Uploaded by Robert Wells-Clark

Manufacturing & Welding Career Paper Assignment

Career Paper:
As part of the manufacturing program outcomes and to better guide further instruction on a more
individual basis I would like to hear from all of you about what a career for you in Manufacturing or
Welding might look like in your future. This written assignment should focus in most aspects of the
career you choose:
-certifications and skills required,
-expected wage,
-education needed besides technical education (math? science? Engineering concepts?),
-what work is typical within the career (what is a day on the job, travel?, expectations, advancement?)
-why it suits you (what makes this a good choice for you)
-where are jobs found.
I am not expecting these papers to be an English assignment, but please follow the basic Intro / Body /
Conclusion format for writing a paper. Successful papers will be about 3-3.5pg in 12pt font and double
spaced. I am not going to be grading on grammar or conventions at all, only content. That said, please
make the content easy enough for me to read and understand.
Feel free to turn in digitally with a Word Document,
Some useful websites for researching careers: