C R O P P R O T E C T I O N (1987) 6 (4), 226-233 Influence of droplet size, air-assistance and electrostatic charge upon the distribution of u l t r a . l o w - v o l u m e sprays on t o m a t o e s HAMAD A . ABDELBAGI* AND ANDREW J. ADAMS* * Department of Entomology and Insect Pathology, Institute of Horticultural Research, Worthing Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 6LP, UK ABSTRACT. Scoring systems for efficiency and coverage of spray deposits on tomatoes were used to assess the influence of droplet size and air-assistance upon the distribution of electrostatically charged droplets within a crop in relation to their potential to control whitefly. Interactions between the spray (charge, flow rate and air-assistance) and the crop (height and position) were identified. The best combination was the lowest flow rate (0.8 ml/min; vmd = 18 ~m; vmd/nmd = 1.13) with the smaller fan (2.0 m3/min air movement) where deposition on abaxial surfaces at the top of the crop was particularly good. Spray penetration of the canopy was better with the normal, compared with the smaller, fan. At the same flow rate (7-9 ml/min) the electrostatic sprayer provided a more efficient distribution of active ingredient than an uncharged spinning-disc sprayer. The scoring systems may be modified to accommodate different interactions between crop, pest or disease, application method, spray distribution and mode of action of insecticide, to facilitate improvements in application efficiency. Introduction Recent research, using sessile stages of glasshouse pests and contact pesticides as model bioassay systems, has demonstrated that the application efficiency of a toxicant increases as the spray droplet size decreases (Munthali, 1984). Smaller, additional changes in biological efficacy may be attributed to the use of different oil-based formulations, the interaction between droplet and plant surface, the concentration of active ingredient (Abdalla, 1984; Wyatt et al., 1984) and the developmental stage of the pest (Palmer, Wyatt and Scopes, 1983). If these biological requirements, as determined in the laboratory, can be translated into crop contexts by improved application techniques, it should be possible to improve the efficiency of insecticide use--currently estimated at a fraction of 1% (Graham-Bryce, 1977)--by an order of magnitude or more. T h e application of very small spray droplets (<50/~m in-flight diameter) introduces numerous practical problems associated with lack of momentum, low impaction efficiency on foliage, evaporation and * Present address: Crop Protection Department, Sudan Gezira Board, Barakat, Sudan. * * Address for correspondence: Laboratory for Pest Control Application Technology, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University, Wooster, Ohio 44691, USA. 0261-2194/87104/0226-08 $03.00 © 1987 Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd the consequent, but undesirable, likelihood of drift (Uk, 1977; Spillman, 1984). However, if the spray is electrostatically charged, the deposition of a small droplet, with a low terminal velocity, may be determined by attraction to conductive surfaces (e.g. foliage) instead of by gravitational forces. Consequently, a greater proportion of the spray may impact on the undersides of leaves than is possible with conventional sprays (Coffee, 1979). As many pests are found on abaxial surfaces, where they are often sheltered from high-volume (HV) sprays, electrostatic sprayers should favour deposition on the biological target (Matthews, 1977). In some comparative trials, electrostatic sprayers have given worse pest control than hydraulic sprayers. This has been attributed, in part, to the failure of the charged spray to penetrate the crop canopy effectively (Cayley et al., 1984). Whereas small uncharged droplets (approximately 20~m in diameter) may be optimal for the efficient use of insecticides (Himel, 1969), charged drops of this size, or smaller, are deposited on peripheral foliage only (Adams and Palmer, 1986). This may be overcome if drop-legs (Morton, 1982) or air-assistance (Cooke et al., 1986; Adams and Palmer, 1986) are incorporated into the application equipment. In a preliminary study, the combination of airassistance, electrostatic charge and a narrow droplet HAMAD A . ABDELBAGI AND ANDREW a / C' ! .. ,"~ ~, 227 ADAMS The design of the two sprayers means that the N and S treatments are not strictly comparable in terms either of gross or of localized air movement: whereas the Ulvafan moved more air, the Tube caused air speeds of 4.5 m/s (IN') and 3" 0 m/s (S), 0.5 m from the nozzle, the corresponding figures for the Ulvafan being 2.5 m/s and 2- 0m/s. b ,. J. Spray Chemicals f f "bI ~ Spray , / . / FIGURE 1. Method of spray application. (a) Top view; (b) side view. spectrum (vmd= 20/am; vmd/nmd-- 1- 15) resulted in an even distribution of droplets on adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces throughout a tomato crop (Adams and Palmer, 1986). The aim of the present study was to establish the effects of charge, air-assistance and droplet size upon spray distribution, and to relate this information to the efficiency ofpermethrin application against the glasshouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vapo- rariorum. T h e insecticide used was permethrin (cis:trans 60:40) supplied at 100g a.i./l in an oil-based U L V formulation JF8133, containing 5g/1 Uvitex OB as a fluorescent tracer (IC! Plant Protection). This formulation was diluted to 70 g a.i./1 by the addition of risella oil to raise the resistivity of the fluid to 4 . 6 x 10- 8 ohm cm so that it would atomize correctly in the Tube. Spray application The spray was directed, judging from the leaf flutter caused by the air-assistance, up and down each plant and the gap between each plant, as shown in Figure 1. Ten treatments were applied (Table 1) including flow rates a (0.8 ml/min), b (1.8 ml/min), c (3.0 ml/min) and d ( 7 . 0 - 8 . 8 ml/min). Each plot was surrounded by a polythene sheet during spraying and for five minutes after spraying, to prevent contamination of adjacent plots. Materials and methods Sampling Crop Each plot was divided into 24 sampling sites for six vertical levels (each 0.35 m high) and four horizontal positions (E, ME, M W and W) (Figure 2). One leaf per site was collected from each of the eight central plants in every plot. Two leaf discs (1 cm 2) were cut from each leaf and examined for adaxial and abaxial spray deposits under ultraviolet (UV) light. Each disc was assigned to one of six droplet-density classes (Table 2). These classes were selected on the basis of bioassay data which indicated that 50-150 droplets/cm 2 are likely to cause > 50% mortality when first-instar white- Tomato plants, Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Marathon were planted in peat bags and allowed to grow to the top wire (2-1m) in an l l m x l l m glasshouse compartment. Each experimental plot consisted of 12 plants arranged in a double row with an interplant and interrow spacing of 0.5 m (Figure 1). Spraying equipment Two hand-held sprayers (Micron Sprayers Ltd) were used: 1. Air-assisted Microdyne--the 'Tube'. This is an electrostatic sprayer with a Microdyne nozzle (based on the design of the ICI Electrodyn) mounted at the end of a tube and in front of a fan. The fan could be changed so that either 3.5 m3/min (normal 'N' fan) or 2-0m3/min (small 'S' fan) air movement was provided. 2. Ulvafan. This is a commercially available, airassisted spinning-disc applicator comprising a Micro-Ulva atomizer head mounted in front of a fan. A voltage restrictor allowed the fan to rotate at one of two speeds to provide N and S air movement (4.0 and 3.0m3/min respectively), without altering the spinning speed of the disc. TABLE 1. The spray treatments applied to tomato plots using four flow rates, charged (Ch) and uncharged (U) sprayers and normal (N) and reduced (S) air-assistance Treatment aChN aChS bChN bChS cChN cChS dChN dChS dUN dUS Flow rate Spraying (ml/min) time (s) 0"8 0"8 1" 8 1" 8 3"0 3" 0 7" 0 7" 0 8"8 8" 0 66 70 72 66 65 72 72 68 71 63 vmd* (/am) nmd* (/am) vmd/ nmd* 18 18 27 27 40 40 56 56 53 54 16 16 25 25 34 34 53 53 21 21 1.13 1.13 1.08 1.08 1-15 1.15 1.07 1.07 2.49 2.53 * Droplet-size data for charged sprays from Malvern 220013300 V2.2 (courtesy, Micron Sprayers Ltd) and, for uncharged sprays, from Malvern P.S.A. Droplet Analyser (courtesy, IPARC, Silwood Park) CROP PROTECTION Vol. 6 A u g u s t 1987 Electrostatic spraying on tomatoes 228 EIMEIMwlw Height i (m) 2.10 , I variance in which the effects of height, flow rate and position were examined. For the purpose o f the analysis the E and W samples were treated as replicates so that the residual error term was derived from interaction terms of E - W samples with height, flow rate and position in the usual way. Efficiency scores. A differential scoring system for adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces was used to demonstrate how the distribution of the spray between the two leaf surfaces affected the efficiency of insecticide usage against whiteflies. For classes A to F (Table 2), on the adaxial surface, a contact pyrethroid like permethrin is wasted against whitefly larvae which are found, almost exclusively, on the abaxial surface. Hence, the scores for each class are negative and increase in proportion to the droplet density (Figure 3a). Conversely, positive efficiency scores are given to abaxial deposits which increase as the number o f droplets increases up to 150 droplets/cm 2 (Figure 3a). T h e efficiency scores for classes E and F are lower than for class D as they are likely to cause 'overkill' which constitutes a waste of active ingredient--effective but inefficient. Thus, the 6 1.75 5 1.40 4 1.05 3 0.70 . P /o /o +8 I 0.35 /o/ +4 1 0 0 0 T i u ~ u I l I t -4 FIGURE 2. Location of the 24 sampling sites at four depths for each of the six heights. TABLE 2. Class --8 Droplet-density classes Droplet density(drops/cm2) A B C D E F <25 25-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 >200 flies are treated with permethrin (Adams, 1986 and unpublished data). Scoring systems and method of analysis A scoring system for 'efficiency' and another for 'coverage' and 'penetration' were designed. Weights were assigned to the six droplet-density classes and the resulting indices were then subjected to an analysis of CROP PROTECTION Vol. 6 August 1987 b +8 /" _/m / m or) m/m o , i i i i [ A B C D E F Droplet density class FIGURE3. Scoringsystemsfor: (a) efficiency--scoresfor abaxial(O) and adaxial(/-q)densitiesin eachclassare summedat eachsite;(b) coverage-depositson both leafsurfacesreceiveidenticalscoresfor eachdensityclass (m>. HAMAD A . ABDELBAGI AND ANDREW + number of discs in each density class was multiplied by the corresponding efficiency score. These values were summed to provide efficiency scores for each height of the treated plot (see Figure 2). - -.!-- 7 5 - + 50 - + 25 - 0 - o tO O3 - 25 229 ADAMS - + 100 Coverage and penetration scores. The amount of spray reaching each site was assessed on a scale which increased in proportion to droplet density for both leaf surfaces (Figure 3b). Summing the two surface scores gives a coverage score for a site from which scores for the outer (E + W) and inner (ME + MW) positions at each height were obtained. An index for spray penetration is obtained by dividing the inner by the outer coverage score. Both scoring systems may be used to provide information per site, height, position or an overall figure for each treatment. 125 J. / o / J\oJ ° o n I °j ° ~ ~ o~n..__-- i i i 1 2 3 O- i 4 _n ---'-" n I J 5 6 Height Results FIGURE 5. Efficiency scores at each height of the crop for charged, small fan, sprays at flow rates a (©), b ([7) and c (A). Arrangement of data The spray deposition data was grouped into outer and inner regions of the crop to simplify the analysis. Droplet distribution The treatments were compared on the basis of efficiency, coverage and penetration scores. In addition, allowances were made for the effect of droplet size upon the droplet density (LNs0) and quantity of a.i. (LQs0) required for 50°7o mortality: halving the droplet diameter doubles the LNso but uses 25°7o of the insecticide (from Adams, 1986). Further- A + 75 + 50 + 25 0 O O O3 - 25 - 50 -75 - 100 / m L O I I i I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 Height FIGURE 4. Efficiency scores at each height of the crop for charged sprays, with the normal fan, at flow rates a (O), b (F-l) and c (A). more, the most susceptible developmental stages of T. vaporariorum are the egg and first-instar larva (Palmer et al., 1983), which generally occur at tomato heights 5 and 6 (1.40-2.10m). Charged (Ch) droplets. Efficiency. The efficiency scores for each height at flow rates a, b and c, with the normal fan, are presented in Figure 4. With the exception of the score for a flow rate of 1" 8 ml/min with the normal fan (bChN) at height 1 (0-0.35 m), the scores tend to increase with increasing height. Positive efficiency scores occur at the top half of the crop where bChN is the most consistent combination, although the best score at height 6 (1.75-2.10m) was recorded with a flow rate of 3.0ml/min and the normal fan (cChN). The analysis showed that height was the most important factor influencing the scores in the treatments (P<0.001) and accounted for 30% of the variation. A significant effect of flow rate was also found (P<0.001). When the results with the smaller (S) fan are examined (Figure 5), it is evident that the efficiency scores are generally higher than those recorded with the normal fan. The scores for the lowest flow rate, 0.8ml/min (aChS) are positive at every height, and increase towards a maximum at height 6. Conversely, the scores are all negative when the flow rate is 1.8 ml/ min (bChS), but do not vary much between heights. The analysis revealed that flow rate was the most significant factor (P<0.001), accounting for 28% of the variation. Position (outer and inner scores have been summed for clarity in Figure 5) and its interaction with height also showed significant effects (P<0.05). The spray distribution between leaf surfaces was most efficient in aChS at every height and, most importantly, deposition was clearly biased towards the abaxial leaf surface at heights 5 and 6. This combinaCROP PROTECTION Vol. 6 August 1987 Electrostatic spraying on tomatoes 230 200 150 0 tO 100 tO 50 0 I I I I I 200 ] n 150 Charged (Ch) v. uncharged (U) sprays. The Tube and the Ulvafan were compared, directly, at a flow rate of 7 . 0 - 8 . 8 ml/min (d). == 0 0 100 0~ 0 / ~ 0 GO r-/~' When the normal fan was used, penetration at each flow rate was lower at heights 2-4 (0" 35-1" 40 m) than at heights 1, 5 and 6 (Table 3, section a). As the foliage becomes less dense towards the top of the plants, better penetration at heights 5 and 6 is to be expected, while the high indices at height 1 may be due to the wraparound effect of small charged droplets. In most cases, penetration at each height improved as the flow rate (droplet size) decreased. The indices in section b of Table 3 are, generally, equal to or below the corresponding figures in section a of Table 3, indicating that reducing the air-assistance reduces penetration by the spray. This is particularly marked at heights 5 and 6 where the smaller fan was less able to push the droplets upwards into the canopy. .A~ [] 50 0 I I I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 250 a 0 ~O 200 Height FIGURE 6. Coverage scores on (a) outer (E+ W) and (b) inner (ME + MW) positions at each height for charged, normal fan, sprays at flow rates a (O), b (El) and c (A). 150 o 0 0 tO ~ ° ~ o / ° 100 50 tion of droplet size and air-assistance is, therefore, likely to be particularly good for whitefly control. On the same basis, the consistency of the two remaining small fan treatments is outweighed by the higher efficiency scores at heights 5 and 6 when normal airassistance was employed at each flow rate. Coverage. T h e analysis of the coverage scores for outer and inner positions, when the normal fan was used (Figure 6a, b), indicates that height and position are the most significant factors ( P < 0 . 0 0 1 ) and they account for 33°7o and 32% of the variation, respectively. Thus, the coverage score increases with increasing height, and is greater on the outer than on the inner position, at each height. Flow rate, and the interactions between height and position, and height and flow rate, were also significant (P<0.05). Similar results are revealed by the analysis of coverage scores with the small fan (Figure 7a, b) where position and height, between them, accounted for over 63% of the variation (P<0.001). Significant effects due to flow rate ( P < 0 . 0 1 ) and the interaction of height and position (P<0-05) were also recorded. As before, coverage improved towards the top of the crop, and more droplets were deposited on the outer position at each height. Penetration. The penetration indices from the charged spray treatments are presented in Table 3. CROP PROTECTION Vol. 6 August 1987 0 I 200 I I I I b [3 o/o 150 0 I 100 O9 50 0 0 "'" ...--.-"0 I I I I 1 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 Height FIGURE 7. Coverage scores on (a) outer and (b) inner positions at each height for charged, small fan, sprays at flow rates a (O), b ([]) and c (A). TABLE 3. Penetration indices for the charged spray treatments Height Flow rate Fan type (ml/min) 1 2 3 4 5 6 (a)Normal(N)~n a 0"8 b 1-8 c 3.0 1"0 0.7 0'6 0"6 0.6 0.4 0"7 0-4 0-4 0"7 0.5 0"4 0"8 0-8 0-7 0"7 0.9 0"9 (b) S m a l l ( S ) ~ n a 0.8 b 1-8 c 3"0 0.5 1.1 0.7 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.3 0"6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0"5 0.8 0.6 HAMADA. + 50 - + 25 - 0 - o 0 CO -- 25 - -- 50 - ABDELBAGI AND 75 o~• ...~-/ n. . . . o - \ • / -- % % -- 100 % - / %am -- 125 231 worse than at the corresponding outer positions. The exception was the combination ofdUS where the outer and inner scores were almost identical. Overall, height and position, and the interaction between position and charge, were the most significant factors (P<0-001). The interactions between height and charge, height and air-assistance, and position, charge and airassistance were also significant (P<0.05). The combination of electrostatic charge with normal airassistance provided the most efficient spray with the best coverage scores, particularly at heights 5 and 6. % -- ANDREWJ. ADAMS ~, / / ~'m...,~..... n Penetration. The penetration indices in Table 4 demonstrate that, at this flow rate, a greater proportion of the spray reached the inner position at each height than with most of the lower flow-rate treatments - I I I I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 250 a Height • . ok--o 200 FIGURE 8. Efficiency scores, at each height, for sprays at flow-rate d using the Tube with normal (O O) and small ( 0 - - -- - - 0 ) fans, and the Ulvafan at normal ( n - - - - - - - I ) and reduced ( U - - -- - n ) 150 fan speeds. 0 0 09 Efficiency. Figure 8 indicates that the charged droplets were distributed more efficiently than uncharged droplets, with the score tending to increase towards the top of the crop. The combination of an uncharged spray with the normal fan speed (dUN) gave good scores at heights 4-6 which are comparable to bChS and cChS (Figure 5). However, the most striking feature is the extremely poor efficiency of the uncharged spray applied using the slower fan speed (dUS). Air-assistance, charge and their interaction were the most significant factors (P<0" 001). Position, and its interaction with air-assistance, also caused significant effects (P<0.01). Efficiency scores were lower on the inner compared with the outer position, at each height, and with the reduced compared with the normal air-assistance. 100 50 0 200 I I I V 0 0 I I • 0 b 150 ° 100 3"a cO 50 0 Coverage. Coverage scores for charged sprays were generally better on the outer canopy than within the crop (Figure 9a). There was also a tendency for the charged scores to increase towards height 6--the notable exception being a sharp decline in coverage score between heights 5 and 6, on both outer and inner positions when the combination of a charged spray with the smaller fan (dChS) was applied (Figure 9b). This may be due to the greater influence of gravity upon 56/am droplets compared with droplets that are 40/am (flow rate c) or smaller (see Figure 7) such that the air-assistance fails to push the droplets far enough into the topmost foliage, resulting in enhanced deposition at height 5 from droplets directed there by the sprayer, supplemented by droplets falling from height 6. Within the crop, there was little difference between the four treatments, but coverage was usually I I I I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 Height FIGURE 9. Coverage scores on (a) outer and (b) inner positions, at each height, using flow-rate d applied through the Tube with the normal (©) and small (O) fans, and through the Ulvafan at normal (A) and reduced (A) fan speeds. TABLE 4. Penetration indices for charged (Ch) and uncharged (U) sprays applied at flow rate d (7-9 ml/min) using either the normal (N) or reduced (S) air-assistance Height Treatment dChN dChS dUN dUS 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.7 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.7 1.2 0.6 0.5 0.7 1.1 0.5 0-7 0.6 1.2 0.7 0.5 0.8 1.1 C R O P P R O T E C T I O N Vol. 6 August 1987 232 Electrostatic spraying on tomatoes (Table 3). The interaction between position and charge is illustrated in Table 4 because the charged sprays had lower penetration indices than the Ulvafan sprays. Indeed, although the combination dUS provided the worst efficiency scores, penetration of the crop was extremely good. This emphasizes that different spray combinations are likely to be suited to each application problem, depending on the distribution of the pest or disease, and the mode of action of the pesticide. Discussion The most efficient distribution of droplets, likely to provide effective control of T. vaporariorum, occurred with the Tube when the lowest flow rate, producing 18/am droplets, was combined with the small fan in treatment aChS (Figure 5). Bioassay data suggest that twice as many 18/am droplets would be required to exert the same biological effect as 36/am droplets (,--flow rate c) (Adams, 1986) and coverage with aChS was worse than that with the other charged sprays (Figure 7). However, the exceptionally high proportion of droplets which had impacted on abaxial leaf surfaces, to provide the high efficiency scores at heights 5 and 6 (Figure 5), should compensate by providing the required control of the most susceptible pest stages without increasing either the application time or the concentration ofpermethrin. In some other treatments, particularly with the small fan, where there was little difference between efficiency and coverage scores for flow rates b (vmd= 27/am) and c (40/am) (Figures 5 and 7), the smaller droplets would use chemical more efficiently, but this would be associated with increased spraying time to improve droplet density. Alternatively, in view of labour costs, a slight increase in the concentration of a.i. in the smaller droplets could still economize on chemical costs, without altering the time factor. It is extremely difficult to compare the results of the charged v. uncharged treatments (Figures ~3and 9), at the same flow rate, in terms of biological effect. Table 1 shows that spray uniformity with the Tube at flow rate d (7.0-7.2ml/min) was very good (vmd/ nmd= 1-07), so deposition results can easily be related to bioassay data, but the Ulvafan produced a much wider droplet-size spectrum (vmd/nmd~2.5). Consequently, the overall droplet density consists of a range of droplet sizes where the proportion of large and small drops is, intuitively, likely to vary with the height and position of the sampling site. A possible solution is to combine droplet density data with quantitative analysis of the a.i. present, which has been used to evaluate spray deposits on cotton--although biological effects were not reported (Uk and Courshee, 1982). However, the results with the charged sprays indicate that flow rate had a significant effect upon efficiency and coverage scores, although the droplet size changed only from 18/am to 40/am. This will, inevitably, complicate the interpretation of deposition data--even from an electrostatic sprayer producing a narrow CROP PROTECTION Vol. 6 August 1987 droplet-size spectrum--unless deposits on leaf surfaces can be translated to in-flight droplet sizes. Even then, some allowances for in-flight evaporation and consequent changes in the concentration of a.i. will be necessary, especially for aqueous sprays. Scoring systems, such as those presented in Figure 3, can simplify comparison of spray deposition data, and provide a means to assess the likely efficacy of a spray against a pest or disease on a crop. However, a prerequisite for a scoring system is extensive fundamental data for the numerous spray parameters (e.g. concentration ofa.i., droplet size, etc.), combined with knowledge of the distribution and susceptibility of the pest on the crop, in space and time. Data of this type are available for the major glasshouse pests, Tetranychus urticae (Munthali, 1984; Munthali and Wyatt, 1986) and T. vaporariorum (Palmer et al., 1983; Wyatt et al., 1984; Xu, Zho and Zhang, 1984; Adams, 1986) and the droplet-size uniformity of the Tube sprays simplifies comparison of deposition and bioassay data. For example, 20/am droplets ofdicofol were most efficient against T. urticae eggs at a concentration of 11.8gll (Munthali, 1984), and the LNs0 was 250 droplets/cm2, whereas only 130 drops were required if the concentration was doubled (Munthali and Wyatt, 1986). If a spray of 40/am droplets deposited 100 droplets/cm, > 50°70 kill occurred if the concentration was 10g/l, or more. Similarly with 40/am droplets of 100g/l permethrin against first-instar T. vaporariorum, the LNs0 was 80drops/cm2, which increased to 90 drops/cm2 if 31 lam droplets were applied (Adams, 1986). In this way, compromises can be made to help the application suit the problem in an educated, efficient and economic manner. Using the Tube in a glasshouse, it is possible to combine the virtues of small droplets (efficient use of a.i.; ultra-low volume) with the virtues of electrostatics (underleaf coverage; minimal drift) and superimpose improved targeting of the spray with the directed airassistance. Thus, the chemical may be restricted to the portion of the crop where the pest is found. In some cases it may be possible to separate broad-spectrum insecticides spatially from areas where beneficial insects are found. In addition, apical spraying of tomatoes could occur without direct spray contamination of fruit--although the mode of action and persistence of the chemical may, to some extent, offset the improvements in application specificity. Acknowledgements We are grateful to John Fenlon, for help with statistical analysis, and Anne Palmer for technical assistance. The first author also thanks the British Council and the government of Sudan for financial support. References ABDALLA, M. R. (1984). A Biological Study of the Spread of Pesticides from Small Droplets. PhD thesis, University of London. HAMAD A. ABDELBAGIAND ANDREWJ. ADAMS ADAMS, A. J. (1986). Using electrostatics to exploit the biological effectiveness of very small insecticide droplets. In: Scienc6 Sprays and Sprayers, pp. 16-17 (ed. by J. E. Y. Hardcastle). London: Agricultural and Food Research Council. ADAMS,A. J. ANDPALMER,A. (1986). 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