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U.S. Population Demographics Worksheet: Census Data Analysis

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Class Period:
Key Terms:
Place the letter the term that best completes the sentence. In the space provided.
_A____ This is a government organization funded by tax dollars to oversee the specific needs and concerns of U.S.
__E__This is the official U.S. government site where information collected about people living in the United States is
recorded and available for viewing by the American public.
__C___ A survey sent each year to approximately 3.5 million homes throughout the
United States to gain insight on how people live.
____D_ Taken from the Greek terms “people” and “numbers,” this term refers to a
variety of statistics that help the government determine the needs of U.S. citizens.
___B__This is an official counting of the entire population of people living in the U.S.
that is conducted every 10 years.
A. Government Agency
B. Census
C. American Community
D. Demographics
E. U.S. Census Bureau
Map #1: Understanding the U.S. Population
Based upon the title of the map, what do you expect to be able to learn by looking at it?
I think we are expected to learn how population dense each state is.
2. What do you notice about the picture of the United States? List two details that you see.
a. Majority of the states are yellow which means the population dense is less then 50
b. Only a couple of states are blue so that means that the population dense is more then 500
3. The legend. The legend is a key to the important ideas that the map provides. The legend for this map is in
a box located at the bottom of the U.S. map. Use the legend to respond to the questions below.
a. What do the colors represent?
Population Density
b. In your own words, explain what population density is.
The amount of people living in a unit.
c. What color is a state or territory with the highest population density?
d. List a state with a population density high population density.
Rhode Island
e. What color of a state with the fewest number of people?
New Mexico, YELLOW
f. Provide the name of a state with the lowest population density.
North Dakota
g. What does the U.S. Capital look like?
Star with circle around it
h. What is the U.S. Capital?
The district of columbia
i. How is the capital of a state represented?
With a star
j. What is the capital of a state?
A star
k. What is the difference between the way the name of a state is written as opposed to the name of a
One is in bolded lettering and one is not.
L. Provide the name of a city that has a population of more than 1,000,000.
New York city
4. Populations figures.
1. What is the population of Wisconsin?
2. What is the population of Puerto Rico?
5. Where do people live? Using the inset map picture in the bottom left-hand corner, explain what
you notice about where people live in the United States in a full sentence below.
In the yellow states there is not many blue dot and in the blue states it has more dots.
6. Youngest and Oldest Populations. Using the inset graph on top right-hand corner to complete the
information below.
What is the median age of U.S. citizens?
Which state has the highest median age and what is that age?
Maine 44.3
Which state has the lowest median age and what is that age?
Utah 30.5
4. Since the census helps to provide funding for different government, which of the two states listed below
might require more funding for schools. Please explain your answer.
Utah and Alaska because they have the lowest mediam agewhich means they are the youngest
7. Total Population of the United States. Using the inset graph on the right-hand side, determine the
following facts.
List the three states with the highest population:
Californa, Texas, Flordia
List the three states with the lowest population:
Wyoming, D.C Vermont
Map #2 Digging a little Deeper: Understanding the U.S. Population.
The map of the United States is divided into smaller units. What you think those units represent?
Square Miles or Countys
Population Growth from 1920- 2017. Using the information from the map in the lower left-hand
corner, respond to the following questions.
a. How do you know if a population has increased, decreased or stayed the same?
If the purple circle got bigger
b. Name one state that has seen a large increase in population.
c. Name one state that has seen a decrease in population growth.
d. Name one state that has not seen a big change in population.
3. Youngest and Oldest populations. Using the chart of the top right corner, respond to the following
a. List the median age of one of the states with the oldest population.
Maine 44.3
b. List the median age of one of the states with the youngest population.
30.5 Utah
c. How was this information collected (hint: examine the source at the bottom of the graph).
The Census Beuru
4. Is there a correlation or connection between the locations where there is population growth and the
median age of the populations? Please explain your answer.
Yes, because more people equals the change in med
5. Average Family size. Use the chart on the right-hand side to respond to these questions.
a. What is the average family size in the U.S.?
b. Which state has the largest family size, and what is the number of people?
Utah 3.62
c. Which is the state with the smallest family size, and what is the state?
2.85 Maine
6. Do you think there is a connection between the Youngest and Oldest populations and family size?
Please explain your answer. Yes because more people equal more family in the crib.
7. Highest and Lowest Incomes. Use the chart on the bottom right-hand corner to respond to the following
a. What is the median household income in the United States?
b. What is the state or territory with the highest income and what is that income?
D.C 95,995
c. What is the state or territory with the lowest income and what is that income?
New mexico
d. Can you draw any conclusions as to why the median incomes might be so high or so low?
More Job opppetunities or less less job opportunities in each state.
Map #3 Digging Even Deeper: Understanding the U.S. Population
1. Percentage of people speaking languages other than English at home. Using the chart on the top righthand corner, respond to the questions below.
a. List the five highest states and the percentage of people speaking a language other than English at
home below
Purto Rico, New Jerseey, New Mexico ,Texas, California
Why might these states have the highest number of people speaking a language other than English
at home?
Because some states close to the bourder or less close to bourder. And more immagrants
List the five lowest states and the percentages of the people speaking a language other than English
at home below.
West Virginia Mississippi Montana Alabama Kentucky
d. Why might these states have the lowest number of people speaking a language other than English at
home? Because some states are close to Mexico and some might have more immagrants
Because they are the outer states.
2. Historical Change by population. Use the chart near the bottom right corner to respond to the following
a. How much has the U.S. population grown between each census?
The U.S. population grew by an average of 22.3% between each census and by a total of 7,757.7%
since the first census
b. How much has the U.S. population grown since the first census?
It is about 300,000,000
c. Examine the change in numbers since, 1790, what conclusion might you be able to draw based
upon the numbers.
The US grewn in population and size since the first census or maybe the gathering of census was