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A study on producing and exporting Sidrat Soap
Hanin Mohammed
Lebanese international university
February 9th, 2020
Table of content
Vision statement
Mission statement and core value
Strategic goals
Product summary
6.1 Product identification
6.2 Product features
6.3 Why did I choose it?
7.0 Creating a value chain
7.1 Procurement of raw materials
7.2 Wheelhouse and layout strategy
7.3 Production line
7.4 Product design strategy
7.5 Pricing strategy
7.6 Outbound strategy
7.7 Market analyze summary
7.8 SWOT analysis of our product and local one
7.9 Marketing and sales plan
8.0 What is a strategy to enter a foreign market?
9.0 What country did I choose and why?
10.0 SWOT analysis of our product and foreign one
11.0 Marketing plan used in foreign market
12.0 Conclusion
This study talks briefly about resources and natural plant of Yemen and how can
we exploit them by starting a business of making new, creative national product
which we need to have a long term vision, mission and core value for our product, it
states the goals we want to achieve, what product we are going to produce and
why? How can we create a good value chain for our processes? Which identifies the
procurement of the raw materials, warehouse and layout strategy, the production
line, product design strategy and pricing strategy, what it is included in the outbound
strategy? How can we analyze the market and SWOT of the product? What
marketing plan we used to promote the product locally? What strategy we have to
follow to enter new market? What is this new market and why? Finally it provides
SWOT analysis of foreign product and ways for marketing our product in foreign
Yemen is a country with huge wealth resources, Because of its natural resources
that would made it a richest country, But unfortunately we don't have any idea about
its importance and we are not properly exploited. Yemen is famous in agriculture
with a large number of unique plants and trees that cannot be limited or counted but
here I will mention only two types of these plants, which I will use them in making
my own natural product, these plant are the Yemeni Fel plant (Jasmine flower), which
is grown in the province of Lahj and Hudidah, that is characterized by its beautiful
and Fragrant smell. Also the Sidr plant, which is found in the countryside of
Hadramout, and it is specialized by the natural characteristics and great benefits to
treat skin problems.
 Vision statement
Yemeni culture smells worldwide.
 Mission statement and core value
We at Sidrat Natural Soap strive to make the best, safe and Cosmetic product
for our friends, family, customers and ourselves.
Sidrat was created to deliver what's the best comes from Yemeni nature in your
hands. We're excited about our creation and want to share it with everyone. We
pledge to conduct our business in an environmentally aware manner emphasizing
reuse and recycling, the use of natural base ingredients, and the application of
appropriate technology.
 Strategic goals
 Spread Yemeni culture and its natural resources for the world.
 Gain customers trust and satisfaction through reliable products.
 Profit is secondary.
 Product summary
1) Product identification:
_ A natural body soap that contains a Sidr plant with fragrance Jasmine oil.
_ It's a new and not existed in the market.
2) Product ingredients:
Sidr powder
Olive oil
Rose water
Fragrance Jasmine oil
Sodium hydroxide
3) Product features :
_ 100% natural .
_treats all skin problems.
_Its smell is constant for whole day.
4) Why did I choose this product?
There are some reasons behind choosing it, First of all, Soap considered as a major
product found in every house and used by all categories of people and through this pr
oduct I want the world to know about Yemen's unique natural resources and spread
our Yemeni culture abroad through the smell of Yemeni Fel( Yemeni Jasmin flowers)
My goal is also to provide benefit to various age groups through Sidr plant, which I w
ill review some of its benefits as follows:
Works to lighten the skin color.
Tightens skin.
Moisturizes and smoothest.
Treats skin problems such as pimples and others.
Removes black spots from the body.
Treats wounds.
Treat Fungi.
Treats skin diseases such as scabies or measles.
These plants have a wide attention from Yemenis, where the majority of Yemeni
women are using them in a quasi-daily period, As they make a high sales rate at the
local market.
 Creating a value chain
1. Procurement of the raw materials
I'll choose two sources and services providers to get the Jasmin flower which are (
Lahg and Hudida). And the same for Sidr plant I'll buy it from (Hadramut and
Shabuh). So we can avoid any surprise problem or natural disaster.
2. Warehouse and layout strategy
Making the inventory and stores beside the factory itself to reduce the operational
3. Production line
We are going to start using semi automatic system for production because:
_ we are at the beginning of our business which will start offering limited amounts
of the product.
_ Human operators still need to use their brains
They still “pull the trigger”. It means they have an understanding of the steps to
follow, and they can think of better ways of organizing their work.
_ Lower wages of labor force in Yemen.
4. Product design strategy
 First, Selecting a brand name which is (Sedrat) Because it is related to
the main ingredient of the product.
Packaging for the product
5. Pricing strategy
Deciding the price according to these elements for a fair price:
Cost price: The cost of producing the product.
Retail price: How much do the customers pay for my product?
Wholesale price: How much do shops pay for my product?
6. Outbound strategy
Since we're in a local market and going to serve our product locally, So we're going
to handle a distribution process by ourselves instead of someone else, So we can
reduce the cost of other distributors.
7. Market analysis summary
1_ Selecting a target group, Which we'll start to sell the product in Aden city,
Because those people are more attached and more loving for Jasmine flower
which considers one of their culture and for sidr plant which they used to use
it spritely as a powder.
- Than after months we'll send our product to Taiz, Sanaa and Hadramut.
2_ SWOT analysis of Sidrate and local soap ( Naseem plus )
Brand name
-Natural 100%.
combines the beauty,
cleanliness and constant
-Availability of national raw
-Availability of different
service providers.
-Strong marketing ideas.
-Known product and popular
brand name.
-Availability of different variety
of the product.
-Lower price than competitors.
-Highly visible website.
-Unknown brand name.
-Holds chemicals.
-Lack of different service
-Lack of new marketing ideas.
-Lack of ingredients from local
-Limited variety of the
product comparing with
Opportunities -increase awareness of
natural product.
-High desire and love of
people for Yemeni Jasmine
flower in local market.
-Lower quality of Local
Unavailability of 100%
natural soap.
-People's movement for lower
prices product.
-Increasing of people health
awareness for natural
-Lower purchase power of
some levels of people.
-Increasing in strong brand
name products.
-Website development for
online ordering.
-Changes in regulations.
-sources are seasonal and -Increasing of local
shortage of the production. competition.
-Higher prices than
-Risks of limited service
8. Marketing and sales plan
Here are some ways for promoting our product locally :
Hand out samples and offer it free for customers.
Keep samples as a gift in some most popular products.
Advertising in a social media.
After 3-5 years i think it's a time to export Sidrat to outside Yemen.
 Strategy to enter new market is a direct exporting.
What is the country i chose and why?
Djibouti is my target country.
Why did I choose it?
-many Yemeni people are living there.
- Sharing the same culture
with Djibouti people.
- they love products with fragrance smell.
- Suitable purchase power.
- less availability of the competitive products.
SWOT analysis of Sidrat and Foreign product ( DOP )
Brand name
-Competitive prices.
-Big deals with local agent in
-Strong and known rand name.
-Many Varity of the products.
-Lower labor force.
-Availability of national
-100% natural product.
-Has people loyalty.
-Continues improvement.
-New brand name.
-Lack of Varity of product.
- shipping cost.
-High wages of wages.
-High product price.
-Unavailability of national sources.
-Chemicals product.
- Loyalty for their brand name.
-People resident to change.
Opportunities -More Yemeni people are
-Sharing similar culture with
-Djiboutian interest of strong
and nice odors.
-Trade agreements between
Yemen and Djibouti.
-Barriers to enter.
-Increasing of people health
awareness for natural products.
-Low rate of population.
-Changes in regulations.
-Resident to change.
-Increasing of local competition.
-Rapid and uncertain changes.
-Risks of limited service providers.
 Marketing plan
-Big deals with local agent there.
-Lower prices than competitive products.
- offering samples for free in the Cashier of each market .
- Post to Google My Business.
-Offer Customers an Exclusive Preview.
-Social Media Contests.
In conclusion
Remember that being a business man or woman is not difficult or hard to be, But it
is too hard to success in. Success requires a faith on your abilities, On your power to c
hange everything around you whatever are the Circumstances. Although Yemen is suf
fering from difficult Circumstance, But we are its only army to push it forward. We d
on't have to wait, Time is moving and life's subway will not wait.