient: So my sister told me to go In a hospital and
have a consultation
Providing general leads
Nurse: So you already make a consultation ? after what
you’ve felt?
Restating or paraphrasing
Patient: Yes, I was constantly coughing. I felt so much
tightness in my chest.
Nurse: I’ve understand what you’ve felt don’t worry I’m Offering self
here to take care of you.
Patient: (nodded) yes thank you
Nurse: So I will get back later to check you out . Is that
okay sir ? also you need to take your medications before
9:00 pm.
Patient: yes , see you later
(The nurse smile to the patient and left the room
Giving information