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The Mixer: Loyalty Story Plot Analysis

Power point
The mixer
• The theme of the mixer is loyalty
Rising action
• The shy man came o the public house and bought blackie for a half a
crown form his master
• The shy man and the dog came to the cabin and a man named bill
came out of the cabin. The shy man and bill seemed to know each
Falling action
• The shy man train blackie .The caretaker bought blackie from the shy
man for five shillings. Then Fred came who is the caretaker son and
blackie friend from the public house
• In the night, the shy man broke into the cabin and blackie know that
was the shy man. So blackie wanted Fred and the shy man to met.
Fred thought that the shy man was not supposed to be at the house.
So Fred beat the shy man on the leg. The shy man ran out the door
and the caretaker woke up. The shy man was up on a tree at the end
the shy man left