Abiotic Adaptation Light intensity, Temperature, Humidity,Altitude, pH, nutrient levels, salinity Examples of some Abiotic factors that affect a living things ability to survive in an environment Carnivore, Herbivore, Omnivore, Decomposer, Insectivore, Scavenger Number of individuals of one species living within a given area. Feeding Roles The place where an organism lives Non-living factors in an environment – the study of living things and how they interact with each other and their environment. Ecosystem Habitat Niche Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust (MEIT) a NZ temperate forest ecosystem Biotic Organisms of different species living in an area Ecology The role of an organism in its community including its; feeding role and activity pattern, habitat and its adaptations. Population A feature of an organism that helps it survive in its environment. May be structural, behavioural or physiological. Living organisms in an environment Different Feeding roles Community Behavioural Physiological Adaptation Adaptation Structural Adaptation A fantail laying 2- 3 small eggs per clutch All of the organisms ( biotic factors) and their physical environment ( abiotic factors) A fantail “Hawking” to catch insects in flight A fantails wide mobile tail feathers that help it manoeuvre and catch insects