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B-Dent Journal Author Guidelines: Manuscript Submission

B-Dent: Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Baiturrahmah, Vol xx, No. xx: page xx-xx
ISSN 2301-5454, e-ISSN 2654-7643
Available online at https://jurnal.unbrah.ac.id/index.php/bdent/index
JBD Author Guidelines
A. General information
1. The author should register as an author in B-Dent: Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas
Baiturrahmah in this link https://jurnal.unbrah.ac.id/index.php/bdent/user/register before
submitting and upload the manuscript.
2. The author of the manuscript is liable for the content of the published manuscript.
3. Submitted manuscript and illustration are legally belong to the publisher and should not
be published in other media.
4. All forms of communication should be electronically based.
5. The manuscript should be written in English or in Indonesian and has never been
published in any journal.
6. The manuscript could be in the form of research, case report or literature review.
7. The
WordPerfect document file format (don’t use another format)
8. The writing template can be downloaded on the website of B-Dent: Jurnal Kedokteran
Gigi Universitas Baiturrahmah
9. The maximum page number for manuscript is 12 pages (excluding references)
10. For further information, please contact: B-Dent: Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas
Baiturrahmah, Jl. Raya By Pass Km 14, Sei Sapih, Kec. Kuranji – Padang, Sumatera
Barat, 25159, Phone: 081267115123; e-mail: bdentjournal@unbrah.ac.id
B. Manuscript Systematic
1. Title. The title should be no more than 12 words (English) or 15 words (in Indonesian),
describing the entire contents of the manuscript without acronym or abbreviation. Letters
are typed in Times New Roman font 11 in whole capital letters.
2. Author information. Including author(s) name without any title, affiliation, address and
corresponding e-mail
3. Abstract. Written in English (italics) or Indonesian in a maximum of 250 words in one
paragraph with single space, accompanied by 3-5 keywords with no citation. Consisting
background, objective, methods, results, conclusion
4. Section Structure
Authors are suggested to present their manuscript based on the format below:
a. Research: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion
b. Case Report: Introduction, Case and Management, Discussion, and Conclusion
c. Literature Review: Introduction, Topics, Discussion, and Conclusion
B-Dent: Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Baiturrahmah, Vol xx, No. xx: page xx-xx
ISSN 2301-5454, e-ISSN 2654-7643
Available online at https://jurnal.unbrah.ac.id/index.php/bdent/index
5. Figures should be mentioned in the text related, not as an attachment, in JPEG format
with minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
6. Figures and tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals in sequence of
appearance. The brief information of the table is written above the inserted table (open
table; horizontal lines without vertical lines) while for Figures, the description is written
under the inserted pictures. Both are written in Times New Roman 9 font with single
7. Authors must include an electronic copy of written and signed consent to publish
information from the patient or the housing ethic institution before submission.
Submitted manuscripts must include this statement in the script
Figure sample:
Figure 1. brief description of the picture (A) and brief description of the picture (B)
Table Sample:
Table 1. (Table explanation) Rerata dan simpangan baku gingival thickness 1 (mm) berdasarkan kelompok perlakuan
Flep Posisi Koronal
Rerata ± Simpangan baku pengukuran
gingival thickness 1 (mm)
Peningkatan gingival
thickness 1
Sesudah (3 bulan)
0,87 ± 0,30
1,43 ± 0,22
0,56 ± 0,42
FPK tanpa ADMA
0,85 ± 0,22
0,89 ± 0,20
0,04 ± 0,07
8. References
The composition of the references used in the manuscript should consist of 80% primary
references (journals, proceedings) and a maximum 20% of secondary references (text
book) published in the last 10 years. Reference is written in Vancouver format system
and the reference number placed at the end of a sentence. References are arranged in
order of appearance on the text. It is advisable to use software application to manage
references and bibliography, both free (e.g. Mendeley, Zotero, Refworks) or paid
applications (e.g. Endnote, Reference Manager).
B-Dent: Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Baiturrahmah, Vol xx, No. xx: page xx-xx
ISSN 2301-5454, e-ISSN 2654-7643
Available online at https://jurnal.unbrah.ac.id/index.php/bdent/index
References sample:
1. Ritter AV, Boushell LW, Walter R. Sturdevant’s art and science of operative dentistry 7th
ed. Missouri: Elsevier; 2019. p. 433-34.
2. Irfan A. Protocols for predictable aesthetic dental restorations [Internet]. Oxford:
Blackwell Munksgaard; 2006 [cited 2009 May 21]. Available from Netlibrary:
y& v=1&bookid=181691.
3. Tacken MPE, Cosyn J, De Wilde W, Aerts J, Govaerts E, Vannet BV. Glass fibre
reinforced versus multistranded bonded orthodontic retainers: a 2 year prospective multicentre study. Eur J Orthod. 2010; 32: p.117-23.