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Europe Presentation Script: Grade 8

All: Good day Canossians! We are group 5 from grade 8 St.
Padre Pio! We will be discussing the continent ‘Europe’.
Nathan: Since the Corona virus started, we have been put in
lockdown inside our homes. Meaning, we are advised to stay
indoors until they find a solution to end COVID 19. Because of
this, many events were postponed. It must be a pain to have
your vacation and plans cancelled but believe me, it’s for the
sake of our safety. To spice up your quarantine, we will be
virtually touring you to Europe! Ever wondered what it’s like
there? Let’s see.
Andrea: Europe is the 6th largest continent with 44 countries,
each having cultures that are unique and distinct from one
another. Europe is the home to numerous castles, palaces,
cathedrals, vineyards and beaches, the country is also known
for its influential art, architecture and culture. From the greentinted revelry of St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland to the famous
Carnival of Venice, attending one of the annual Europe events
is sure to be some of the most fun you can have during a
European trip! While 2020 is upon us, it has not turned out as
we had expected. Due to Covid-19 and the resulting travel
restrictions, most Europe events have been cancelled. It’s not
all sad news though as many festivals and popular events have
been rescheduled for 2021.
Cali: Europe also have dishes that you can try to make in your
kitchen, dishes that have good nutrition which is crucial for our
health, particularly in times when the immune system might
need to fight back. Europe has published a new guide on how
to eat healthily during self-quarantine, it contains information
about nutrition to help keep the immune system strong and
gives tips for a diet that supports good health.
Charlene: Eating a healthy diet is very important during COVID
19 pandemic. Do not also forget to stay active because physical
exercises are valuable tools that can help you remain calm &
continue to protect your health during this time.
Carl: The world is fully devastated because of the pandemic
that we are experiencing. Europe is one among the continent
that is experiencing the great crisis that this pandemic brings, a
lot of people die, the economy is on its lowest situation and
everything seems to fall apart. It seems like there is no hope for
Europe, even their greatest doctors can't solve the problem,
but when everything falls apart Europe never gives up and
stand up. How did they do that? They stand up in the presence
of God, they surrender everything to the Lord. You can see
helicopters roving around Europe that contains holy water and
a priest who is trying to sanctify the whole continent. Europe
only shows that there are things that human or the big worlds
can't handle and only God can.
Alex: In this time of pandemic, let us keep our heads up and
pray for the best. ‘Finché c'è vita c'è speranza’ an universal
Italian quote translating to “as long as there is life, there is
hope.” It means that as long as one is alive there is the
opportunity that things will improve. Life can get better.
Miracles do happen. Where there is life hope springs eternal.
All: Again we are group 5 from grade 8 St. Padre Pio, God bless
and Thank you for watching !!~