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National Broadcasting Policy (2014) Bangladesh

Background of National Broadcasting Policy (2014)
Important events on the perspective of developing national broadcasting
policy are describing in the below Between 1959 and 1963 the first 100 kw medium wave and short
wave transmitters installed in Dhaka.
 In 1964 television begun by the courtesy of Nippon electric
company as part owner of the pilot TV program.
 There are, however, comparatively new laws enacted after the
independence, which in addition to the above laws/polices, work to
govern the broadcasting sector. These laws/policies for example,
 Provisions of the Constitution of the People's Republic of
Bangladesh, 1972
 (Provisions of) The Special Power Act, 1974
 Advertising Policy for Bangladesh Betar, 1979
 Guidelines for Radio Television Programs, 1986
 Bangladesh Television Film Censor Guidelines and Rules, 1985
 Guideline Regarding Selection of Foreign Films for Telecast on
Bangladesh Television, 1988
 By turns of these events both the principal political parties the AL and
the BNP called for a free, national and democratic broadcasting system
under an independent authority.
 On September 09, 1996 the formal government appointed a 16 member
committee to recommend measures and authorize private TV and
 The first measure toward privatization was however taken in March
1999, authorizing privately owned Ekushey TV to go on air by the end
of 1999.
 On July 12, 2001 parliament approved two bills granting autonomy to
state run Bangladesh Television (BTV) and Bangladesh Betar
(Bangladesh Radio)
 Recent laws that are directly or indirectly related to broadcasting in
Bangladesh, we may take a look at the following:
 (draft) private television policy 2010 (not yet circulated; and currently
under review)
 Establishment and operation of FM radio Centre under private
ownership policy, 2010
preservation for BTV of terrestrial television broadcast facilities act,
 The right to information act, 2009
 Television channel installation and operations in private ownership
policy, 1998 (private satellite television policy)
Community radio installation, operation and broadcast policy, 2008.
 Ordinance for Cable Television Network Operation and Related
Regulations, 2006
 Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (BTRC) Act,
• Finally the national broadcasting policy approved by the cabinet on
August 04 and gazetted on August 06 in 2014 has been widely debated
featuring sharp criticism by the-media, civil society, human rights
Motive and aim:
 Keeping intact the basic rights of citizen and individual freedom,
ensuring freedom of mass media and its liabilities.
 Maintaining international regulations and standard in expressing
opinions through this media and upholding its freedom, as well as
bringing variety, credibility, neutrality and ensuring free flow of
 Making sure that the media broadcast programs respecting the spirit,
ideal and history of the liberation war, public interest, social values and
state policy.
 Help establish discipline in the society and prevent moral degradation.
 Establishing good governance and upholding human rights .
• Taking advise/suggestion from all stakeholders for forming and
implementing this policy.
Forming an organisational structure and new laws & regulations for
implementing this policy.
• Undertaking necessary initiatives to establish a platform for healthy
competition through public-private partnership.
• Forming an independent broadcast commission for the effective
implementation of this policy and its inspection.
• This broadcast commission will form necessary broadcast regulations to
set a standard for programs and implement the standard.
 All private radio, television, community radio, online radio and
television have to get license from the government.
 The broadcast commission will form a coordinated policy for issuing
 Based on the license, the commission will make recommendation for
giving license.
 A transparent, competitively open and independent policy will be
formed for providing license after discussing with stakeholders. The
policy describes license giving process, requirements for license, in
eligibility of getting license and scrapping license.
 All the running private radio and television who already acquired
approval of Information Ministry, need to reacquire their license in line
with the new policy.
 The Ministry of Information will take all necessary decisions until the
concerned policy is formed.
Glorious Liberation War and history
 It focuses on the broadcast of different programs which must ensure
free flow of information, spreading education, inspiring people to
participate in different development works and which are must be the
source of entertainment.
 And these programs must be broadcast in the spirit and ideology of
liberation war, basic principles of the state and the government ideology
and policies.
 But it indirectly imposes on media by the obligation of government
ideology and policies.
News and Entertainment Programs
• This part ensured the strong prohibition on broadcasting any political
ideology through different program or advertisement.
• Here strictly prohibited the broadcast of misinformation or distorted
truth in discussion or talk shows.
• It also emphasizes on broadcast of speech of the heads of the state and
the government and government-approved programs of social interest
such as emergency weather, healthcare bulletin, urgent announcements,
government press note, and other governmental notifications.
Language, Culture and Religious Sentiment
 This part emphasizes on broadcasting such kinds of programs which
may reflect the country’s own culture, tradition, ideology and connect
them with local culture and to develop the culture, tradition and
ideologies of minor ethnic groups.
 It stresses on showing due respect every religion and religious
 It also emphasizes on establishing equal rights and well participations of
every women in political, economic, religious, and social life through
broadcasting different inspirational program.
Development Activities
 Media arranges the various programs inspiring development activates,
voluntary works.
 It raises awareness among the people about the value of labour as well
as Inspires the common people to contribute to industrial development
and technological innovation.
 Programs would guide the youth generation to apply their creative
thinking the creating actual society.
Entertainment Programs
 The broadcast of media plays an important role in building up a childfriendly society.
 It creates inspirations to develop the children morality and their
psychology. There is prohibited to present the Programs instigating
violence, criminal activities and by any means contradicting national
 Media must not reproduced to show physical attack on any human or
animal, human murder’s images or by any means hearting the human
sentiment of general mass.
Educational Programs
 The programs must give emphasis on the betterment of the educational
system for the much benefit of the people and cooperation to the need of
a knowledge based society.
 Its programs must emphasis on rising awareness and creating interest
in education among the people of being educated.
Political and religious personalities and advertisement:
• The language, scenes or commandments must not be such that
they hurt the religious or political sentiments of any group of
• Advertisements that may cause hatred or conflict between
different or in between the same religious groups can’t be
Product,product quality and Consumers rights
• Approbation of BSTI is needed for every product.
• An advertisement can’t be shown in the form of news. Programs
and advertisements must be differentiable
• The audio used in an advertisement must maintain a certain
quality and must be good to hear.
• No national or international songs or parts of the songs can’t be
used in advertisements without the conscious of the composer and
copy right holder.
• Plagiarism of any sort or type can’t be allowed.
The liberation war of Bangladesh, language and culture
• Reference to the Independence Day, war of freedom, mass upsurge,
language movement etc., can’t be made in whether directly or indirectly
in an advertisement in order to retain the integrity and auspiciousness
of the events;
• Advertisements that are conflicting with the culture of Bangladesh,
inflicting hopelessness among the youth or causing any distortion of
culture can’t be acceptable;
• The models that take part in the advertising must be dressed properly
and acceptably.
Evaluation of advertisement oriented regulations:
Positive aspects of the draft include:
Banning of TVCs that promote discrimination based on complexion,
contain fraudulent information, infringe on copyright acts and are
hostile to environment.,
• Nullifying commercials on unapproved products and services,
• Usage of language and scenes of the spots cannot hurt the religious,
political and secular sentiments,
• Prohibition of using the language movement, the mass upsurge, the
liberation war, Independence Day and Victory Day as subjects for their
commercial ads.
• Using of children under the age of five as models in commercials
promoting is highly prohibited by the ad-makers.
• Finally, using of those scenes which include the use of dangerous
weapons by children, gallows, suicides, rapes, indecent pictures,
tortures or violence on women is not allowed.
Women and childrens rights
 The advertisement must not depict scenes and the advertisement must
look to develop positive character skills among the children.
Advertisement that may cause a child to be harassed in idealistic,
mental or physical would not be acceptable and any scene that inflicts
mental stress on child, old persons, ill persons must not be shown.
Advertisement of powdered milk product can't use models under the
age of five and it must be ensured in add that there is no alternative to
breast feeding for the healthy development of child and focused on the
restrictions for the children under 1 year age.
Products nutrient constituent and the health effect must be clearly
super imposed in the advertisement.
Miscellaneous :
The advertisements can't mock military forces or law enforcing
agencies of the country.
• Improvement of moralities, freeing the society of prejudices and
tackling acts against society must have emphasis and the advertisement
must clearly point out ways of achieving the above stated goal.
• TV programs must be presentable, refined, well thought and must show
scenes which are socially acceptable.
• In the case of advertisement of sanitary napkins, condoms and other
products of family planning, the scenes must not be perverted and must
be well presented.
• Cigarette or other smoking products, Alcohol, Marijuana, heroin or
other socially unacceptable drugs which are detrimental to health can
not be broadcasted.
Formation of Broadcasting Commission
Through law an independent broadcasting commission was formed. This
commission will be a monitored agency. This commission will have one
chairman and number of members according to the need of the commission.
The chairman and the members of the commission will be formed by a Search
Committee formed by the Information Ministry and will be appointed by the
Honorable President.
The Search Committee will ensure that the all stake holders have
participatory roles and so the stakeholders would include government officer,
women activist, media personnel and specialist, journalists, teachers, civil
society representative and Freedom of Expression specialist.
Main task
Broadcast Commission would be formed to issue Broadcasting licenses, to
ensure the overall standard of broadcasting, the stop unjust and unfair
broadcasting topics, and observe and handle the broadcasts that cause
unwarranted infringement of privacy. The Broadcast Commission will take
complaints about programs, information and advertisement from the people
and try to take actions based on the complaints.
Responsibilities of the Commission
• To ensure that the broadcast policy and code put forward by the
commission are being executed consistently;
• Submit annual reports to the information ministry;
Broadcasting commission can inspect any broadcasting institute;
If this commission finds any broadcast as not fit for broadcasting or is
violating broadcasting policy, it can command the respective institution
to show- cause for the anomaly that the commission found. The
commission will also file a report against the anomaly to the
• The commission can propose to the government to cancel licenses of
broadcasting for particular cases where there is strict violation of the
Broadcast Policy or the prevailing general law of the country;
• Broad cast commission will make a code of guidance for the broad
casting institutions.
As the search committee, formed by Ministry of Information, will select the
member of the commission, obviously this commission will perform its
activities according to the wish of the government. So the search committee
member should be neutral.
• For enacting broad casting law and regulation the commission should
take the advice of the relevant personalities and move forward so that
no debate can create there.
• During forming the commission all kinds of political dominant and
administrative interference should be stopped.
In order to make the licensing system politically free these types of
principles need to be reconsideration.
Allegation and resolve of national broadcasting policy
1. The commission is responsible to take into account the allegations from all
kinds of people against broadcasting institution irrespective of party, ideology
2. Any complain presented by any resented person or any institution
submitted to broadcasting commission and after that the commission is bound
to consider or investigate whether it (broadcasting institution) puts out the
person’s prestige at all or the person is just alleging against the broadcasting
institution for his personal interest.
3. The commission which is granting allegation from persons or institutions
must possess with legitimate authority and qualification.
4. The complainant must have to show rational point or possess against the
institution whereto his or her prestige is violating.
5. The statutory broadcasting commission will not grant any complain
which hurts the sentiment of any religious community.
6. The condition of complain should not be such that it becomes a matter of
ridiculous to the people.
7. After verifying the complain if it is supposed to the commission the
broadcasting institution is guilty then the commission will recommend to the
governmental institution for granting punishment which holds the legitimate
8. The government will enforce both monetary or non-monetary punishment
or penalty to a degree how much they are guilty.
9. If the complain goes against the real incidence performed by the
broadcasting media, the responsible must have to take proper initiatives
against the complainant.
Miscellaneous Rules
Charter of Duties:
 According to the regulation of the broadcasting policy, every
broadcasting institution must have a specific ‘Charter of Duties’ and an
editorial policy.
The Censorship of Films Act 1963:
 A film against ‘The Censorship of Films Act – 1963’ and the constituted
rules and regulation of this act will not be permitted to exhibit.
Restructuring Program or Advertisement:
 If there is confusion whether any program or advertisement is decent,
elegant, refurbish or not, broadcasting media would make decision
about this by applying to respective authority.
Decision by Information Ministry:
 Information Ministry will make decisions in any issue that is not
prescribed in this policy or which is conflicting with other existing law
and regulations.
 7.5 The essential decision of all issues which are related to broadcasting
will be made by the Ministry of Information until the formulation of
acts, rules and regulation about broadcasting and broadcasting
Criticism of National Broadcasting Policy 2014 of
After months of rigorous scrutinization, the cabinet under the chairmanship
of prime minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh finally approved ‘national
broadcasting policy 2014’ on 4th of august, 2014. This policy, according to
former cabinet secretary M Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan, aims to ensure free
flow of information and responsibility of the media and also to ensure the
freedom of press which is laid on the clause of 2 of article 39 of the
constitution of the peoples’ republic of Bangladesh. But in reality, the policy
has brought a lot of criticisms from people of different sectors both in home
and abroad. Analysts including academicians, journalists, politicians, and
many national and international organizations dub broadcasting policy 2014
of Bangladesh as a highly restrictive one.
The national broadcasting policy 2014 of Bangladesh Restricts the dissemination of any news, photos, or videos that could
tarnish the image of law enforcement agencies and armed forces.
 In the name of public interest, prohibits any broadcasts that, directly or
through advertisements, run counter to the government.
 Forbids the broadcasting of news that could cause "communal discord"
or impede national security.
 Calls for the creation of a statutory independent commission which will
be able to offer recommendations but the government actually retains
the authority to impose punishment for non-compliance.
 Gives the government the power to overrule the commission’s
 Prohibits the advertising companies from advertising anything that
directly or indirectly affects Liberation War, Language Movement, and
Independence Day. No details have been provided on which advertises
affect them and which don’t.
 Restricts from broadcasting any content that damage the friendly
relationships with foreign countries but no details of these contents are
provided in the policy.
 Gives the government the space to decide on any matter not included in
the policy.
This week, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's cabinet approved a restrictive policy
governing Bangladesh's broadcast media. While the policy calls for the creation of
an independent commission to oversee electronic media--a positive step, in
principle--it's unclear how and how quickly the commission will be formed.
Meanwhile, the policy restricts what can be broadcast, raising red flags.
Under the policy, broadcast outlets are prohibited from disseminating any news,
photos, or videos that could tarnish the image of law enforcement agencies and
armed forces, according to news reports. The policy also requires broadcast outlets
to telecast programs of national importance, including speeches made by the heads
of state and government. It prohibits any broadcasts that, directly or through
advertisements, run counter to the government(emphasis added) or public interest,
and forbids the broadcasting of news that could cause "communal discord" or
impede national security, according to reports.
The policy also calls for the creation of a statutory independent commission to
implement these provisions. The commission would be tasked with drafting a
"code of guidance" for media outlets and elaborating on penalties for breaching the
policy, news reportssaid. While the commission would be able offer
recommendations, the government would retain the authority to impose
punishment for non-compliance and "...supervision and control will remain in the
government's hands," according to news reports.
Cabinet Secretary M. Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan told reporters that the
commission would have the authority to issue licenses for television and radio
outlets--a process that has been under the auspices of the government.
Bhuiyan also told reporters that in the interim, the policy will be implemented by
the information ministry. In an interview with a private channel, Information
Minister Hasanul Haq Inu estimatedthat forming a commission would take no
more than five months.
Several journalists said the policy raises deep concern. Shortly before it was
approved by the cabinet, an editorial published by Prothom Alo, one of the most
widely circulated newspapers in Bangladesh, stated: "To all appearances, this is a
precursor to granting indemnity to certain institutions." The editorial added that the
provision to form a broadcast commission is "aim[ed] at tying up the hands and
feet of the media. Such a restrictive policy is totally unacceptable."
The editorial also rightly raised concern over a provision that it said bars broadcast
of any statement or picture that may tarnish the image of a government official
with judicial powers. We have already seen the judiciary attempt to muzzle critical
voices in Bangladesh.
The uncertainty over when the commission will be formed has prompted
journalists to demand it be created immediately. Meanwhile some journalists
have set fire to copies of the policy in protest.
Manjurul Ahsan Bulbul, CEO of Boishakhi Television and president of a faction of
the Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists (BFUJ) told Prothom Alo, "The
government hasn't even decided how it will form the commission. What has been
stated so far--that will simply increase the Information Ministry's control."
The policy has also drawn stern criticism from the opposition Bangladesh
Nationalist Party. The party's Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi told
reporters, "We believe they are actually trying to use laws to put the entire media
inside the government's cage."
Bhuiyan denied these criticisms, saying, "Robbing media of its freedom is out of
the question."
The policy has prompted positive reactions from some quarters. Tahmina Rahman,
director for Bangladesh and South Asia at Article 19, one of the groups that offered
input in the drafting process, expressed optimism. "This would be a significant
attempt toward distancing the government from functions of the electronic press
through this independent commission," Rahman told CPJ by phone. "Despite some
weaknesses, a process has been put into place."