ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATE: Nursing Skill STUDENT NAME______________________________________ SKILL NAME_____________________________________________________________________________ REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER____________ Description of Skill Apgar score is a rapid assessment of the need for resuscitation based on five signs that indicate the physiologic state of the neonate Indications birth of a child CONSIDERATIONS Nursing Interventions (pre, intra, post) -immediately after birth assesses that respirations have been established, dries the infant, assesses temperature, and places identical identification bracelets on the infant and the mother. -Asess 1) heart rate(2) respiratory rate(3) muscle tone(4) reflex irritability(5) generalized skin color, and score 0, 1, or 2 for every category Outcomes/Evaluation -scores of 7-10 shows that the baby is having no difficulty adjusting -scores 6 or less ussally mean that the baby needs more assistance Potential Complications Incorrect agpar scores can lead to necessary interventions being missed which can lead to further complications in the baby ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATES Client Education -tell the mother that baby will be assessed and given a score -Inform the mother of the score and what it means for the baby Nursing Interventions -pratice scoring often to be proficient -alway have emergency equipment ready just in case Therapeutic Procedure A9