Final Exam (Take-Home) Summer - 2020 Student Name: Muhammad Asif Muneer Reg. ID: 021-19-46752 Program: MBA Instructor: Dr. Faheem Bukhari Subject: Advertising and Brand Management Max. Marks: 30 Department of Business Administration Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Total Marks 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 Obtained Marks Please follow the instructions carefully: 1. Write your answers in a Word file or any other format specified by the instructor and upload the file before the due date on LMS. 2. Write your name and registration ID on the first page of your Word file. 3. Answer scripts can be uploaded on LMS any time before its deadline. Therefore, do not wait for the last hour to avoid any unforeseen problems. 4. Submission of answer copy(ies) will be considered acceptable through LMS only. Therefore, do not submit your document through email or any other medium. 5. Use 12 pt. font size and Times New Roman font style along with 1-inch page margins. 6. Follow the requirements of the word limit and the marking criteria while writing your answers. 7. Provide relevant, original and conceptual answers, as this exam aims to test your ability to examine, explain, modify or develop concepts discussed in class. 8. Do not copy answers from the internet or other sources. The plagiarism of your answers may be checked through Turnitin. 9. Recheck your answers before the submission on LMS to correct any content or language related errors. 10. Double check your word file before uploading it on LMS to ensure that you have uploaded the correct file with your answers. Question 1 Develop the Brand association map of IQRA University as, what comes in your mind when you hear about IQRA University, please draw a map? Keeping in view the Brand Identity Prism model, please develop the brand identity model of Shan Foods [Marks 6] Word count limit 300 Answer: Iqra University Brand Association Map. Flexible timings of classes Number one University Outstandin g teaching staff Iqra University Education of best quality A reliable and trusted in name in job market. Good infrastruction Answer: Brand identity prism of Shan foods. Physique: Red logo with yellow writing makes it different Personality: Prime quality of products with inovation Relationship: Delighted and delicious food for sharing with family and friends in every occasion of joy and celebration Culture: Sub-continental culture Reflection: Traditional and premium Self-image: Quality, premium and traditional. Question 2 Pick any of your favorite brand and how you will answer each step mentioned in the below CBBE model proposed by Keller. [Marks 6] Word count limit 300 CBBE Model of Lays. Answer: Identity (what are you?) A market leader in snacks industry. Meaning (what are you). Comes with different flavors makes every moment, every celebration tasty enough to enjoy. Response (what about you?). Taste makes lays the leader of snacks industry, customer has blind trust on lays snacks, people prefer to buy this snacks when they feel little hungry. Relationships (what about you and me?) Lays has strong relationship with customers because they have strong repetitive buying behavior. Question 3 Do you believe that ad creativity is the only aspect that helps the brands to be effective? Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Please narrate your answer with an example. [Marks 6] Word count limit 300 Answer: I do not agree with the statement that creative ads are only responsible for the brand effectiveness. There are several other things that equally responsible for brand effectiveness. What makes brand effective? Brands must have to know their target audience, when the brand is being built it is very much important to know who we are trying to reach. Brands must get very specific, it should work out interests, lifestyle and motivation of its prospects audience. Consistency is also one of the factor which is crucial to the effectiveness of brands building, if one company is not consistent it is quite hard for them to build a brand. In addition innovation and impressive logo, along with best services are the factors which help brands to be effective. Question 4 The component of IMC (Integrated marketing communication) is vital and companies are trying their best to have an effective integrated approach but, in many cases, not been able to achieve the communication objectives. What could be the reasons, please discuss. [Marks 6] Word count limit 300 Answer: It normally happens when the target audience perceive or interpret the message wrongly, or when the target audience is totally missed out by the marketers. Sometimes it happens when the medium chosen to communicate is not right, or the target audience is much fragmented than it happens to that objectives of communication is totally missed. Question 5 Tapal marketing head has assigned you a task to develop a creative brief for their upcoming new flavored tea. As a brand manager, you need to gather the information by looking at the new variant “FLAVORED TEA” and develop the brief as per your assumptions. [Marks 6] Word count limit 300 Brand name Brand information Campaign objective Tapal A leading tea brand in Pakistan, targeting females of 18-45 age. Brand awareness, leading to purchase intention Choice of every family, tapal with a new flavor to add more fun to tea. Brand positioning Target market New variant Brand voice Key insight Campaign duration Execution requirements 18-45 females Flavors, like strawberry, chocolate, vanilla etc. Zaiqa rango ka Key market is tea loving people of Pakistan. 8 weeks TVC, Radio, Print media, Social Media