See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Paints Industry: Raw materials & unit operations & Equipment & Manufacturing & Quality tests Thesis · August 2019 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22793.60007 CITATION READS 1 40,281 1 author: Abdal-Rhman Magdy Abdullah Youssef Higher Technological Institute 28 PUBLICATIONS 2 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Polymer processing (Polycarbonate) View project Treatment of water and Waste water in paints industry View project All content following this page was uploaded by Abdal-Rhman Magdy Abdullah Youssef on 14 August 2019. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. PAINTS INDUSTRY Raw Materials & Unit Operations & Equipment & Manufacturing & Quality Tests AbdAl-Rhman Magdy Abdullah Youssef Departments of Engineering Departmnet of Chemical Engineering Higher Technological Institute-10Th of Ramadan City PAINTS INDUSTRY Raw Materials & Unit Operations & Equipment & Manufacturing & Quality Tests Student: AbdAl-Rhman Magdy Abdullah Youssef ID: 20160517 Examiner Committee Prof. Mostafa Hamdy Azab Assc.Prof. Soad Awad Professor of chemical enginnering Assc.Professor of organic chemistry Higher Technological Institute – 10Th of Ramadan City Higher Technological Institute – 10Th of Ramadan City Eng. Al-shimaa Hafez Assistant Teacher Higher Technological Institute – 10Th of Ramadan City August 2019 Abstract Increasing student skills in the field work, and linking theory with application, become the motivation to students to join to factories and companies for achieving this target. One of chemical process industries is the paints industry. Paints is a main part of coatings, paints composed of five components which are; resin (binder), solvent, filler, pigments, and additives. From the point of view of chemical engineering; paints manufacturing, requires number of unit operation which are mixing, milling, and filtration. These of operations done using several industrial units which are; mixers, mills, and screen filters. Paints manufacturing done by adding binders, solvents, and thickeners to provide a gel phase which its existence is a mark for starting of adding fillers and pigment, through and after manufacturing processes a samples send to laboratory to done some tests, by which the manufacturer be sure from his products quality, the main tests are density, viscosity, and hiding power test, there several tests can be done also such as wash-ability and impact test . i Acknowledgement The first one who deserve my thanking is Allah for his reconcile and attention for me, I can’t achieve thanking for all his great graces. I’m entirely grateful to ISIPAC team who give me from there wide knowledge and their time. deep gratitude must go to my parents who supported me in my life and give me the useful advices which make pass through life tests, also I specially thank my grandfather and my grandmother for their support. ii Dedication To the man who his ideas, be a reason for our success My grandfather\ Youssef Mohamed Aly Kaseb 1916-1998 iii Contents Abstract………………………………………………………………………….i Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………...ii Dedication……………………………………………………………………..iii Contents………………………………………………………………………..iv List of Figures………………………………………………………………..viii List of Tables…………………………………………………………………..ix List of Abbreviations…………………………………………………………...x Chapter One: Introduction……………………………………………………...1 1.1: Student mission for training activity…………..……………………1 1.2: Historical background……………………..………………………..1 1.3: Paints products……………………………………………………...1 1.3.1: Epoxy paints………………………………………………..1 1.3.2: Polyurethane paints………………………………………...1 1.3.3: TV & Phones Paints………………..………………………2 1.3.4: Aluminum Paints………………….……………………….2 1.3.5: Primers……………..………………………………………2 1.3.6: Varnish……………..………………………………………2 1.4: Paints curing………………………………………………………...2 1.5: Paints application…………………………………………………...2 Chapter Two: Paints Raw Materials……………………………………………3 2.1: Introduction…………………………………………………………3 2.2: Resin………………………………………………………………...3 2.2.1: Epoxy resins………………………………………………..3 iv 2.2.2: Polyurethane resins………………………………………...4 2.2.3: Acrylics…………………………………………………….5 2.2.4: Amino resins……………………………………………….6 2.2.5: Alkyds……………………………………………………...6 2.3: Solvents……………………………………………………………..7 2.3.1: classification of solvents…………………………………...7 2.4: Filler……………………………………………………………….10 2.5: Pigment ……………………………………………………………10 2.6: Additives…………………………………………………………..11 Chapter Three: Paints Unit Operations & Equipment……...…………………12 3.1: Introduction………………………………………………………..12 3.2: Mixing operation…………………………………………………..12 3.2.1: Liquid - liquid Mixing……………………………………12 3.2.2: Solid- liquid mixing………………………………………12 3.3: Mixing Equipment…………………………………………………13 3.3.1: Impeller design……………………………………………13 3.3.2: Vessel flow pattern………………………………………..14 3.4: Milling operation…………………………………………………..15 3.5: Milling equipment…………………………………………………15 3.5.1: Mill Design………………………………...…………….16 Rotary mill………………………………………16 Ball Mill………………………………………….16 3.6: Filtration operation………………………………………………...17 3.7: Filtration equipment……………………………………………….17 v Chapter Four: Paints Products Manufacturing………………………………..18 4.1: Introduction………………………………………………………..18 4.2: paints manufacturing Procedures………………………………….18 4.3: Epoxy paints……………………………………………………….19 4.3.1: Manufacturing o epoxy 2k system procedures…………...19 4.4: Aluminum paint……………………………………………………20 4.5: Primer……………………………………………………………...21 4.7: Lake………………………………………………………………..21 4.6: Poly urethane (2 components)……………………………………..22 4.7: varnish……………………………………………………………..23 4.8: Thinners……………………………………………………………24 Chapter Five: Testing paints…………………………………………………..25 5.1: Introduction………………………………………………………..25 5.2: laboratories mission………………………………………………..25 5.3: Raw material checking…………………………………………….25 5.3.1: Solvent test………………………………………………..25 5.3.2: Pigment test……………………………………………….26 5.4: Final Products tests………………………………………………...26 5.4.1: Viscosity test……………………………………………..27 5.4.2: Density test………………………………………………..28 5.4.3: fineness test……………………………………………….28 5.4.4: Hiding power……………………………………………..28 5.4.5: Gloss Test…………………………………………………29 5.4.6: Acid value………………………………………………...30 vi 5.4.7: Adhesion force……………………………………………30 5.4.8: Storing effect……………………………………………...30 5.4.9: Drying rate…………………………………………………30 5.4.10: Wash-ability test………………………………………….31 5.4.11: Impact Resistance test…………………………………….31 Chapter Six: Conclusions………………………………………………………32 References……………………………………………………………………...33 vii List of Figures Chapter Two Figure (2.1): Classification of solvents according to principle of working……….8 Figure (2.2): classification of solvents according to chemical structure………….9 Chapter Three Figure (3.1): A mixing unit……………………………………………………..13 Figure (3.2): Representative impellers for fluid mixing in mechanically agitated vessels…………………………………………………………………………..14 Figure (3.3): Vessel flow patterns………………………………………………15 Figure (3.4): Rotary mill………………………………………………………..16 Figure (3.5): Horizontal ball mill……………………………………………….17 Figure (3.6): Basket-ball mill…………………………………………………...17 Figure (3.7): Screen filter ………………………………………………………18 Chapter Four Figure (4.1): Paints manufacturing flow sheet………………………………….19 Chapter Five Figure (5.1): cup used in measuring density……………………………………26 Figure (5.2): Measuring viscosity by using cup 4 device………………………..27 Figure (5.3): Measuring viscosity with visco-meter…………………………….27 Figure (5.4): Measuring fineness with hegman device………………………….28 Figure (5.5): different shapes of pulling tools…………………………………..29 Figure (5.6): Pulled film………………………………………………………...29 Figure (5.7): measuring of hiding power by opacity meter …………………….29 Figure (5.8): Measuring of gloss degree using gloss meter …………………….30 Figure (5.9): Wash-ability testing device……………………………………….31 Figure (5.10): Measuring impact resistance from a hight 60 cm………………...31 viii List of Tables Chapter Two Table (2.1): Alkyds lengths and its properties…………….….………7 Table (2.2): Color and its pigments………………..………...………10 Table (2.3): Paints Additives………………………………………...11 Chapter Four Table (4.1): epoxy-base components………………………………..19 Table (4.2): epoxy-hardener components……………………………19 Table (4.3): Aluminum paint components…………………..............20 Table (4.4): Aluminum pastel contents……………………………...21 Table (4.5): Primer components…………………………………......21 Table (4.7): Polyurethane-base components………………………...23 Table (4.8): Polyurethane-hardener components……………………23 Table (4.9): Varnish components……...………………………….....23 Table (4.10): Paints and its thinners……………………………..…..24 ix List of Abbreviations QCL: Quality control laboratory MEK: methyl ethyl ketone 2K: 2 component system x Chapter One Introduction 1.1: Student mission for training activity The training mission is linking theory with application which improve several chemical engineering fields which is paints by knowing its production’s processes and industrial units, also knowing its several applications which give some experience for working in this field after graduating. 1.2: Historical background The surface-coating industry is indeed an ancient one, the origin of paints dates back to prehistoric times when the inhabitants of the earth recorded some of their activities in colors on the walls of their caves. These crude paints consisted probably of colored earths or clays suspended in water. The Egyptians, starting very early, developed the art of painting and by 1500 B.C. had a wide number and variety of colors. Around 1000 D.C. they discovered the forerunner of our present-day varnishes, using naturally occurring resins or beeswax for their film forming ingredient. Pliny outlined the manufacture of white lead from lead and vinegar, and it is probable that this ancient procedure resembles the old Dutch process. It is in more recent years, however, that the surface-coating industry has made its greatest strides owing to the results of scientific research and application of modern engineering, [1]. 1.3: Paints products Paints has a several products, each of it has a purpose for manufacturing it but the two main purposes are protection and decoration. Protective paints is more important than decorative paints, In following sections sum of protective paints are described in some details. 1.3.1: Epoxy paints Most of epoxy paints are working as two-component system (2K), and used for several applications most of it for coating; concrete, steel structure, and wooden grounds as primer and finish also coating metal surfaces such as; petrol pipes and tanks. One of important coating missions is coating pipes and tanks for water and oil. 1.3.2: Polyurethane paints As epoxy its work depend usually on the 2K system with high wash-ability weathering and chemicals resistance, which make it suitable for applying steel, wooden, and concrete surfaces. 1 1.3.3: TV & Phones Paints It's thermoplastic acrylic finishing coat with high adhesion and weathering, water and aliphatic hydrocarbons resistance, which make it suitable for air spraying for TV and phones. 1.3.4: Aluminum Paints It’s a metallic paint used in protection purposes, it depends on aluminum paste as pigment, which give it corrosion resistance. 1.3.5: Primers It can be manufactured from alkyds, or resins such as epoxy, it used for covering surface pores, and leveling surface to be painted with other type of paints such as lake. 1.3.6: Varnish It’s a color less paint used for protection, and disappearing the primed surface under it. 1.4: Paints curing Curing is the process of converting the applied wet paint to a dry film. The paint may cure by solvent loss (lacquers and emulsions), chemical reaction (enamels), oxidation (oil base house paints), melting and re-solidifying, or melting and crosslinking (powder coatings). Energy is usually required for dependable and consistent drying of industrial coatings. Air-dry paints rely on solvent evaporation into the surrounding atmosphere. The temperature and humidity will have a profound impact on the drying time. Low temperature and/or high humidity will not provide sufficient atmospheric heat to rapidly dry the paint. Ovens or dehumidification equipment can be used to speed up the drying time and make it more predictable, [2]. 1.5: Paints application There are four main methods of applying paint: 1-by spreading, e.g. by brush, roller, paint pad, or doctor blade; 2-by spraying, e.g. air-fed spray, airless spray, hot spray, and electrostatic spray; 3-by flow coating, e.g. dipping, curtain coating, roller coating, and reverse roller coating; 4-by electrodeposition, [3]. 2 Chapter Two Paints Raw Materials 2.1: Introduction Once seeing a painted wall or paint package, the first conception is it’s a colored liquid but this wrong, several ingredients used to manufacture this colored liquid some of this components are solids such as resin, pigment, additives and the one liquid component that dissolve all of these mentioned solids is the solvent that obtain the paint in a liquid state in the following sections each component will be described in some details. 2.2: Resin It’s the component that identify the paint, several resins are used in paints manufacturing, it works as binder for collecting all paint components, the mixture of solvent and resin usually called “vehicle”. The binder (Resin) classified into two classifications; the first classification is convertible binders which non fully polymerized but it partially polymerized and it complete its polymerization during film formation when painting. An example of convertible binders is polyurethane, epoxy, and thermosetting acrylics. The second classification is the non-convertible resins that is fully polymerized such as nitro cellulose and cellulose but this type not common in uses like the first one, [2]. 2.2.1: Epoxy resins It’s a resin produced by step wise polymerization, which obtained in equation (2.1), with starting with a condensation reaction between epichlorohydrin and dihydric alcohol such as phenol, and bis-phenol A, in alkaline medium. Epoxy resins traded under names such as; araldite, and epon, [7], by several suppliers such as; Dow plastics, Epic resins, Resyn corp., Shell chemicals, and united resin corp, [4]. Properties of epoxy resins Epoxy resins have good several properties vary from the high tensile, excellent chemical and corrosion resistance, very law shrinkage, good electrical insulation, also it can be cured over wide range of temperatures, to its high adhesion force to several substrates such as metals which give it high importance in coating industry, [5]. 3 Equation (2.1), [6] Curing of epoxy resins As mentioned, epoxy resins can be cured in wide temperatures depending on the used curing agent, several curing agents such as; aliphatic amines aromatic amines, catalytic curing agent, and acid anhydride. For using epoxy in coating industry, the curing agents that used are aliphatic amines, and catalytic curing agent. Curing epoxy with aliphatic amines such as (DETA) occurs at room temperature, but curing at this low temperature has its disadvantages which performed in the relatively short working life and limited mass in curing process to avoid crazing, cracking, or charring of resin system. Also giving the cured resins with this system gives it high tendency toward degradation at high temp. For more development and improvement another curing agent is used which is catalytic curing agent (BDMA), which cure epoxy resins at 100◦C, which make it avoid the disadvantages of curing with aliphatic amine such as limited curing mass, [4]. 2.2.2: Polyurethane resins Urethane or carbamates is the term that used to describe products of stepgrowth polymerization, of di-isocyanate and polyol, that polyurethane classified 4 according to it. It can be provided in both classification of thermo setting and thermo plast, dependent on aliphatic and aromatic segments in polyurethane structure, [4]. Equation (2.2), [4] Polyurethane properties As mentioned, polyurethane classified according to polyol used its manufacturing which has its effect on properties of PU, but it generally remarked with its; abrasion resistance, flexibility, toughness, chemical resistance, weather resistance, [4]. Polyurethane curing Polyurethane can be cured with different systems such as curing of polyurethane with MF in automotive primers, also systems of based solvent and based water, also moisture curing system. 2.2.3: Acrylics The term acrylic has come to represent those polymers containing acrylate and methacrylate esters in their structure along with certain other vinyl unsaturated compounds. Both thermoplastic and thermosetting systems are possible, the latter formulated to include monomers possessing additional functional groups that can further react to give crosslinks following the formation of the initial polymer structure, [3]. Acrylics properties The properties of acrylics depend on its type according to it thermo plastic or thermo setting. Thermo plastic has resistance for water and chemicals also resistance for fumes, and it has resistance to UV degradation. Thermo setting has lower molecular weight, hence higher solids at application viscosity, usually formulated on cheaper solvents, better gloss and general appearance (after baking) improved chemical, solvent, acid and alkali resistance. 5 Acrylics Curing Curing of acrylic paints or emulsion paints based on physical process which is water vaporization, no other solvent used so paints that depend on acrylics considered as environmental paints as it doesn’t pollute environment. 2.2.4: Amino resins Amino resins are generally used in baked coatings as cross-linking agents. They are used in proportions up to 50% of the total vehicle binder. They can be used with alkyds, polyesters, epoxies, thermosetting acrylics, phenolics, and other heat reactive resins, [2]. 2.2.5: Alkyds It’s a thermosetting resin produced from reaction of organic alcohol and organic acid, which both of them are selected carefully to meet the required specifications, and then can be modified with oils. Also, it can be prepared directly from reaction of organic acid, organic alcohol, and oil (Tri-glyceride). Equation (2.3), [7] In the past alkyds be prepared depending on polyester, but now it prepared depending on variable resins. Alkyds properties The oils that used in modification alkyd resins such as coconut, dehydrated castor, or soya. The selection of oil and its percentage classify the end use properties such as speed of drying, flexibility, and durability. Alkyds has three types depending on oil length, its properties obtained in table (2.1) 6 Table (2.1): Alkyds lengths and its properties, [2] Alkyd Oil length% Properties Short 20-25% Non-oxidative, soluble in aromatic hydrocarbon solvents, it gives a hard film Medium 45-60% Oxidative (Air drying), soluble in aliphatic or aromatic solvent, it gives more flexible films Long 60-80% Air-drying (oxidative), soluble in aliphatic solvents, it gives very flexible film Alkyds curing Curing of alkyds paints occurs chemically by oxidation reactions. 2.3: Solvents It’s the second component of vehicle beside resins the first one, it’s function to give flowability to the paint to make easy applying, and dissolving the resin and other paint components. The important principle in solvents working is “Like dissolves like”, solvent selection be according to several factors such as its suitability to formula of paint, cost, and safety. The second important factor in solvent working is the evaporation rate, some of solvents can work as retards to slow the drying rate to give an open time for film drying, but it required from solvent to have a good evaporation rate for speeding paint layers applying. 2.3.1: classification of solvents Solvents has many types according to its working principle, figure (2.1) showed the different types of solvents according to principle of work, also it can be classified according to its chemical structure which showed in figure (2.2). 7 Figure (2.1): Classification of solvents according to principle of working 8 Figure (2.2): classification of solvents according to chemical structure 9 2.4: Filler Fillers is considered as additives but adding it with high quantities in paint formula, forcing to consider it as a main component of paint formula, it has several types can perform a co-work as fillers and others such as; retardants for flame like alumina tri hydrate (ATH). The most common are calcium carbonate, talc, silica, wollastonite, clay, calcium sulfate, mica, glass structures, and ATH. Fillers serve a number of purposes such as reducing cost. 2.5: Pigment Pigments are particulate solids that are dispersed in paints to provide certain characteristics to them, including color, opacity, durability, mechanical strength, and corrosion protection for metallic substrates. Pigments classified into organic pigments; which used in decoration paints, and in-organic pigments; which are metallic pigments, used in protective paints Table (2.2): Color and its pigments, [3] Color White Inorganic pigment Organic pigment Titanium dioxide Zinc oxide Zinc sulphide Antimony oxide Black Carbon black Black iron oxide Aniline black Iron oxides brown Benzimidazolone Lead chromate Yellow iron oxide Arylamide Diarylide Cadmium red Red iron oxide Metallized Azo Reds Perylene Ferric potassium ferrocyanide Cobalt blue Copper Phthalocyanine Blue Chrome green Chromium oxide Hydrated chromium oxide Copper Phthalocyanine Green Brown Yellow Red Blue Green 10 2.6: Additives Although its low percentage in paints composition, it has high effect in improving properties, through this low percentage paints manufacturer distinguished, several additives used in paints formula such as thickeners, dryers, anti-skinning, defoamers, etc. Table (2.3): Paints Additives Additive Principle of work Examples Anti-Settling agents Preventing of settling of paints solid content such as; pigment and filler during storing. • BYK Anti-Terra 203, • Crayvallac, • polyolefins. Anti-skinning agents Anti-sagging agents Anti-foaming agents Preventing of skin formation on surface of autoxidative air-drying paints in storing. Increasing viscosity which provide sagging. • • • Methyl ethyl ketoxime, cyclohexanone oxime. Polyolefins. lowering the surface tension in the neighborhood of the bubble, causing them to coalesce to larger, less stable bubbles which then break Protection is achieved in two stages; The UV absorber (about 1%) converts the undesirable short wavelengths to heat energy, and the light-stabilizer captures the free radicals generated that would cause film degradation. It works by oxidation of cationic metal from a stable lower valency to a less stable higher valency, this will speed oxidization reactions This creates a reversible three-dimensional network which increases the viscosity. Formation of chemical bonds with the substrate surface and the binder; or • • • BYK 023, BYK03, Pyrenol. • • • Tinuvin 1130 UV absorber, Tinuvin 1123 HALS, Tinuvin 1144 HALS. • Co, Ca, and Mg octoate. • Benton (Activated & non-activated) silanes, silicones, titanium compounds, amides, Light stabilizers Dryers Thickeners Adhesion promoter increasing in the wettability of the surface; or formation of an interlayer between substrate and binder. 11 • • • • Chapter Three Paints Unit Operations & Equipment 3.1: Introduction Manufacturing paints depend mainly on three physical processes which are mixing, milling, and filtration, which will be described in some details, and according that 3 industrial units used which are mixers, mills, filters, each of them will discussed in some details. 3.2: Mixing operation In paints manufacturing several ingredients used to formulate paint system, each of them has properties differ from others which mean that there is no homogeneity between all these several components, mixing process has a vital role in achieving homogeneity to the mentioned components to get the final paint system. All paints components are in solid or in liquid state so the used mixing techniques, will be depends on; solid - liquid mixing, and liquid – liquid mixing. 3.2.1: Liquid - liquid Mixing Most of paints components are liquids for providing a final liquid state for paint applying, three processes occur simultaneously to achieve homogeneity which are; coalescence, dispersion, and suspension. Coalescence and Dispersion; occur dependence on shear or velocity gradient which resulted from mixing speed of liquids drops, which force drops to deform, to daughter drops increasing due to high energies that produced by dispersion, after deformation they disperse, collide with each other, and then coalesce. Suspension; occur depending on flow movement inside mixing vessel, which come from speed of mixing, so high-speed mixers are used to achieve coalesce drops suspension, [8]. 3.2.2: Solid- liquid mixing Solid content of paint system varies, and may reaching to 50% or more from contents of paint formula, and usually added in the middle stages of mixing after adding some liquidous components. This mentioned solid content is a finite powder, dissolved in other liquidous components by three processes which are; suspension, distribution, and drawing down of solids by agitation. 12 Suspension; the condition where no particle remains on the bottom of the vessel (or upper surface of the liquid) for longer than 1-2 sec. this position achieved by existence of anti-settling agents and high rotating speed. Distribution; it means that there’s no particles in flocculated state usually in bottom of mixing vessel, this achieves by using dispersing agents which led for particles distribution in all directions inside vessel. Drawing down of solids; it achieved by agitation, and represented in mixing by a cone shape around agitator, [8]. 3.3: Mixing Equipment As obtained in figure(3.1) mixing operation in paints industry requires a jacketed vessel for water cooling or for steam heating, which is usually vertical, and high-speed mixer consists of one or more impellers, which consisted of a shaft contain one or more disk mixing blade, it driven by electrical motor and its rotational speed organized using inverter. Figure (3.1): A mixing unit 3.3.1: Impeller design Impeller can be classified to axial, radial, and helical, according to shape of disk that attached to impeller shaft, usually helical used in mixing pastes that has high density and viscosity, while axial and radial used in mixing paints that has low density and viscosity, figure (3.2) show the different types of impellers. 13 3.3.2: Vessel flow pattern There are four flow patterns for vessels which obtained in figure (3.3), but according to require to achieve con shape or vortex for solid-liquid mixing, the first flow pattern will be used. Figure (3.2): Representative impellers for fluid mixing in mechanically agitated vessels. (a) The three-bladed Marine Propeller, (b) Chemineer HE-3 hydrofoil, (C) the Rushton turbine, (d) 4blade 45° pitched blade, (e) 4-blade flat blade, (F) concave blade, (g) sawtooth, (h) helical ribbon, (I) Anchor, (j) Ekato intermig, (k) hollow-shaft,(l) paravisc, [9]. 14 Figure (3.3): Vessel flow patterns. (a) Axial or radial impellers without baffles produce vortexes. (b) Off center location reduces the vortex. (c) Axial impeller with baffles. (d) Radial impeller with baffles, [9]. 3.4: Milling operation If the mixer power does not achieve the required fineness for the mixture, the needing for milling appear to achieve the required fineness, the problem which leads for using mills is that there’s a still colloid particle not dispersed in the mixture although existence enough amount of dispersing agent. The point of view in this process is damaging these agglomerations of particles and dispersing it in the mixture, and this can be done by several processes, most common one in paint industry is collision the agglomerated particles with small balls, these small balls manufactured from several materials such as glass, steel, and ceramics. Ceramics and glass for medium and light paints, and steel for dark paints, the amount of balls put be according to the following equations; Amount of balls=Capacity of tank * Density of ball * Percentage of balls………equation (3.1) 3.5: Milling equipment There are two types of mills used in paints industry; rotary mills, and ball mills. Ball mills is more suitable and provide more safety than rotary mills because milling processes done in open-air state which is non-suitable wit paints that contain volatile solvents, these emissions are harm for working team, but in case of ball mills it done under circular cover which prevent solvent emissions. 15 3.5.1: Mill Design The used mills in paints industry is rotary mills and ball mills, and as mentioned previously using ball mills is better than rotary mill. Rotary mill It consists of number if rollers each of them rotates in opposite direction from the other one, as obtained in figure (3.4), and with different speed, between each two rollers there’s a clearance controlled to get the required fineness. Figure (3.4): Rotary mill Ball Mill This type of mills uses small balls that crashed with colloid particles, it has two types classified according to its position the first one is horizontal type and the other one is vertical type. Horizontal ball mill; as obtained in figure (3.5), it consists of cylindrical tube and inside its horizontal axis and disks fixed on it rotate around its center each impeller contains holes for moving of paint, this machine can use both of steel or glass or ceramics balls. Figure (3.5): Horizontal ball mill 16 Vertical ball mill; it also called with basket mill this type has more efficiency than the horizontal type, also it only uses ceramic balls which give his its efficiency, figure (3.6) show the basket-ball mill. Figure (3.6): Basket-ball mill 3.6: Filtration operation A rest colloid particles and ability of glass balls to be broken in case of using it, so the filtration operation needed, several techniques can be used in paints filtration but, screening filtration is more common in paints industry. 3.7: Filtration equipment As mentioned, the screen filter which obtained in figure (3.7), is the most widely filter, simply it consists of sheet of cross-linked steel with holes for purification of paint. Figure (3.7): Screen filter 17 Chapter Four Paints Products Manufacturing 4.1: Introduction From the ancient time of discovering paints, its making depend on blending, the first paint not have the required durability, the modern technology and discovering new resins, make humans be able to manufacture new paints have high adhesion force, durability, and other specific properties as they need, in this chapter the stages of manufacturing of paints be discussed, beside manufacturing of some products. 4.2: Paints manufacturing Procedures Firstly, surface active agents, usually thickeners added to give a gel stage after that binders or oils added, in addition to adding pigment and fillers also amount of solvent added, this procedure called premixing, after that a sample sent to laboratory to get a report about its fineness, viscosity, and density. If the fineness not meet the required specifications, the mixture charged to the milling unit, after that the other additives and the rest amount of solvent added and mixed in a procedure called thinning, after this procedure another sample sent to the laboratory to done some tests such as, viscosity, density, and hiding power. If test results meet the required specification, the quality lab. Give a permission to start packaging, and before that the final mixture purified using a bar screen, after that it packaged manually, semi-automatic, or automatic according production volume, figure (4.1) show the flow sheet of paints manufacturing. Figure (4.1): Paints manufacturing flow sheet, [10] 18 4.3: Epoxy paints Epoxy systems are considered from the best systems of paints specially and of coatings generally, most of it using in protection purposes, it has several systems, but the common system is the 2-component system, an example of 2K system components is obtained in table (4.1), and the hardener in table (4.2). Table (4.1): epoxy-base components Component Vehicle (Solvent +Resin) Epoxy resin with solid content 100% Epoxy resin with solid content 75% Hydrocarbon resin dissolved in xylene Iso butanol Xylene Pigment Titanium di-oxide Carbon black Additives Nonyl phenol BYK 163 Silica flower Barium sulphate Crayvallac Based silicones Phase Function Liquid Binder Liquid Binder Liquid Binder Liquid Liquid Solvent Solvent Solid (powder) Solid (powder) Pigment Pigment Liquid Liquid Solid (Powder) Solid (Powder) Liquid Liquid Wetting agent Dispersing agent Filler Filler Thickener Anti-foaming agent Table (4.2): epoxy-hardener components Component Phase Function Iso butanol Xylene Polyamide Ankamide Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Solvent Solvent Hardener Accelerator 4.3.1: Manufacturing o epoxy 2k system procedures At first the mixing unit must be cleaned well, with toluene or any solvent, to remove the rest of the previous batch, after that we use another small mixing unit for mixing the amount of hydrocarbon resin in a same amount of xylene, we can use another solvent but for saving time xylene is used, this procedure take usually 30 minutes. After that the 2 epoxy resins added in the main mixing unit, in addition to xylene, nonyl phenol, and iso-butanol, and start of mixing 19 components for 30-45 minutes until the mixture temp. reach 50-60◦C, which is the suitable for Crayvallac to start its work as thickener and anti-settling agent, when reaching to the required mixing temperature, the other components of epoxy base added; Crayvallac, fillers, TiO2, and carbon black to get a grey color. This mixture mixed for 30 minutes for dissolving these added powders after adding BYK 163, which is a dispersion agent. After that a sample sent to quality control laboratory (QCL) to test its fineness, and with QCL acceptation the defoamer added, and mixed, after that another sample sent to QCL to test its, viscosity, density, and hiding power. The hardener manufactured by injection all its components, which obtained in table (4.2), in another tank and mixed for 15-20 minutes, and sending a sample for QCL, and after acceptation the product filtrated using a screen filter, packaged, and labeled. 4.4: Aluminum paint It’s a protective paint used for metallic constructions it has a simple formula which showed in table (4.3), manufactured by adding xylene, propylene glycol mono ether, and aqualon which work as a thickener. These components mixed for 20 minutes, after that aluminum pastels which its composition showed in table (4.4), added and mixed with the previous added components for 10 minutes, after that the silicon resin and butyl titanate added and mixed very well with mixture. A sample sent to QCL and tested, after that the mixture milled, filtrated, and packaged. Table (4.3): Aluminum paint components Component Phase Function Liquid Liquid Liquid Binder Solvent Solvent Aluminum Solid (Paste) Metallic pigment Aqualon Butyl Titanate Liquid Liquid Thickener Anti-moisture agent Vehicle (Resin + Solvent) Silicone resin Xylene Propylene glycol mono-ether Pigment Additives 20 Table (4.4): Aluminum pastel contents Substance name Percentage (%) Aluminum Hydrocarbons (C9-C12), n-alkanes, iso-alkanes, cylices, Aromatic (2-25%) Fatty acid (C16-C18) 64-67 32-35 <1 4.5: Primer Primer paints used for preparing surface to be painted, as it covers all surface pores, leveling the surface to painted with a finish painting, its formula showed in table (4.5), the first procedure is dissolving the hydro carbon resin in white spirit, and this procedure take usually 2hours, during this mixing we use another mixing unit for the other procedures. The long alkyd resin, benton, and methanol added and mixed for 15-20 minutes, after that filler, and the pigment added and mixed for 20-30 minutes. A sample sent to QCL for testing fineness, and after that dryers, anti-skinning agent, and dissolved hydrocarbon resin added, and mixed for 10-15 minutes. Another sample sent to QCL, to get a final report about its meeting to the specific requirements, after that it milled, filtrated, and packaged. Table (4.5): Primer components Component Vehicle (Resin + Solvent) Long Alkyd resin (70%) White spirit Hydrocarbon resin dissolved in white spirit Pigment Bayferox yellow Additives Benton 34-non activated Methanol Calcium carbonate Methyl ethyl ketoxime Zr, Co, Ca octoate Phase Function Liquid Liquid Liquid Binder Solvent Binder Solid (Powder) Green pigment Liquid Liquid Solid (Powder) Liquid liquid Thickener Activation of Benton34 Filler Anti-Skin Dryers 4.7: Lake Lake is used after primer painting, it has a formula usually contain alkyds as a binder, table (4.6) show components of semi-gloss lake. The first procedure in its manufacturing is adding the long alkyd resin, white spirit, soya lecisin, benton 34, methanol, and half amount of TX. After adding this mixture mixed for 21 20 minutes to activate benton 34. After that filler and titanium di-oxide added and mixed for 30 minutes. A sample sent to QCL to get a report about its fineness, if the fineness achieved meet the required specifications, dryers, toner, the rest amount of TX, and anti-skinning agent added and mixed for 10-15 minutes. After that a sample sent to QCL to get a report about its viscosity, density, and hiding power, also done some other tests to ensure that it meet the required specification. After that it filtrated and packaged. Table (4.6): Semi-gloss lake components Component Vehicle (Solvent +Resin) Alkyd resin 60% White spirit TX (Toluene-Xylene) Pigment Titanium di-oxide Additives Benton 34 Methanol Soya lecisin Methyl ethyl ketoxime Zr, Co, Ca octoate CaCO3 Toner Phase Function Liquid Liquid Liquid Binder Solvent Solvent Solid (Powder) White pigment Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Solid (Powder) Liquid Thickener Activation of Benton 34 Dispersing agent Anti-skinning agent Dryers Filler Giving a shiny color 4.6: Poly urethane (2 components) Approximately, it’s similar to epoxy in its using, and in its systems, the most common system is 2K system, which for manufacturing it, a two mixing units used, the first one used for manufacturing base and the other one, used in manufacturing hardener. In base manufacturing; which it components showed in table (4.7), toluene de-isocyanate, xylene, crayvallac, and BYK 163 added and mixed until the temperature of mixture reached to 55-60◦C, after that talk, barium sulphate, and titanium de-oxide added and mixed well for 20-30 minute, a sample sent to laboratory, to test its fineness, and after that the rest of additives added which are; BYK 300, tinuvin 292, BYK 066, and cylan 187, and mixed for 10-15 minute, after that a sample sent to QCL for tests, after that it filtrated, an packaged. In hardener, which its components showed in table (4.8), it manufactured by adding all of it components, in a vessel and mixing it for 10-15 minutes, after that it tested, filtrated and packaged. 22 Table (4.7): Polyurethane-base components Component Vehicle (Solvent +Resin) toluene de-isocyanate Xylene Pigment Titanium di-oxide Additives Crayvallac Tinuvin 292 Cylan 187 Talk Barium sulphate BYK 163 BYK 300 BYK 066 Phase Function Liquid Liquid Binder Solvent Solid (Powder) White pigment Solid (Powder) Liquid Liquid Solid (Powder) Solid (Powder) Liquid Liquid Liquid Thickener Light stabilizer Adhesion promoter Filler Filler Anti-settling agent Surface Anti-foaming agent Table (4.8): Polyurethane-hardener components Component Phase Function Xylene Polyamine Liquid Liquid Solvent Hardener 4.7: Varnish It used for cover surface, but it has a distinguished property, which that it’s not contains a pigment in its formula, which mean it’s a colorless paint, simply it manufactured by adding the short alkyd resin, nitro cellulose and the mentioned solvent in table(4.9), and mixing them for 10-15minute, after that adding zinc strate, and talk, and mixing them for 10-15 minute. After that it filtrated, and packaged. Table (4.9): varnish components Component Vehicle (Solvent +Resin) Short alkyd resin Nitro-cellulose Turpentine Ethyl glycol Butyl acetate Additives Zinc strate Talk Phase Function Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Binder Binder Solvent Solvent Solvent Solid (Powder) Solid (Powder) Defoamer Filler 23 4.8: Thinners It’s a solvents composition, used for thinning paints products, with defined percentages defined by the manufacturer, methanol is used as a filler, to decrease cost of thinner, table (4.10) show types of paints and its thinner solvents. Table (4.10): paints and its thinners Type of paint Epoxy Lake Silk screen inks Thermal inks Polyurethane Traffic paints 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. Thinner solvents Xylene; Xylene + Methanol; Xylene + Iso- Butanol. White spirit; White spirit + xylene; Xylene + Toluene. Butyl glycol; Ethyl glycol; Butyl glycol + Ethyl glycol. Ethyl glycol; Toluene + Methanol. Xylene; Toluene. Toluene; Toluene + Methanol. 24 Chapter Five Testing paints 5.1: Introduction Testing is an important part of the operation of a paint system. Testing is done to monitor the system and to confirm that the finish meets established quality standards and the expectations of the customer. The end use of a painted product should determine what tests are important. The incoming paint material is sometimes tested to confirm that the color and gloss are correct and the paint is free of defects. In some cases, the paint supplier will certify that the paint they are providing meets all required physical properties, [2]. 5.2: laboratories mission laboratories, in paint industry are responsible for; testing raw materials for compliance with required standards, quality control of products to check agreement with standard specifications, check the physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of final products. Chemicals, including hazardous materials, are used in laboratories. storage and handling should be checked by the inspectors, in addition to the disposal of chemicals empty containers, which is considered as hazardous waste, [10]. 5.3: Raw material checking Usually in paints industry the raw materials be got from several suppliers, so that it needs to be tested and compared with the manufacturer standards. Several tests done to paint components such as; resin, solvent, pigment……etc. 5.3.1: Solvent Tests Solvent is the material that dissolve all components of paint following the role; (Like dissolves like), the manufacturer must be sure that the solvent has agreement to his standards by applying tests such as density, vaporization time, and flash point each of this tests will be described in some details in the following sections. Density Test By using density cup, which showed in figure (5.1), with volume about 100 ml, that first put empty on the balance to make the balance on zeroes state after that the cup filled by the solvent and weighted again. The target from this test is to know if the solvent mixed with another component or no. 25 Figure (5.1): cup used in measuring density Vaporization time it’s a second test also used to be sure that solvent does not mix with other materials by boiling the solvent and counting the rate that solvent take to vaporize, and the vaporizing time will be calculated according to the following low; vaporization time = (Rate of solvent vaporization / Rate of ether vaporization) the rate of ether vaporization is selected as standard as its equality to unity. Flash point It defined as the minimum percentage flash enough to the solvent to burn, every solvent has a standard value to flash point which indicate that if the solvent is pure or it mixed with another material. 5.3.2: Pigment test It’s the test that done to know the amount of binder and resin required to absorb definite amount of pigment by using a glass board and mixing manually resin and solvent that already mixed before with pigment powder on this board, an additional amounts of mixture from resin and solvent will be added until all tested amount of pigment powder will mixed. 5.4: Final Products tests several tests done to final product to check the degree that it agrees with required specification, these tests used to put standards value for the organization or company to distinguish its products. 26 5.4.1: Viscosity test One of tests that applied to paints is viscosity, it can be determined by measuring the time required for a given quantity of paint to flow through a hole in the bottom of a metal cup, [2], it also can be measured by a visco-meter to obtain paint viscosity. Manual measuring of viscosity; It’s simple method in which a cup with hole has diameter 4mm is used, which showed in figure (5.2), the sample put into the cup and a stop watch is used to measure the time that sample take to get out from the cup through the hole. Figure (5.2): Measuring viscosity by using cup 4 device Automatic measuring of viscosity; This method is easy also as it doesn’t take the time that the first one takes, by using a visco-meter device which give direct value of viscosity dependent on a spindle rotate in the sample, which showed in figure (5.3). Figure (5.3): Measuring viscosity with visco-meter 27 5.4.2: Density test It’s the second important test after viscosity. It done by using cup has volume of 100 ml, which shown in figure (5.1), the sample put into this cup without leaving any spaces in cup, then the density measured by a digital balance. Experiment of measuring density; A primer alkyd sample came to laboratory from production line to apply tests on it before packaging. one of these tests is the density test the cup filled by the paste from sample, according that the initial weight of cup is 252 gm, the new weight is 405 gm so the sample weight and packaging factor can be calculated as following; Wi= 252 gm, Wf= 405 gm, then sample weight = Wf – Wi = 405 – 252= 153gm. Which mean that this paint can be filled with rate of 1530 gm/liter. So, the standard value of filling can be calculated from this law; Weight of pastel = Pastel volume * weight for 1liter……………….equation (5.1). 5.4.3: fineness test It’s a test applied to test how surface will be smooth after it painted with a definite type of paints. A hegman plate, which as shown in figure (5.4), is a steel plate scaled in micron, used in this test. Figure (5.4): Measuring fineness with hegman device 5.4.4: Hiding power This test used to indicate how the film of paint will cover the coated surface by it, and don’t appear anything from the surface that coated by this paint. By using a film from card board and pulling tool which showed in figure (5.5), which has different measurement for pulling in micron, which obtained in figure (5.6). 28 Figure (5.5): different shapes of pulling tools Figure (5.6): Pulled film After pulling the film of paint on paper test an opacity meter, such that which obtained in figure (5.7), used to obtain the degree of paint hiding Figure (5.7): measuring of hiding power by opacity meter 5.4.5: Gloss Test Gloss meaning the degree by which film reflect the beams that fall on it, or in another meaning the degree of paint of film shining, a statistical gloss meter, such that which obtained in figure (5.8), used to obtain gloss degree which usually in range varying from 20 to 90 degree. 29 Figure (5.8): Measuring of gloss degree using gloss meter 5.4.6: Acid value It’s the value that indicate the amount of free fatty acids in an oil, this test is important because the more this mentioned amount increase this led to decreasing the drying rate. It can apply by titration experiment a suitable alkaline material usually KOH, be put into burette and the oil put into the flask under burette solubilized in 50 ml of ethanol, phenol phthalein will be used as indicator which its color change from colorless to pink color, the value of free fatty acids got from the following law; Acid value = (titrated volume*Normality*M. wt of KOH) / (mass of sample) 5.4.7: Adhesion force It describes how the film adhered to the surface that it painted using this film, which considered one of important paint properties to consumer expectations. Several methods used for testing the film adhesion force such as using crystal brand transparent tape or using aluminum substrates, also this test can be done using a simple method that is scratching the pulled film that showed in figure (5.6). 5.4.8: Storing effect A test using to ensure that the paint will stand against storing conditions by putting a sample of paint into drying furnace with temperature 60 degree for two weeks. If one of these conditions appear after the mentioned two weeks, it will refer to non-standing against string effects, this conditions such as settling of solid content, non- homogeneity of film, formulated skin over paint. 5.4.9: Drying rate It’s one of important paint properties to consumer, which determine the time that solvent need to volatile and in same time the dryer solidify the film on painted surface, it simply can done by observation a pulled film and accounting the time that it takes to be dry, it must compared with company standards. 30 5.4.10: Wash-ability test It’s the resistance of paint film for washing, which done by a device, which is shown in figure (5.9), that drop water with a regular rate and by using number of brushes that rub the film and the time counted until film is removed. Figure (5.9): Wash-ability testing device 5.4.11: Impact Resistance test It used for measuring the film strength against exposing to hard shocks, the method of testing that a standard weight hit a painted panel from a definite hight such that which obtained in figure (5.10). Figure (5.10): Measuring impact resistance from a hight 60 cm 31 Chapter Six Conclusions (1) Paints is a main type of coatings, used in purposes of protection, and decoration. An example is epoxy and poly urethane system, paints has several methods for applying such as spray gun. (2) paints composed mainly of five components; resin (binder), which collect all the rest of paint components, it classified to convertible binders such as; epoxy, and polyurethane. The other classification is non-convertible binders such as; cellulose, and nitro-cellulose. (3) The second component is the solvent; which used to dissolve all components of paint. Other components used such as pigment which give the paint its color, the filler which perform usually half of formula amount, and finally some additives such as thickeners, dryers, anti-foaming agents, and other additives which obtained in table (2.3). (4) Paints manufacturing depend on three-unit operations which are; mixing, milling, and filtration. Mixing operation used for mixing all components and homogenizing it, by using two mechanisms which are; liquid-liquid mixing, and solid-liquid mixing. Milling operation is used to damaging all agglomerated particles to prevent its settling. Filtration is used to remove any agglomerated particles or anything before filtration. (5) Equipment used in paints manufacturing are mixers, mills, and filters. Mixers is consisting of impeller, consist of axis and radial or axial disk, and vessel which must not contain baffles inside it for not reducing vortex, which is important in solid-liquid mixing. Mills used to damage any coagulated particles, by crashing it with macro balls manufactured from several materials such as; glass, and ceramics. Screen filters are used for purification of paint. (6) Paints manufacturing pass through several procedures, be in cleaning of industrial units, and start adding the resin, solvent, thickener, and anti-settling agent to provide pre gel phase to contain powders, that will be added and mixed. After that, a sample sent to QCL to test it fineness, and after that the rest components added, mixed well and milled, filtrated, and packaged. During and after manufacturing processes several test done such as density, and viscosity test. 32 References 1. [1] R. Norris Shreve, 1956, the chemical process industries, second edition, McGraw-Hill book company, Tokyo. 2.[2] Rodger Talbert, 2008, Paints Technology Handbook, Taylor & Francis group, Boca Raton & New York & London. 3.[3] R. LAMBOURNE and T.A. STRIVENS, 1999, Paint and surface Coatings theory and practice, second edition, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge. 4.[4] Charles A. Harper and Edward M. Petrie, 2003, Plastics Materials and Processes A Concise Encyclopedia, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey. 5.[5] Robert O. Ebewele, 2000, Polymer Science and Technology, CRC Press, Florida. 6.[6] BRYAN ELLIS, 1993, Chemistry and Technology of Epoxy Resins, Springer Science + Business Media Dordrecht, United Kingdom. 7.[7] Charles E. Carraher, Jr., 2003, Polymer Chemistry, MARCEL DEKKER, NEW YORK and BASEL. 8.[8] Lyle F. Albright, 2009, Albright’s Chemical Engineering Handbook, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton & New York & London. 9.[9] James R. Couper, W. Roy Penney, James R. Fair, and Stanley M. Walas, 2012, Chemical Process Equipment Selection and Design, Third edition, Elsevier, united states of America. 10.[10] Ministry of state for environmental affairs, 2002, Paint Industry- SelfMonitoring Manual, Egypt. 33 View publication stats