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Personal Journal
GOAL: To write everyday for 28 days.
Opening Day:
Motivational Quote:
Knowing your power
is what creates
Not knowing your power
is what creates
The fear of not being enough, and the fear of being ‘too much’.
Are exactly the same fear.
The fear of being you.
Day 1
November 13, 2017
​am grateful for……..
I am grateful for this beautiful, sunny and brisk weather.
I am grateful that my grandmother (nanny) is cleaning the house and after myself.
I am grateful that I woke up naturally from a good sleep, without anxiety.
T​oday I read:
Page #ended
New Word
CBC Radio Style Guide
Dogmatic, coinages, pejorative
Thoughts about what I have read……….
While reading the CBC Radio Style Guide I had two thoughts. The first, was why there
is such offense when language is used ‘incorrectly’. The second, is why my education
severely lacked comprehensive language and grammar teaching.
The guide dedicates two pages to hammering home how offended people are when
language is used incorrectly. It is spoken as if the vast majority of Canada fits into
that mold. I do not understand this, my experience is that people find it annoying or
funny, but they are not offended. I believe that the author has strong and frankly
pretentious feelings about language being used “incorrectly” In addition to that
observation, reading the twenty-five pages had me thinking about how the education
system really let me down. I was not a student that teachers paid attention to,
positively or negatively. And I believe when you are a student who does not fit in
either of those paradigms you are lost in the chaos. Now that language and grammar
are both very integral in my life goals, I feel ill equipped, behind, not good enough,
and ultimately at a huge disadvantage. This is something I must now at the age of 26,
try and mitigate.
I enjoyed learning about writing in simple language and about jargon. But, I felt like i
could see and old white man with all the privilege and self admiration that comes
with it speaking at me while reading. Ugh CBC how you are the scold of my being lol.
Day 2
November 14, 2017
C​an people change?
I believe this question is not asking if people can change, but it is asking if people can
change how you want them to. This is an age old question, and the debate has been
running in circles with no end in sight.
For me, of course people can change. In fact, I believe people change so frequently
and effortlessly that we don't even recognize it as change unless it somehow suits our
individualistic needs. As humans our nature is to change; now whether or not that
change is seen by others, that is irrelevant. I am not the same person as I was
yesterday, this afternoon, nor one hour ago.That will still be true if it is recognized or
not. Even if I for some unknown reason wanted to remain the same person, I do not
believe that is in my power to decide. I am a human, and as such it is in my innate
nature to evolve.
As I mentioned, this argument changes vastly if the question changes to: can people
change into who I want them to be? For this, I believe the answer is no. We do not and
should not have the power to change another person based on our will. Does this
mean that people are not influenced by one another? Not at all. It means that people
have self-determination, in that they decide what influences they take on. This is
something that is unconscious and based on free will. Even if we recognize that
another person has influenced our change, it was not that without that person you
would not have seen that change. The human ego activates when it comes into
contact with an influencer. The ego can either accept that influenced change as its
golden saviour, or cast it away and take full ownership. This is the egos way. As a
conscious human we must see influencers as a ripple in the tide. One ripple does not
change the course of a tide, but many ripples can. Influencers are not without
causation, but their presence is simply a link in a long chain.
I would encourage people to be both a ripple and a tide as well. But remember, your
ripple can never change the path the tide goes, that will always be the choice of the all
encompassing ocean.
Day 3
November 15, 2017
​am grateful for……..
I am grateful for sisterhood, that granted me the opportunity to work at Metro News.
I am grateful for a healthy, happy and growing nephew.
I am grateful for a loving partner, even if he is across an ocean.
T​oday I read:
Page # where I ended
Telling True Stories
Thoughts about what I have read……….
Day 4
November __, 2017
T​oday was tough because ________.
Day 5
November __, 2017
​am grateful for……..
T​oday I read:
Page # where I ended
Thoughts about what I have read……….
Day 6
November __, 2017
W​hat is your greatest power?
Day 7
November __, 2017
am grateful for……..
11) .
T​oday I read:
Page # where I ended
Thoughts about what I have read……….
Wow you made it! I knew you could do it Jayde.
Reflect on all you have written this past week and most importantly how it made
you feel.
I know you have a lot of pressure on you this week to meet multiple deadlines,
but this is not another deadline this is SELFCARE. It is important that you take
care of yourself so you can be a full and balanced women moving forward with
your crazy and exciting life gurl!
You are already the women you have always wanted to be; just make sure you do
the work to keep that woman sustainable.
I love you, you are my rock and my motivation.!
Motivational Quote:
Knowing your power
is what creates
Not knowing your power
is what creates
The fear of not being enough, and the fear of being ‘too much’.
Are exactly the same fear.
The fear of being you
Day 1
November __, 2017
​am grateful for……..
T​oday I read:
Page # where I ended
Thoughts about what I have read……….
Day 2
November __, 2017
W​rite down something that inspired you today?
Day 3
November __, 2017
​am grateful for……..
T​oday I read:
Page # where I ended
Thoughts about what I have read……….
Day 4
November __, 2017
W​hat is the oldest thing you are wearing today? Tell me how you got it.
Day 5
November __, 2017
​am grateful for……..
T​oday I read:
Page # where I ended
Thoughts about what I have read……….
Day 6
D​escribe your most memorable dream.
November __, 2017
Day 7
November __, 2017
​am grateful for……..
T​oday I read:
Page # where I ended
Thoughts about what I have read……….
GURLLL you are still doing it! I knew you would push through Jayde.
Reflect on all you have written this past week and most importantly how it made
you feel.
I know you have a lot of pressure on you this week to meet multiple deadlines,
but this is not another deadline this is SELFCARE. It is important that you take
care of yourself so you can be a full and balanced women moving forward with
your crazy and exciting life gurl!
You are already the women you have always wanted to be; just make sure you do
the work to keep that woman sustainable.
I love you, you are my rock and my motivation.!
Motivational Quote:
Knowing your power
is what creates
Not knowing your power
is what creates
The fear of not being enough, and the fear of being ‘too much’.
Are exactly the same fear.
The fear of being you
Day 1
December __, 2017
​am grateful for……..
T​oday I read:
Page # where I ended
Thoughts about what I have read……….
Day 2
W​hat type of mom do you want to be?
December __, 2017