Uploaded by William Harris Jr.

Hannibal Barca Worksheet: Punic Wars

Hannibal: The Annihilator
1. What was Hannibal’s life-long mission?
2. Saguntum was an Iberian city that allied itself with Rome. What happened to it in 219 BCE?
3. Where is Carthage?
4. How far apart were Carthage & Rome?
5. While the 1st Punic War was seen as a draw, there was one aspect of the peace treaty that was
especially damaging to Carthage. What was that?
6. How do they react?
7. Who was Hamilcar Barca?
8. How old was Hannibal when he takes over the Carthaginian army?
9. Why does Hannibal take the much longer, more difficult land route to the Italian Peninsula?
10. Who is Publius Scipio?
11. What new weapon does Hannibal bring with him?
12. Who are the Gauls? What is the problem in dealing with them?
13. How does Hannibal replenish his losses?
14. How do the armies of Hannibal and Rome differ?
15. How does Hannibal defeat the Romans at the Trebbia? What are the Roman casualties? What is
Hannibal’s most significant loss?
16. What is Hannibal’s plan in Tuscany? What 2 purposes does this serve?
17. What is the kill ratio at Trasimene?
18. Who is Quintus Fabius Maximus? How is his strategy different from previous Roman Generals?
19. Why is Fabius replaced? What is the arrangement for replacing him?
20. What is the weakness of the Roman maniple? How does Hannibal use that to his advantage?
21. What were the Roman casualties at Cannae?
22. Why does Hannibal refuse to march on Rome after this?
23. Which American General is Hannibal compared to by Professor Schwartz? Why is that?