Jackup Drilling Rig Tasha Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Case Part 4 – Risk Management Doc. No. Rev. 1 Sp.MAN.TASHA.042.001 Table 4.7a: HSE Critical Equipment/ Systems Category Prevention System ID HSECE-001 HSECE-002 HSECE-003 Detection System Control System Mitigation System EER HSE Critical Equipment/ System Lifting Equipment and Cranes Well Control Structural Integrity Description Electro Hydraulic Operated Pedestal Cranes BOP Hydraulic Lifting Crane Service Bridge Cranes Knuckle Boom Crane Drilling Fluid System (Mud System/ Bulk System) BOP and BOP Control System Diverter System Choke and Kill System Legs Structure/ Support Hull and Primary Structure (Drill Floor, Derrick, Cantilever) Towing Bridle HSECE-004 Navigational Aids Navigation Aids HSECE-005 Jackup Stability Ballast and Bilge System Rig Jacking System Fire and Gas Detection System (Fire Detector, Smoke Detector, Gas Detector, H2S Detector) Fire and Gas Control System (F&G Control Panel, Manual Alarm Call Points, Push Buttons) Earth Bonding/ Leakage Protection Circuit Breakers Certified Electrical Equipment HSECE-006 HSECE-007 Fire and Gas Detection System Ignition Control HSECE-008 Drain System Hazardous Drain System HSECE-009 HVAC system Hazardous Area Ventilation Non-hazardous Area Ventilation HSECE-010 Emergency Shutdown System Emergency Shutdown System HSECE-011 Passive Fire Protection Fire Rated Decks, Walls and Bulkheads HSECE-012 Active Fire Protection Deluge System Helideck Foam System CO2 Fixed Fire Extinguishing System LQ Water Spray System Fire Water Pumps and Distribution Portable Firefighting Equipment Emergency Communication System (Internal and External Communication System) HSECE-013 Communication Systems Page 20 of 29 Jackup Drilling Rig Tasha Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Case Part 4 – Risk Management Doc. No. Category ID HSECE-014 Rev. 1 Sp.MAN.TASHA.042.001 HSE Critical Equipment/ System Means of Evacuation Description TEMPSC/ Lifeboats Life Rafts HSECE-015 Muster Area Muster Area (Primary and Secondary) HSECE-016 Escape and Egress Routes Escape and Egress Routes Stairways Ladders Escape line HSECE-017 Emergency Lighting System Emergency Lighting HSECE-018 Emergency Response and Rescue Facilities SBV Medical Facilities Helicopter Crash Box (Rescue Equipment) HSECE-019 Life Saving Equipment Personal Life Saving Equipment (PPE, lifebuoys, lifejackets, immersion suit etc.) HSECE-020 Emergency Power Emergency Power System (Emergency Diesel Generator) Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) Helideck and associated systems, including Refuelling System HSECE-021 Helideck Facilities These HSE Critical Equipment/ Systems and their sub-components are required to be maintained to a minimum standard and frequency in order to show that they continue to meet minimum levels of performance. This information will be integrated with the maintenance procedures of Apexindo’s Preventive Maintenance System (PMS). The absence (or reduced effectiveness) of HSE Critical Equipment/ Systems and/ or risk reduction barriers identified in Bow-Tie [Ref. 3], may potentially lead to situations of increased risk which could jeopardise personnel safety, asset and environment. As a result, Rig operations may be interrupted due to potential HSE concerns. The operational boundaries of the Rig in the event of risk reduction barriers being unavailable or ineffective have been established during the SOOB Review (Refer to Section 4.8). In view of the criticality of the identified HSE Critical Equipment/ Systems and other risk reduction barriers, it is deemed crucial to determine the HSE Critical Activities, which provide or maintain their corresponding functionality and performance. Clear definition of the HSE Critical Activities allows all foreseeable hazards on the Rig to be managed effectively with the associated risks reduced to a tolerable level. In support of the SHIDAC’s Risk Treatment process (Step 3), HSE Critical Activities in relation to Apexindo Integrated Management System (AIMS) [Ref. 8] have been assigned to each of Page 21 of 29 Jackup Drilling Rig Tasha Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) Case Part 4 – Risk Management Doc. No. Sp.MAN.TASHA.042.001 Rev. 1 the HSE Critical Equipment/ System as well as other risk reduction barriers identified during the Bow-Tie Review. The complete list of HSE Critical Activities is presented in APPENDIX II. 4.8 SUMMARY OF OPERATION BOUNDARIES (SOOB) A SOOB Review [Ref. 6] has been conducted to understand how the risk of simultaneous operations or performing typical normal operations during abnormal circumstances (e.g. adverse weather, safety system offline etc.) could be increased, and identify measures or restrictions that should be implemented to manage the incremental risk such that it would still remain tolerable or ALARP. The SOOB provides a framework to assist Rig personnel to decide when to continue certain activities, when the effectiveness of some critical barriers may be compromised, and potentially creating situations of increased risk. The SOOB is vital in establishing the operational boundaries when operating near limits of tolerability. It also assists the Rig personnel in distinguishing between a “stop work” condition and a “proceed with caution” condition. A total of thirty six (36) typical operational activities, encompassing drilling, marine and support operations typically conducted on the Rig were identified in the SOOB Workshop. Furthermore, fifty five (55) credible operational risk factors which could potentially create a situation of increased risk during routine operations on the Rig have been identified. These operational risk factors include defeated risk reduction barriers (i.e. those identified in the HAZID and Bow-Tie Workshops), poor environmental conditions, abnormal operating conditions etc. The SOOB Matrix and the corresponding legend are attached in APPENDIX III. Note that the SOOB Matrix should be considered as a risk reduction guideline on the Rig rather than a rigid requirement for the various operations on the Rig. 4.9 ALARP DEMONSTRATION 4.9.1 Overview The overall goal of ALARP Demonstration is to provide assurance that the risks associated with the MAHs and OWHs identified on the Rig have been assessed, controlled and managed, and as a result reduced to ALARP. Employing a multi-disciplinary review team, an ALARP Workshop [Ref. 7] has been conducted to: Review and discuss the findings of the safety studies (including EERA and QRA) undertaken for the Rig; and Identify additional risk reduction measures that might help further mitigate the risk associated with the major risk contributors such that the risks can be reduced to ALARP. Page 22 of 29