Auth ors Study purpose Review of the literatur e Wen g Yee Chin, Edm ond P.H. Choi, Eric Y.F. Wan , Anca K.C. Chan , Karin a H.Y. Chan & Cind y L.K. Lam The point of this examina tion was to assess the twoyear results of a nurse led adminis tration for Chinese essentia l care for patients with lower urinary tract effects and sympto ms. The literatur e focuses on the practical applicati on of nurse led continen ce in Hong Kong. More so it highlight s program descripti on Aeyo ung So, Jenni e C. De The study focuses on the longterm The literatur e focuses on lack of Questi ons and hypoth esis What is the relatio nship betwee n the quality of health care and nurse led patient trainin g in the treatm ent of LUTS? Sample and demogr aphics What are the effects of selfmanag ement Total populat ion: 37 Study design type Measure ment methods Total sample: 519 The researc h focuse Nurse d on led exposu care: re and 248 cohort outco Usual me care: indepe 271 ndent Exclusio to each ns other Under and the age the of 18 researc years her as Nondescrib Chinese ed in Patients (Choi who et al. have 2015a receive ). d the contine nce care services in the last 12 months - experi mental The researc h focuses on three- Intern ational Prostat e Sympt om Score (IPSS) Modifi ed Inconti nence Impact Questi onnair eShort Form The Short From12 Health Survey Versio n2 Patient Enable ment Instru ment (PEI) Global Rating of Chang e Scale ICIQ-SF is used to measu re the severit Data Finding analysis s critique The researc her uses multipl e linear mixed effect regressi on to analyze the relation ship betwee n the variabl es The Nurse led adminis tered care showed improv ement in patient recover y with an adjuste d odds ratio of 2.05 and health conditi on of 2.57, showin ga regressi on of p<0.05 on patient enable ment scale There is a benefic ial outco me on patient treatm ent throug h nursing led care as compar ed to the usual care. The researc her uses the SPSS There is an improv ement of knowle There is a need for a longterm and Gagn e Suna h Park outcom es of selfmanage ment progra m on elderly women with urinary incontin ence based on knowle dge, severity and attitude commun ity based educatio nal program on the UI? treatm ent to the severit y, attitud e and knowle dge regardi ng LUTS? group: 25 control group: 12 target location : Sosa village in South Korea populat ion age: >70 years time sets, T1, T2 and T3. T1 is the initial time base of 0 years while T2 is a period of one year. On T2, the researc her droppe d some subject s to check on the sustain ability of the results after trainin g proces s. T3 is a period of 2 years where the retaine d popula tion under went continu ous y of the conditi on (UIKS) is used to measu re the patient knowl edge on the UI manag ement (UIAS) is used to quantif y the attitud e of the patient on the treatm ent proces s tool to qualitat ively relate the variabl es The researc her also uses the repeat er ANOVA to relate the data dge and attitud e to UI treatm ent for a period of one year follow up. subseq uently the Knowle dge and attribut e levels droppe d, majorly attribut ed to age. sustain able knowle dge and attitud e develo pment among the elderly women with UI such as social suppor t Edm ond P.H. Choi, Cind y L.K. Lam and Wen g Yee Chin The main purpose of the researc h is to evaluat e the mental states of the people sufferin g from lower urinary tract Sympto ms (LUTS). The literatur e focuses on the uneasine ss, anxiety and stress relative to embarra ssment Mental disorde r leads to severit y and lowquality living among the LUTS patient trainin g and finally, the researc her studied the whole popula tion on scale of attitud e, knowle dge and severit y Total The populat popula ion :519 tion selecti Male: on 229 focuse d on Female the 290 people attendi Exclude ng the d nurse < 18 led years primar Too ill y care patients and Patients govern who ment refused funded to primar particip y care. ate The researc her then, conduc ted a teleph one Depres sion anxiet y and stress scale Intern ational Consul tation on Inconti nence Questi onnair eUrinar y Inconti nence Short form Intern ational Prosta te Sympt om Score The researc her uses multiva riate linear regressi on to establis h variabl e relation ships. The results include d: 24.3% of the populat ion sufferin g from LUTS showed anxiety sympto ms while 17.7% showca sed depress ive sympto ms. More so, 9.6% of the populat ion People with LUTS are vulnera ble to mental disorde rs. The primar y care is import ant to provide knowle dge and improv e the respon se to the disease . intervi ew with the subject s and classify ing the data into total sympto ms score. Elif Gezg inci, Emin e Iyigu n and Serc an Yilm az The researc h aims at creating compari son of three instructi onal method s on quality of life and severity The literatur e review focuses on the importa nce of behavior al interven tion on the LUTS patient treatme nt Instruc tion metho ds of behavi oral interve ntion affects the severit y and quality of life for LUTS Total populat ion: 60 women, divided into four groups. Each group receive d instruc tions in a specifie d metho d Group 1: verbal instruc tion experie nced stress disorde rs. Regardl ess of the results, the mental disorde rs are severe on male populat ion as compar ed to the female counter parts with 13.2 to 9.5 total sympto ms score Inconti nence Impact Questi onnair e to measu re LUTS severit y Uroge nital Distres s Invent The researc her uses SPSS too to analyze the multiva riate relation of variabl es The structu red verbal instruct ion combin ed with a leaflet provide d effectiv e and efficien t Effectiv e educati on to the LUTS patient is predo minant essenti al to reduce the severit y of of lower urinary tract sympto ms women patients with overacti ve bladder. patient with overact ive bladder and a leaflet Group 2: structu red verbal instruc tions only Group 3: leaflet alone Group 4: usual care, which is, unstruc tured counse lling ory also for severit y measu remen t. Urinary Inconti nence Quality of Life Instrum ent to quantif y the quality of life metho d of passing inform ation. it shows lower LUTS score and high quality of life score HRQOL (P< .05). LUTS and improv e the quality of life. To facilitat e quality educati on, instruct ion metho ds serves as an import ant bridge to ensure conten t retenti on.