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Group Dynamics Assignment: Stages & Objectives

1) You and your friends at the University are learning how to form a group;
a) Describe the process you will follow
A group is any collection of individuals who have mutually dependent relationship. For a group to
be formed, it goes through certain stages progressing from a collection of individuals to a cohesive
group working for a common course. The processes include forming, storming, norming,
performing and adjourning.
i) Forming
This is the first stage the group will come together to accomplish a shared purpose. At the
beginning members are uncertain and they are overly polite and pleasant. The stage can last a while
as people get to know each other and the team success depends on its familiarity with each other’s
work styles, their experience and clarity of assigned task. The team leader plays a dominant role
at this stage the members to recognize the leader. He or she establish clear goals and objectives for
the whole team and each individual. The leader also allows for open communication so that the
team members can get to know each other.
ii) Storming
This is the hardest stage in the development of the group since the team is at is least effective. The
stage is marked by conflicts and competition as personalities and working styles begin to evolve
and the members are unfamiliar on how to communicate with each other. Members may also
disagree on goals and subgroups may form. Leaders should;
a) Be specific and clarify goals
b) They should remain positive and ensure that they support the group members
c) Ensure that they support each other in building trust
d) They should also explain the forming, storming, morning, performing and adjourning
model to the group so that they know what to do.
iii) Norming
At this stage the members will begin to resolve their interpersonal differences appreciate others
and perform working relationships. There is sense of cohesion and unity and this allows for the
team to work functionally together towards the end goals. At this point performance increase as
the group members begins to cooperate and focus on the goals. Here the group leaders should;
a) Give both positive and negative feedback
b) Step back and allow the team to take responsibility towards the goals
c) Incorporate team building exercises to strengthen the unity and trust within the group.
iv) Performing
At this point relationship are formed and there is clear and stable structure. The team is mature
organized and has a sense of consensus and cooperation. Problems and conflicts are dealt with
effectively. The prime focus of the team is problem solving and meeting goals. Leaders should
delicate work evenly and fair. They should allow people to join or leave as it won’t affect the group
v) Adjourning
At this stage the discussion come to the end and the group members separated and goes their
separate ways. Some members may find this difficult because they liked the routine of the group,
they have made friends or if the future, after leaving this group and give guidance and support
about the future plans.
2. Describe the objectives of the group and how you plan to achieve them.
a) To share goals
Group work strive to accomplish a set of common goals and objectives. Rather than focusing on
the goals of one or two individuals, the group reaches a consensus of what needs to be done. Each
member brings her unique perspective and skill set to the group.
b) Problem solving
Since groups usually consist of people with different skills set, one of the objectives of the group
work is through problem solving. The idea of combined knowledge of the group will result in more
efficient problem solving. Besides increased efficiency members are exposed to new ideas,
knowledge and problem-solving methods from each other. Group environment gives individual
members the chance to share their perspectives with others. This may lead to an increase sense of
support and willingness to collaborate.
c) Enhance productivity
Group development goals often include a desire to increase productivity. By assigning multiple
students to the same task, more can more can done in less time. For example, individual loads with
work may become unmanageable during period of high volume. A group work approach ensures
that members issues are not left unsolved for long period of time.
d) Relationship building
Group work provides a need for socialization with fellow students. Effective group work require
that each member should have a chance to represent her ideas and opinions. Members must learn
to form a common ground and determine the best way to work together peacefully. In a group
member learn to establish trust and form relationship with each other. These relationships may
become beneficial to future team and individual work.
e) Proximity
Groups are formed because of proximity and attraction towards each other. The group formation
theory is based on propinquity which means that individuals affiliate because of geographical
proximity. They interact frequently with each other on many topics because the interactive
communication is rewarded. Individuals comes close to understand the tasks and decide on the
procedure of performance.
f) Cooperation
For students to accomplish a mutual goal they must cooperate. Group dynamics and characteristics
can enhance cooperation among group identify themselves as a group and rewarded for group
g) Performance
Group effort can be more efficiently than individual efforts because they enable students to
specialize and contribute a variety of strengths. Performance also contributes to motivation. When
student work in group, is important to force for creating and enforcing standards behaviour.