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CATIA V5 Express Configuration List

CATIA V5 Express
Accomodation Layout
Advanced Multi-Axis & Pocket Machining
Body & Skin Templates
Flexible PCB Design
Composites Manufacturing Preparation
Composites Design
Concept Product Creation
Electrical Cable Layout
Electrical 3D Design & Documentation
FEM & Structural Analysis
Fabricated Product Creation
Freestyle Shape Design
3D Master
Generative Structural Analysis
Mechanical Shape Optimization
Mechanical Shape Design
Electrical Wire Harness Flattening
Human Builder & Simulation
HVAC Schematic to Design
Jigs & Tooling Creation
Knowledge Advisor
Knowledge Expert & Engineering Optimization
3D Layout & Annotations
Lathe and Prismatic Machining
Machine Tool Builder
Mechanical Product Creation
Multi-Axis Surface Machining
Molded Product Creation
Molded Product Design for Manufacturing
Mold Tooling Creation
Machine Tool Simulation
NC Machining Verification
Piping Schematic to Design
Knowledge Templates
Product Review
Animated Product Review
Reverse Engineering
Realistic Dynamic Rendering
Structure Concept to Design
Surface Machining
Structure & Steelwork Layout
Technological Specifications Review
Tubing Schematic to Design
Electrical Wire Harness Design
CATIA V5 Express Team PLM
CATIA Object Manager 2 (COM)
Provides a scalable and open platform for collaborative product development which combines
current CATIA technologies with new generation standards.
CATIA V4 Integration 2 (V4I)
Help existing CATIA Version 4 customers take advantage of Version 5 while preserving their
investment in V4 data.
CATIA Interactive Drafting (ID1)
Address 2D design and drawing production and detailing requirements.
CATIA Generative Drafting 2 (GDR)
Generate drawings from 3D part and assembly designs with assistance to manage complex
CATIA CADAM Interface (CC1)
Share drafting information between the CATIA-CADAM Drafting and Version 5 drafting products.
Real Time Rendering (RT1)
Enable designers to leverage technological material specifications to produce realistic renderings of
the model.
IGES Interface (IG1)
Help users working in a heterogeneous CAD/CAM environment to exchange data through a neutral
CATIA Part Design (PD1)
Integrate multiple product views and constraints. Designers can choose between single part
sketching or working in the assembly context, and benefit from the controlled associativity which
promotes a collaborative design.
CATIA Assembly Design (AS1)
Manages assemblies giving you the ability to design in an assembly context with user-controlled
associativity. Allows the user to concurrently engineer the design of the assembly and individual
CATIA Wireframe & Surface (WS1)
Used to create wireframe construction elements during the preliminary design phase. It can also
enrich existing 3D mechanical part design with wireframe and basic surface features.
CATIA Knowledge Template (KT1)
Provides designers and design engineers across projects many simple re-use scenarios for designs
and methodologies.
CATIA Knowledge Expert (KE1)
Ensure designers the consistency and quality of their designs with use of corporate standards rules
CATIA Step Core Interface (ST1)
CATIA STEP Core Interface 1 (ST1) helps you exchange data through a neutral format in a
heterogeneous CAD/CAM environment.
Provides flexible data management and process management. Allows collaboration between CATIA
and SmarTeam.
CATIA Instant Collaborative Design (CD1)
Enables informal concurrent engineering for part or surface that can be used in any domain.
Designers can share features in order to create concurrently parts or exchange know-how in a
synchronous or synchronous mode.
Accomodation Layout
Define space reservation network for electrical and fluidic systems for the purpose of early space
claim and interference checking and provide the ability to define early space claim to allow
interference checking at early stage of the design.
CATIA Structure Functional Design 2 (SFD)
Define structural design elements and materials used to build complex products like ships, large
machinery and process equipment.
CATIA - Compartment & Access (CNA)
Provide the capability to define compartments and compartment accesses and (optionally) enrich
structural designs defined in Structure Design.
Advanced Multi-Axis & Pocket Machining
CATIA Advanced Machining 2 (AMG)
Easily define NC programs dedicated to machining complex 3D parts within a single workbench
including nearly all 2.5-axis to 5-axis machining technologies.
CATIA Multi Pocket Machining 2 (MPG)
Provide highly productive global rough to finish machining strategies for structural prismatic multicavity parts.
CATIA Prismatic Machining Preparation Assistant 2 (MPA)
Automatically build geometrical machining features for prismatic machining using, advanced
feature recognition techniques.
CATIA NC Manufacturing Review 2 (NCG)
Access, visualize, and browse 3D NC Manufacturing data from CATIA V5 and previous versions.
CATIA Generative Shape (GS1)
Create in-context, specification-driven shapes based on a combination of wireframes and
extensive multiple surface features.
CATIA NC Manufacturing Verification 2 (NVG)
Easily validate machining processes and analyse the accuracy of machined parts.
Body & Skin Templates
CATIA Automotive Body In White Templates 2 (ABT)
Deliver highly productive capabilities to accelerate automotive Body In White design process.
CATIA Generative Shape Design 2 (GSD)
Based on a combination of wireframe and extensive multiple surfaces. It includes high-level
features with full specification capture and reuse.
Flexible PCB Design
CATIA Circuit Board Design (CBD)
Create Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) in context with mechanical assemblies and provide bidirectional interface with electrical CAD systems.
CATIA SheetMetal Design 2 (SMD)
Designs sheet metal parts in a very intuitive and productive environment.
Composites Manufacturing Preparation
CATIA Composites Engineering (CPM)
CPE provides powerful process oriented tools dedicated to the design of composites parts from
preliminary detailed design to engineering detailed design.
CATIA Generative Shape Design 2 (GSD)
Based on a combination of wireframe and extensive multiple surfaces. It includes high-level
features with full specification capture and reuse.
Composites Design
CATIA Composites Design (CPE)
CPE provides powerful process oriented tools dedicated to the design of composites parts from
preliminary detailed design to engineering detailed design.
CATIA Generative Shape Design 2 (GSD)
Based on a combination of wireframe and extensive multiple surfaces. It includes high-level
features with full specification capture and reuse.
Concept Product Creation
CATIA PhotoStudio2 (PHS)
Generate high quality photo-realistic images and movies of a digital mock-up, by using a powerful
ray-tracing engine.
CATIA FreeStyle Shaper (FS1)
Provide surface-based tools to help designers create styled shapes and surfaces.
CATIA Imagine & Shape 2 (IMA)
Provide surface-based tools to help designers create styled shapes and surfaces.
CATIA FreeStyle Sketch Tracer (FSK)
Allow the integration of stylists' work (such as 2D painting) into a 3D format, as the basis for 3D
virtual mock-ups.
CATIA Generative Shape Design (GS1)
Create in-context, specification-driven shapes based on a combination of wireframes and
extensive multiple surface features
Electrical Cable Layout
Define space reservation network for electrical and fluidic systems for the purpose of early space
claim and interference checking and provide the ability to define early space claim to allow
interference checking at early stage of the design.
CATIA - Raceway & Conduit Design (RCD)
Provide customers with complete set of tools to create, modify, analyze, and document 3D cable
trays, conduits and raceways.
CATIA - Electrical Connectivity Diagrams (ELD)
Create and manage logical designs of power distributive systems and command systems using
industry standard conventions, terminology, and practices.
CATIA - Electrical Cableway Routing (ECR)
Create 3D implementation of electrical cabling systems based (optionally) on the 2D diagram of
the electrical system.
CATIA - Systems Diagrams (SDI)
Provide a common platform for CATIA diagram applications (Piping &Instrumentation, Tubing, Waveguide, HVAC
and Electrical Cabling).
CATIA - Waveguide Design (WAV)
Provide customers with complete set of tools to create, modify, analyze, and document their Waveguide 3D designs
based (optionally) on a 2D diagram of the waveguide system.
CATIA - Waveguide Diagrams (WGD)
Provide customers with a complete set of tools to create, modify, analyze, and document their
Wave Guide Diagrams designs.
Electrical 3D Design and Documentation
Provide machinery and consumer goods industry with a dedicated toolset for designing and
documenting their electrical systems.
CATIA - FEM & Structural Analysis
CATIA Generative Part Structural Analysis 2 (GPS)
Address transparent and automatic structural and modal analysis to promote up- front CAE during
the design phase.
CATIA Generative Assembly Structural Analysis (GAS)
Extend the CATIA - Generative Part Structural Analysis 2 (GPS) product capabilities to the Finite
Element Analysis of any type of assemblies.
CATIA - FEM Surface 2 (FMS)
Extend the mesh capabilities provided by the CATIA - Generative Part Structural Analysis 2 (GPS)
product to address complex surface parts.
Extend the mesh capabilities provided by the CATIA - Generative Part Structural Analysis 2 (GPS)
product to address complex solid parts.
CATIA - Generative Dynamic Response Analysis (GDY)
Provide designers with interactive functions to predict and analyze the dynamic response of a
CATIA - Elfini Structural Analysis (EST)
Extend the pre-processing, solving, and post-processing capabilities providing by CATIA Generative Part Structural Analysis 2 (GPS) product.
Fabricated Product Creation
CATIA Weld Design (WD1)
Design advanced welded products based on process definition and rules.
CATIA SheetMetal Design 2 (SMD)
Designs sheet metal parts in a very intuitive and productive environment.
Freestyle Shape Design
Freestyle Shaper 2 (FSS)
Provide powerful surface-based tools to help designers create styled shapes and surfaces
efficiently with automated multi face curvature and tangency management.
Freestyle Optimizer 2 (FSO)
Extend the shape and surface modelling functions of CATIA - Freestyle Shaper 2 (FSS) to the
morphing of complex, multi-surfaces shapes.
Freestyle Profiler 2 (FSP)
Address intuitive dynamic surface creation by sweeping a profile curve along multiple guides.
CATIA FreeStyle Sketch Tracer (FSK)
Allow the integration of stylists' work (such as 2D painting) into a 3D format, as the basis for 3D
virtual mock-ups.
3D Master
CATIA 2D Layout for 3D Design 1 (LO1)
Design 3D models in a 2D conceptual approach.
CATIA 3D Functional Tolerancing and Annotation 2 (FTA)
Define and manage tolerance specifications and annotations on 3D parts with dynamic assistance
for standards compliance checking.
Generative Structural Analysis
CATIA Generative Part Structural Analysis 2 (GPS)
Address transparent and automatic structural and modal analysis to promote up- front CAE during
the design phase.
CATIA Generative Assembly Structural Analysis (GAS)
Extend the CATIA - Generative Part Structural Analysis 2 (GPS) product capabilities to the Finite
Element Analysis of any type of assemblies.
Mechanical Shape Optimisation
CATIA Developed Shapes 1 (DL1)
Allow to quickly and easily unfold ruled surfaces and develop curve on a revolution surface.
CATIA Generative Shape Design 2 (GSD)
Based on a combination of wireframe and extensive multiple surfaces. It includes high-level
features with full specification capture and reuse.
CATIA Generative Shape Optimizer 2 (GSO)
Extend the combined wireframe and multiple surface creation features of CATIA - Generative
Shape Design 2 (GSD) with its powerful global deformation technologies.
CATIA Realistic Shape Optimizer 2 (RSO)
Optimizes your 3D digital model through realistic shapes resulting from simulations, or
measurements, of products in operation. Uses those shapes to better assess and enhance the
design of your products and tooling.
Mechanical Shape Design
CATIA Generative Shape Design 2 (GSD)
Based on a combination of wireframe and extensive multiple surfaces. It includes high-level
features with full specification capture and reuse.
CATIA FreeStyle Shaper (FS1)
Provide surface-based tools to help designers create styled shapes and surfaces.
CATIA - Developed Shapes 1 (DL1)
Allow to quickly and easily unfold any type of free form surfaces and develop curve on a revolution
Electrical Wire Harness Flattening
Electrical Harness Flattening 2 (EHF)
Achieve flattening of Electrical Harnesses for extensive drafting production (i.e. manufacturing
Electrical Library 2 (ELB)
Create and manage catalogs containing electrical components, and assist their placement
according to electrical specifications.
Electrical Wire Routing 2 (EWR)
Generate and manage the electrical wires within the digital mock-up according to the functional or
wiring specifications.
Human Builder & Simulation
Human Builder 2 (HBR)
Create and manipulate accurate standard digital manikins in digital mock-up environment for key
human-product interaction analysis early in the product lifecycle.
Human Measurements Editor 2 (HME)
Create detailed digital humans for advanced human factors analysis and global target audience
Human Posture Analysis 2 (HPA)
Examine, score, and iterate whole body and localized postures to determine operator comfort and
performance in the context of the development of a new product.
Human Activity Analysis 2 (HAA)
Maximize human comfort, safety, and performance through a wide range of tools and methods
that specifically analyze how a manikin interacts with objects in its virtual environment.
Space Analysis (SPA)
Generate and manage the electrical wires within the digital mock-up according to the functional or
wiring specifications.
HVAC Schematic to Design
CATIA - HVAC Design 2 (HVA)
Provide customers with comprehensive tools to create, modify, analyze, and document their
HVAC 3D designs based (optionally) on 2D logical diagrams of the HVAC system.
CATIA - HVAC Diagrams 2 (HVD)
Provide customers with complete set of tools to create, modify, analyze, and document their
HVAC Diagram designs.
CATIA - Systems Diagrams (SDI)
Provide a common platform for CATIA diagram applications (Piping &Instrumentation, Tubing, Waveguide, HVAC
and Electrical Cabling).
Jigs & Tooling Creation
CATIA Structure Design 1 (SR1)
Rapidly design structures using catalogues of standard or custom sections.
CATIA Tooling Design (TG1)
Ideal generic Tooling Design toolset provides to small mold-makers a toolset to support the end to
end process.
Knowledge Advisor
Knowledge Advisor 2 (KWA)
Allow designers and design engineers to embed knowledge within design and leverage it to
reduce errors and automate design for maximum productivity.
Knowledge Expert & Engineering Optimization
CATIA - Product Engineering Optimizer 2 (PEO)
Accelerates design alternatives exploration and optimization according to multiple requirements.
CATIA - Knowledge Expert 2 (KWE)
Ensure design compliance with established standards by capturing, building up, managing and
sharing corporate knowledge in rule bases, and leveraging it across the enterprise, through CATIA
Knowledge Expert 1 (KE1).
3D Layout & Annotations
CATIA 2D Layout for 3D Design 1 (LO1)
Design 3D models in a 2D conceptual approach.
CATIA –3D Functional Tolerancing and Annotation 1 (FT1)
Define and manage tolerance specifications and annotations on 3D parts with dynamic assistance
for standards compliance checking.
Lathe and Prismatic Machining
CATIA Lathe Machining 2 (LMG)
Easily define NC programs dedicated to machining 3D cylindrical parts on a lathe using 2-axis
lathing and drilling operations. It also provides high-level automation and knowledge reuse
CATIA Prismatic Machining 2 (PMG)
Easily defines NC programs dedicated to machining 3D parts using advanced 2.5-axis milling and
drilling operations. It also provides high-level automation and knowledge reuse capabilities..
CATIA NC Manufacturing Review 2 (NCG)
Access, visualize, and browse 3D NC Manufacturing data from CATIA V5 and previous versions.
CATIA Prismatic Machining Preparation Assistant 2 (MPA)
Automatically build geometrical machining features for prismatic machining using, advanced
feature recognition techniques.
Machine Tool Builder
CATIA 3 Axis Surface Machining 2 (MBG)
Unique environment for machine tool definition and peripheral resource (tool and pallet changers)
in support of NC programming and simulation.
CATIA NC Manufacturing Review 2 (NCG)
Access, visualize, and browse 3D NC Manufacturing data from CATIA V5 and previous versions.
Mechanical Product Creation
CATIA Part Design 2 (PDG)
Design complex parts with highly productive and robust modelling features in an intuitive
CATIA Assembly Design 2 (ASD)
Easily define mechanical assembly constraints, automatically position parts and check assembly
CATIA Generative Shape (GS1)
Create in-context, specification-driven shapes based on a combination of wireframes and
extensive multiple surface features.
CATIA Functional Moulded Part (FM1)
Design moulded parts with great productivity and flexibility through advanced functional features.
Multi-Axis Surface Machining
CATIA Multi Axis Surface Machining 2 (MMG)
Easily define NC programs dedicated to machining 3D parts using multi-axis surface machining
CATIA 3 Axis Surface Machining 2 (SMG)
Easily define NC programs dedicated to machining 3D parts using 3-axis surface machining
CATIA Prismatic Machining Preparation Assistant 2 (MPA)
Automatically build geometrical machining features for prismatic machining using, advanced
feature recognition techniques.
CATIA Prismatic Machining 2 (PMG)
Easily defines NC programs dedicated to machining 3D parts using advanced 2.5-axis milling and
drilling operations. It also provides high-level automation and knowledge reuse capabilities..
CATIA NC Manufacturing Review 2 (NCG)
Access, visualize, and browse 3D NC Manufacturing data from CATIA V5 and previous versions.
CATIA Generative Shape (GS1)
Create in-context, specification-driven shapes based on a combination of wireframes and
extensive multiple surface features.
CATIA Shape Sculptor 2 (DSS)
Provide designers with easy-to-use sculpting tools, allowing them to model shapes from digitised
skins or physical models.
Molded Product Creation
CATIA Functional Moulded Part (FMP)
Design moulded parts with great productivity and flexibility through advanced functional features.
CATIA Healing Assistant (HA1)
Check the validity of imported geometry with regard to CATIA V5 modeling criteria and if
necessary improve the topology and geometry of analyzed objects.
CATIA STL Rapid Prototyping (TL1)
Help to generate and repair meshes to obtain machinable mock-ups. It is designed for the rapid
prototyping of machines working with STL files as input.
CATIA Generative Shape Design (GS1)
Create in-context, specification-driven shapes based on a combination of wireframes and
extensive multiple surface features
CATIA Part Design 2 (PDG)
Integrate Design complex parts with highly productive and robust modeling features in an intuitive
CATIA Assembly Design 2 (ASD)
Easily define mechanical assembly constraints, automatically position parts and check assembly
Molded Product Design For Manufacturing
CATIA Cast & Forge Part Optimizer 2 (CFO)
Provide advanced capabilities for Casting or Forging preparation to improve the productivity in the
detailed design of the rough part, insuring manufacturability.
CATIA Functional Moulded Part (FMP)
Design moulded parts with great productivity and flexibility through advanced functional features.
CATIA Part Design 2 (PDG)
Design complex parts with highly productive and robust modelling features in an intuitive
CATIA Core & Cavity Design 2 (CCV)
Create associative definitions of the core and cavity of a mold and assesses part mold ability, tool
feasibility and the detailed mechanical design of core and cavity plates.
CATIA Generative Shape Design (GS1)
Create in-context, specification-driven shapes based on a combination of wireframes and
extensive multiple surface features
Mold Tooling Creation
CATIA Core & Cavity Design 2 (CCV)
Create associative definitions of the core and cavity of a mold and assesses part mold ability, tool
feasibility and the detailed mechanical design of core and cavity plates.
CATIA Generative Shape Design (GS1)
Create in-context, specification-driven shapes based on a combination of wireframes and
extensive multiple surface features
CATIA Healing Assistant (HA1)
Check the validity of imported geometry with regard to CATIA V5 modeling criteria and if
necessary improve the topology and geometry of analyzed objects.
CATIA Part Design Feature Recognition (FR1)
Recognize Part Design features of an Isolated B-Rep.
CATIA Part Design 2 (PDG)
Integrate Design complex parts with highly productive and robust modeling features in an intuitive
CATIA Tooling Design (TG1)
Ideal generic Tooling Design toolset provides to small mold-makers a toolset to support the end to
end process.
CATIA Mold Tooling Design 2 (MTD)
Design of Complex Molds, together with associated drillings, in a highly productive and intuitive
environment, with full associativity to the molded part and kinematics capabilities.
CATIA Assembly Design 2 (ASD)
Easily define mechanical assembly constraints, automatically position parts and check assembly
Machine Tool Simulation
CATIA NC Machine Tool Simulation 2 (MSG)
Upfront integrated environment for machine and material removal simulation based on tool path or
ISO code during machining operation definition.
CATIA Space Analysis (SPA)
Perform optimum DMU verification using advanced interference detection and analysis, superior
sectioning analysis, measurement, distance analysis and 3D geometry comparison tools.
CATIA NC Manufacturing Review 2 (NCG)
Access, visualize, and browse 3D NC Manufacturing data from CATIA V5 and previous versions.
NC Machining Verification
CATIA NC Manufacturing Verification 2 (NVG)
Upfront integrated environment for machine and material removal simulation based on tool path or
ISO code during machining operation definition.
CATIA NC Manufacturing Review 2 (NCG)
Access, visualize, and browse 3D NC Manufacturing data from CATIA V5 and previous versions.
Piping and Schematic to Design
Piping Design 2 (PIP)
Provide 3D tools to create, modify, analyze, and document piping designs based (optionally) on
specifications in 2D Piping and Instrument Diagrams.
Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams 2 (PID)
Provide a complete set of tools to create, modify, analyze and document the logical design of
piping networks, equipment and their associated instrument loops.
Systems Diagram 2 (SDI)
Provide a common platform for CATIA diagram applications (Piping & Instrumentation, Tubing,
Waveguide, HVAC and Electrical Cabling).
Knowledge Templates
CATIA - Knowledge Advisor 2 (KWA)
Allow designers and design engineers to embed knowledge within design and leverage it to
reduce errors and automate design for maximum productivity.
CATIA - Product Knowledge Template Definition 2 (PKT)
Create interactively intelligent feature, part and assembly Templates that encapsulate geometry
and know-how for maximum secured reuse through CATIA - Product Knowledge Template 1
Product Review
CATIA DMU Optimizer (DMO)
Create alternate representations of products or assemblies for size reduction or geometry creation
better adapted to specific contexts.
CATIA DMU Navigator 2 (DMN)
Perform advanced collaborative DMU review, packaging and pre-assembly using optimum
visualization, navigation and communication tools..
CATIA Space Analysis (SPA)
Perform optimum DMU verification using advanced interference detection and analysis, superior
sectioning analysis, measurement, distance analysis and 3D geometry comparison tools.
Animated Product Review
CATIA DMU Fitting Simulator 2 (FIT)
Define, simulate and analyze assembly/disassembly operations for digital product validation and
CATIA DMU Space Analysis 2 (SPA)
Perform optimum DMU verification using advanced interference detection and analysis, superior
sectioning analysis, measurement, distance analysis and 3D geometry comparison tools.
CATIA DMU Kinematics Simulator 2 (KIN)
Define, simulate, and analyze mechanisms for digital mock-ups of all sizes.
Reverse Engineering
CATIA Generative Shape (GS1)
Create in-context, specification-driven shapes based on a combination of wireframes and
extensive multiple surface features.
CATIA Quick Surface Reconstruction 2 (QSR)
Easily and quickly recover surfaces from digitised data that are imported using CATIA - Digitized
Shape Editor 2 (DSE).
CATIA Digitized Shape Editor 2 (DSE)
Address digitized data import, clean up, tessellation, cross sections, character line, shape and
quality checking with real-time diagnosis.
CATIA STL Rapid Prototyping (TL1)
Help to generate and repair meshes to obtain machinable mock-ups. It is designed for the rapid
prototyping of machines working with STL files as input.
CATIA Shape Sculptor 2 (DSS)
Provide designers with easy-to-use sculpting tools, allowing them to model shapes from digitised
skins or physical models.
Realistic Dynamic Rendering
CATIA Real Time Rendering 2 (RTR)
Enable designers to interactively create realistic and dynamic renderings and animations in realtime, by extensively using all the hardware features available.
CATIA Photo Studio Optimizer 2 (PSO)
Generate incredibly realistic images and movies of a Digital Mock-up by extending PHS
CATIA PhotoStudio2 (PHS)
Generate high quality photo-realistic images and movies of a digital mock-up, by using a powerful
ray-tracing engine.
Structure Concept To Design
CATIA Structure Functional Design 2 (SFD)
Define structural design elements and materials used to build complex products like ships, large
machinery and process equipment.
CATIA Ship Structure Detail Design 2 (SDD)
Detail heavy structural systems made up of assemblies of plates and stiffening elements and
provide features necessary to creating ship hulls, offshore platforms or other large structural
CATIA Structure Design 1 (SR1)
Rapidly design structures using catalogues of standard or custom sections.
Surface Machining
CATIA 3 Axis Surface Machining 2 (SMG)
Easily define NC programs dedicated to machining 3D parts using 3-axis surface machining
CATIA Generative Shape (GS1)
Create in-context, specification-driven shapes based on a combination of wireframes and
extensive multiple surface features.
CATIA NC Manufacturing Review 2 (NCG)
Access, visualize, and browse 3D NC Manufacturing data from CATIA V5 and previous versions.
CATIA Prismatic Machining Preparation Assistant 2 (MPA)
Automatically build geometrical machining features for prismatic machining using, advanced
feature recognition techniques.
CATIA Prismatic Machining 2 (PMG)
Easily defines NC programs dedicated to machining 3D parts using advanced 2.5-axis milling and
drilling operations. It also provides high-level automation and knowledge reuse capabilities..
CATIA Shape Sculptor 2 (DSS)
Provide designers with easy-to-use sculpting tools, allowing them to model shapes from digitised
skins or physical models.
Structure & Steelwork Layout
CATIA Systems Routing (SRT)
Define the path and space requirements for routed equipment and systems such as piping, tubing,
HVAC ducts or cable trays.
CATIA Structure Design 1 (SR1)
Rapidly design structures using catalogues of standard or custom sections.
CATIA Plant Layout (PLO)
Enable designers to reserve spaces, analyse area/volume allocations and optimize the general 3D
layout of plants and equipment or tooling placed in them.
CATIA Equipment Arrangement 2 (EQT)
Provide comprehensive tools to create, use, modify, analyze and document equipment and
machinery configurations found in many manufactured products, plants and ships.
CATIA Hanger Design 2 (HGR)
Enable designers to quickly define, place, modify, analyze, and document hanger supports for
piping, tubing, HVAC, cable trays, waveguides and other lineal systems in ships, process plants or
complex equipment.
Technological Specifications Review
CATIA DMU - Engineering Analysis Review 2 (ANR)
Provide an easy-to-use capability to visualize and perform DMU reviews of Engineering Analysis
CATIA Product Data Filtering 1 (DF1)
Helps companies manage and protect their intellectual property by selectively removing sensitive
information prior to data exchange.
CATIA DMU Fastening Review 2 (FAR)
Provide advanced fasteners technology validation and documentation
CATIA DMU Dimensioning & Tolerancing Review 1 (DT1)
Visualize, query, and filter mechanical dimensioning and tolerancing information.
Tubing Schematic to Design
CATIA Tubing Design 2 (TUB)
Create and manage intelligent 3D designs of tubing systems from initial design to fully integrated
assemblies optionally based on the 2D diagram of the tubing system.
CATIA Systems Diagrams 2 (SDI)
Provide a common platform for CATIA diagram applications (Piping & Instrumentation, Tubing,
Waveguide, HVAC and Electrical Cabling).
CATIA Tubing Diagrams 2 (TUD)
Provide customers with a complete set of tools to create, modify, analyze, and document their
Tubing Diagrams designs.
Electrical Wire Harness Design
Electrical Wire Routing 2 (EWR)
Generate and manage the electrical wires within the digital mock-up according to the functional or
wiring specifications.
Electrical Library 2 (ELB)
Create and manage catalogs containing electrical components, and assist their placement
according to electrical specifications.
Electrical Harness Installation 2 (EHI)
Provide powerful tools to design physical harnesses within the context of the 3D digital mock-up.