Uploaded by Rosie Lloyd

Geography Unit 3: Changing Land

Geography Unit 3
Changing the Land
Unit 3
Learning Intention:
What is land use?
What are some examples of land use change?
Success Criteria:
I can define land use
I can explain land use change in relation to a particular place
Unit 3
The significance of changes to land cover and use has grown in conjunction
with the spread and growth of people across the world and the consequent
demand for resources.
In Unit 3, you will investigate three major processes of land cover change, their
nature and impact, and people’s responses to these changes at local, national
and global scales. You will complete fieldwork to investigate land use change
in a local area.
In this unit, you will need to understand the function and contribution of the
processes bringing about land use change and land cover change. You will
also need to be aware of and question the role of people in contributing to,
mitigating and responding to these changes.
Highlight the geographic concepts in this slide.
Lesson Preparation
AOS 1: Land Use Change
AOS 2: Land Cover Change
Outcome 1:
Outcome 2:
Analyse, describe and explain
Analyse, describe and explain
land use change and assess its
processes that result in changes
to land cover and discuss the
impacts and responses resulting
from these changes.
Key Terms
Write in your notes
AOS 1: Land Use Change
Land Use:
The purpose assigned to the land.
What it is used for, such as
agriculture, residential, nature
Land Use Change
Changes to what the land is used
for by humans. This also follows
human-driven processes and
often involves a change to the
AOS 2: Land Cover Change
Land Cover
Land cover is the natural state of
the biophysical environment. What
is actually covering the land (ice,
forests, desert, urban areas, ocean)
Land Cover Change
How the land cover has changed
over time due to natural processes
and human activities
Land Use
Read page 1 of Land Use Change in Australia
How is land use defined? Add additional detail to your definition
Define land management practices.
From this article, why does land use matter? What impacts does it have?
Read page 2 of Land Use Change in Australia
● List five of the land uses that you are familiar with
● What are the scales of the two kinds of land maps?
● Why are two different scales of maps produced?
Land Use: Complete in Pairs
Use https://mapshare.vic.gov.au/Vicplan/index.html?http://mapshare.maps.vic.gov.au/vicplan/
List three+ land uses in Horsham
Land Use: Complete in Pairs
Visit the Horsham Council City to River website
From your own knowledge, describe the way that the Southbank area is used.
Explain how the use of the land is going to change.
What impacts might the proposed changes have on the environment?
What impacts might the proposed changes have for Horsham residents and
visitors to Horsham?
Remember to consider both the potential positive and negative impacts that could
arise from the changes.
Alternative Resources