INDIVIDUAL CONSENT I, of understand that is a student at the Australian Institute of Business (AIB). I further understand that the student has to complete a research project as part of the student’s studies with AIB and that the student wishes to use data from interviews with me and my organisation named below for the purposes of the research: Name of organisation: ......................................................................................................... I hereby consent to the student using data from interviews with me and my organisation for the purposes of the research. My consent is subject to the following conditions, which I insert in my own handwriting: I understand that the information obtained by the student from me will be kept strictly confidential and only viewed by the student, the project examiners and essential AIB staff, except where I have otherwise granted consent in writing. I accept that my participation in this research is voluntary and that I may withdraw my consent to participate at any time. Respondent’s signature: ___ Respondent’s job title: Date of consent: © Australian Institute of Business V12-20.07.15